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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Gosh I hope you can get some quick and easy answers from the vet
  2. So....we took Sally and Darcy out together yesterday afternoon. Jeez. What a sight we must have made This is both of them having a shake (and I have to say that Darcy is more steady on three legs than Sally is on all four of hers) CLICK FOR THE GIRLS And this is going down the hill towards the car (we're using that hill on purpose because it works Darcy's muscles that little bit harder) CLICKY FOR DOWN THE HILL Now that you've seen the downhill walking, watch it again (and remember that it was taken on 26th, so 10 days post amp) and then have a look at the clip of the same downhill route but taken on 22nd, so day 6 post amp and look at the difference CLICK FOR OLDER VIDEO I'm going to do a Sally thread now in C&F because we got a clip of her ears. In the wind...
  3. Checking in to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you and Peatie
  4. How terrible for you. I am so sorry
  5. Nothing to report today. She's being lazy (no change there then). Aunty Lisa (Lisa73) is coming to visit tomorrow evening so that should cheer her up a bit Nothing from the lab yet. (shudder)
  6. I can report that we may very well have a Sally Turnaround Special (I hope I've not spoken too soon)
  7. I've no idea who might judge you (and for what reason). Your dog, your decision - always. Best wishes from across the big pong Edit - I came back to edit my typo but then decided to leave it as it is, because it might make you laugh
  8. I have pressed my relevant buttons
  9. Colour - Brown (well, earth tones really) Savoury food - indian Chocolate - dark Cookie - any but not with nuts (not allergic, just not keen) Stuff to put in the bath - Anything that makes bubbles or a nice smell Stuff to use in the shower - don't have a shower Smell - cinnamon, spicey smells, chocoate Scented candle - as above Photograph of your dog(s) tooo many to include - please recruit Elf if necessary Type of jewellery - delicate and girly because I am only little Style of ornament - modern Style of festive decoration - any that can hang on the tree Television programme (present) - medical dramas, reality rubbish Television programme (past) - Ally McBeal Type of reading material (inc authors if appropriate) - childhood memoirs, factual doggie stories
  10. One year ago today you left us for the Bridge. You had lived a full and active life with us and never had any signs of illness until 24 hours before you had to leave. Your passing came as a shock to us all but it was the best way for you. (You always did things your way) I hope you're having fun up there with Del and Maddison and Jessie and the cats and I hope you're play bowing to your hearts content Do me a favour? Don't call for anyone else to join you for a long time to come. OK? Remembering you, Flora Dora
  11. Nancy - I'd not shop at all until we hear back from Trudy (who is probably totally hairless by now!). I have my two matches but haven't pressed anything because it says what everyone elses says "awaiting on another member". So we'll have to wait to see if this means that Trudy & Jeff need to do it all over again or whether these are our 'true' matches.
  12. I always send my stuff from the UK to USA/Canada in a large padded envelope and it's always been fine. If there's anything even vaguely fragile or pointy (like a gift for the human) I just wrap that in bubble wrap before I wrap it in its Xmas paper and put it in the envelope amongst the soft items.
  13. Goodness Hoping that she's feeling much better soon.
  14. No, it was Ella, who I'd put in her crate for a moment so that she didn't get in Darcy's way when Darcy was on a garden visit
  15. Video clip from this morning CLICK HERE FOR CLIP
  16. She's about to be trundled off on her walk (much to her disgust). Watch this space for updates when we get back
  17. She's blagged some chicken from our chinese tonight She did this by standing directly in front of Marcs plate, barking in a very loud and irritating manner
  18. Yeah, hysterical (She has reverted back to form and gone miserable)
  19. Thanks all She's still a bit wonky but she's not squeaked for a while, so thats good. She also stood up and did loud and long barking when we got home with Darcy so although thats not good for a persons ears, it shows a arge degree of normality for Sally We're just going to see how she is tomorrow and if necessary, increase her Rimadyl for a couple of days and then see if we have our turnaround again...
  20. I'm pleased to report that Marc has suffered no ill effects from his head incident. Or, none that I can tell anyway We've been to see the vet this afternoon with Darcy. When we got to the waiting room, Darcy attempted to climb up on the bench The receptionist asked how she was doing and we said how miserable and sad she'd been, at which point the receptionist said "Helloooooo Darcyyyyy" and Darcy did wild tail waving ( ) :laugh: . Then the vet appeared, to discharge another patient and came to see Darcy and she....wagged her tail at him and gazed at him adoringly ( ). I said she was having trouble getting from a laying down position to a standing position - at which point, Darcy virtually leapt to her feet ( ) Then we made our way into the consulting room and Darcy lay on the floor, with her head up, gazing at the vet like so The vet gave her a liver treat. Much more gazing then took place like so The vet took her pulse, listened to her heart and lungs, checked her wound, prodded and poked a bit and declared her to be doing well. He said that as she gains strength and learns to bear her weight differently, her back legs will straighten more when she's walking. She trotted back to the car very nicely and climbed into the boot herself. I chatted with the vet about various natual supplements used for the treatment of cancer and I gave him some info to look up (artesiminininininn or whatever its called) and he gave me some to look up. We are lucky in that our vet, although he is not a young vet, is very open to non conventional treatments. We said we would see him again once the lab results are in.
  21. Many of you will know that we have had a few 'close calls' with Sally, as she has a flare up of back/leg issues now and again. The last flare up was just after her 13th birthday in June and at that time, I really thought we were going to have to make a tough decision. But, being Sal, she turned around again and has been pretty good since then. However, last night she started with the yelping and the limping and the very wobbly gait and although she has had medication, she's not doing that well today. She is our very worst patient when it comes to vet visits and treatment so I am not going to take her in to be looked at today. We have an appointment at 4pm (2 hours from now) with Darcy anyway, so I am just going to talk to the vet and see if he can recommend anything. I know you have sent hundreds of wishes for our household already this week but if you could just spare an extra one for Sal, we'd appreciate it a lot. Maybe she'll do another one of her Amazing Sally Turnarounds...
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