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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Finally, we have the results. Unfortunately, they are not the results we wished for because it is osteosarcoma. But, the vet said that the 'only good thing' is that the tumour seems to be one which wasn't as fast growing as some other osteo's. (At this point, I'll take any bit of 'good' news). My vets is a vet hospital, rather than a normal vets and they do more intricate surgeries and procedures than normal vets do. They have, in the past, done chemo and after much thought, I decided to discuss, with my vet, the prospect of them doing Darcy's chemo rather than her having to go to the oncology place. There are practical and financial benefits to this, as well as Darcy being able to be treated in an environment that she is used to and by people she likes. So, today my vet is going to sort out the dosing required and chat with the oncology people and then call me back with the plan. In the meantime, we have scheduled a chest x-ray for Monday. If (perish the thought) anything is visible now on that chest x-ray, chemo will not take place. If the x-ray is still clear, then we will do the chemo at our vets practice. I'm not 100% sure of the procedure but now that I have to, I'll look it up. I know one of the drugs given means that she'll need to be on a drip (how long for, I don't know) and one of the drugs (may be the same one) requires testing of the white blood cells prior to the drug being given (and my vets are able to do that test). I'm sad that all our hoping for a lesser ailment didn't work out but at least now that we know the situation, we can forge ahead with the required treatment. (Chest x-ray allowing of course). ()
  2. Bevd

    Ellie's Gone

    I'm very sorry to hear of your loss Sleep tight lovely Ellie
  3. Jessie left for the Bridge three years ago today. Last night, the dogs who were in the front room with me whilst I did the trick or treat thing, all shared some cheesy puffs in honour of Jessie. The night before Jessie died (so, Halloween night, 2004), Jessie shared a bag of cheesy puffs with me so now we eat them on that night in her memory Jessie's favorite thing ever, was food Munching Merrily, just this side of Heaven
  4. Still. Nothing. From. Lab. ( ) I'm going to have to call the vets tomorrow and say that if no results are in by lunchtime they need to call the lab because if it is you-know-what that I don't want to write but it begins with O, then the specialist man said they like to start chemo within a couple of weeks of amputation and as I type, it's already 2 weeks and 2 days since the amp. In other news ( ), Darcy has had a reasonable day today. Marc brought her with him when he collected me from my stint at the Red Cross (I volunteer in our local shop every Thursday morning). She often comes with to collect me but obviously hasn't since her amp. He parked at the closest place so that she didn't have tooo far to walk and she seemed to enjoy seeing the people she likes etc (there is a market on a Thursday so she's friends with some of the stall holders). A lot of people stared ( ) and some whispered to each other (and that made me want to prod their eyes out but a burning poker) but lots of people stopped to ask what had happened and to stroke her and wish her well. Then tonight, for the first time since her op, she went to the water bowl to have a drink, on the way back from going out to the garden. It's a miracle. I swear, I thought I was forever going to have to take a bowl of water to her bed So, that's been our day.
  5. Say hi to Carrier for us when you go to visit!
  6. Hoovering and talking is always good (in a cat) Is she at 'the place' (the one I don't really want to think about) in Knaresborough? Hoping for a good report after lunch
  7. I'm so glad he's had his surgery and is now recovering. I really feel for you. It's two weeks and one day since we sat waiting for the call to say that Darcy was through with her front right amputation. It was a horrible day. Everyone said this to me and now I'm going to say it to you - go and get plenty of sleep because sleep may be a little light for a while once Carrier comes home
  8. I caved in and called. Still nothing. *insert rude swear word*
  9. Ooooh Hannah - how horrid for Fluffy and for you (stuck) Sending lots of good thoughts for both of you
  10. I called on Monday and my vet reminded me that it's normal for this type of result to take up to 2 weeks (or even a few days longer) to come back. I know they won't forget us so I don't really feel that I can call again (yet).
  11. Still no news from the lab. I think my head may explode.
  12. Checking in on littel Peatie and his Mummy
  13. Sending lots of good thoughts for Snowman and for you Has he actually had the biopsy done now?
  14. Wallace is stoic. A couple of days before we picked him up (to foster him ) he cut the pads of both front feet on some glass. His feet were stiched and bandaged when we collected him and we had to take him to the vets every third day for bandage changes. He would stand up there on the table as they removed his dressings, cleaned his feet, prodded and poked to check things out and then re-dress his feet and he never made a sound or tried to get away. A few years later he had a limp and he had to have a toe removed and again, no complaints at all. Angel Maddison was extremely stoic. Stanley is also quite stoic but not to the same degree as Wallace or Maddison. And then there's Sally who screams and flails and tries to eat you if you even look her way in any medical situation and Angel Jessie who once keeled over at the vets and needed oxygen...because they were attempting to cut her nails
  15. Sending good wishes for little Lenny
  16. I'm so sorry that Brandy had to leave you Sleep tight Brandy
  17. How frustrating for all of you. I hope tomorrow brings some answers and a simple solution
  18. now yoo lissen too meee rayvenn (it's sallee speeking) stop wob-bling mummeez downt lyke wob-bling beekoz it maykz them wurrid. get less wob-blee soone sallee xx (Sincere aplogies to those who cannot bear dog-speak but Sally plain insisted on typing that message to Raven herself).
  19. I'm glad he's had his surgery and is on the road to recovery
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