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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Same here I'm sure it's much dearer these days than it used to be Never mind! It's Christmasssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  2. I updated this thread last night but I got the page cannot be displayed directly after I posted and I didn't realise that my post hadn't gone on! All I said was that Darcy went for her blood test yesterday as its 10days since her 2nd chemo and the blood work was fine. I don't have the figures because I forgot to ask for a copy of of the sheet of paper but the vet was pleased with the results so that's good enough for me She's therefore booked in for her 3rd chemo on Thursday 20th Dec (with a further blood test immediately beforehand).
  3. Best wishes for Carrier tomorrow. We'll be thinking of you
  4. I love Winslow My gang wish Winslow and his people a happy Chanuka (as we spell it in this area!). My gang are half jewish and the want a dreidle (not that I ever learned to spell that one)
  5. Trudy - is the status (in the 'My Package' part of the events thingy) accurate? What I mean is, if my two incoming packages say not yet been shipped, is this definately the case or...is the system having a funny do?
  6. Thinking good thoughts for you both
  7. I'm sorry to hear Beechers news Sending all good thoughts from here
  8. Glad to hear that she's recovering nicely
  9. Awww, poor Bella and poor you Things *will* get better over the next few days, but this is a horrid time
  10. Just a little update as it's a week today since Darcy had her second chemo. Once again, I'm delighted to be able to report virtually nothing in the way of side effects for Darcy. I think this drug was tougher on her than the previous one in that she's been a lot more tired (as opposed to just lazy) this week, particularly the past two or three days and there has been a decrease in her appetite. Yesterday she refused her breakfast for the first time but did eat some cheese and then some cr@p from McDonalds at lunchtime (not an ideal diet but I wanted her to eat *something*). Today thought, she seems to be back to 'normal' and has eaten very well this evening. At one point, I went up for a bath, came back down and saw (without taking much notice) a big grey thing playing with Ella. I couldn't work out why Marc was making faces and pointing - until I looked closer and realised that the big grey thing playing with Ella was Darcy, not Duffy! Tried to get some video but its very dark and not very interesting to anyone other than us She goes back to the vets on Monday for blood tests to check her various levels and if all goes according to plan, I think the next chemo will be 21st December.
  11. Sorry Carrier had a bit of a glitch from the chemo but hope he's feeling much better soon
  12. How shocking and very sad I'm very sorry indeed
  13. Bevd

    Lacey Laine

    Oh Patti I'm so sorry Night night sweet Laicy Lane :beartheart
  14. Sprout has been stapled a few times and Radar has once and neither of them had a local. (And they didn't even flinch). (I flinched a lot).
  15. We open on Christmas Day unless instructed otherwise
  16. Oooh yes, anxiety - I am a fellow sufferer. I hope you're feeling better now.
  17. I understand that shock of a pathologic fracture as this is exactly what happened to Darcy - no trauma, no nothing - just a sudden break (osteo). Thinking good thoughts for Christoffe and for you
  18. It's great to hear that the surgery is over and that Bella is on her way towards recovery. Will check in tomorrow
  19. More good thoughts from here for the whole family
  20. Nope And so far, she seems to be doing OK after her 2nd Chemo (which was on Thursday). The only thing we've noticed is that yesterday morning, she only ate half her breakfast and yesterday evening, I thought she was going to refuse her food altogether but once I'd added some tasty bits, she did actually eat it all and licked the bowl clean. (Phew).
  21. Fingers and paws crossed for little Riley Cat
  22. It took 6 days to reach you! Couldn't believe it when I saw the green tick in my parcel doo-dah There's nothing you need to refrigerate but there is something edible (marked for Jilly) that you might want to put somewhere out of nose range and there is something for you which again, could do with being out of nose range. I hope Jilly enjoys her parcel Because of the current situation with Darcy, I wasn't able to be as creative as I'd have liked when making my pressie selections but I do hope Jilly is pleased when she gets to see what she's got (Take pics at opening time!) B x
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