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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. She's totally out of it now. Totally fast asleep. I'm assuming this is normal. (I suppose it could be the anti sickness medication which has knocked her out). Hmm.
  2. Oh sorry He likes to tell me stupid things or he says things that he KNOWS will make me look at him to check if he's being serious or if he's just making fun of me I ask him a lot of questions and I often write notes and he knows I'm pretty pedantic when it comes to making sure I have my facts right - so he told me a very specific time to take her temp (even though it doesn't really need to be done at that very specific time)
  3. Darcy has had a very good couple of days She's been standing at the baby gate with the others and today, she jumped up and put her paw around Marcs neck when he came in from a small outing this morning This afternoon, we've been to the vets for her first chemo session. Darcy was put on a drip and that ran through for a few minutes and then the vet and his nurse got dressed up for the occassion (long sleeved outfits, safety goggles, masks and two pairs of gloves each). I told them that next time, I'm taking the camera They gave her an injection of a strong anti sickness drug. We were in the room until this point but once it was time to administer the Carboplatin, it was time for us to stand outside (but we could see in, through the windows). It took about 15 mins for the drug to be injected (Darcy slept through it) and we drank coffee and sent silent messages to the drug to "get the ********" Then we came home, with more anti sickness drugs (just in case) and some antibiotics which we have to start giving if Darcy's temperature goes up. We have to take her temperature once a day. When I was getting the instructions from the vet and writing some notes, he told me to write "take temperature once a day at 12.34pm" He likes to take the mickey out of me She has to go back next Friday for blood tests to check her white blood count, and same again the following Friday and then on the third week, on the Thursday, she's currently booked in for further bloods and then the second dose of chemo (but this could change, if her white blood count goes too low). She's just had her dinner and is now asleep
  4. Nearly forgot to add todays pics Here's Darcy laughing at her silly shaved leg And looking very pretty
  5. She's been really good today - virtually 'normal'. Isn't that amazing in just three weeks? However, we have created a monster. The monster lays on the settee, in a roach, flailing her legs and whinging until someone comes to sit with her and stroke her
  6. It sounds like he's doing really well Looking forward to the pictures!
  7. Today I can report that Darcy went to Pets at Home and made really bad smells - so bad that I had to keep apologising to other passing customers who may have thought they were being gassed But she enjoyed the trip so thts all that counts And then tonight, she took herself off to the garden all by herself, for the very first time since her surgery Today was a good day
  8. Darcy is now home and is...sleeping She does have an excuse this time in that she's still dopey from the sedation! We had a good chat with the vet and these are the things I remember (as I had no pen and paper). The lab report said the tumour was moderately well defined (or words like that) and it was central (but I don't really know what that bit means). The report also said that the tumour had a low (or slow ) rate of something (can't remember the word used - it wasn't metastasize or metasta-anything - but the meaning was the same - a low/slow rate of spread). I'll take that with knobs on Lungs were definately still looking good. More knobs on! The chemo drugs are now on order and they will arrive within a few days. She doesn't need to go in and stay for a day or part of a day with the Carboplatin so they'll phone me in a morning, tell me the drug is there and then she'll go in that afternoon, just for a normal appointment and be given the first dose. And then we bring her home (eek). By the way, I can't remember if I've told you already but she's going to be having Carboplatin and Doxorubacin. (Caroboplatin first and then three weeks later (tests allowing) she'll have the Doxorubacin - and then three weeks later (tests allowing again) Caroboplatin and then again with the Doxorubacin and then possibly, another blast of Carboplacin). I'm going to have all sorts of instructions like needing to take her temperature regularly and I'll have medication to give if her temp is too high (or was it low...no, I think he said high....thank goodness this will all be written down ). She'll have drugs on hand here in case she gets tummy related side effects. She'll need to go back a certain amount of days after the drug is given to have her white blood count done. At the moment, from bloods taken today, her count is 6000 (which is the very low end of normal apparently). One thing he did say was that for a couple of days after Darcy has had her drug, she's not to wee or poo where kids are likely to play as the drug will be coming through her waste and all anti cancer drugs can cause cancer. Jeez. This means that we have to wear gloves to deal with her waste and that our other dogs are going to be exoposed to it if darcy toilets where they do. We've therefore decided that for those couple of days after each treatment, she's going to be taken to our front garden to go to the loo.
  9. We've never had anything in any of our SS parcels that we didn't like. For the dogs, there have been toys of all varieties and also treats of all types. These always go down well because they tend to be things that we can't get at home and therefore the dogs have never had them before. We've had fleecy blankets and necklaces and we've had a mug and ornaments for the tree and candies (for the humans!) and again, all different things that we can't get at home. The parcels that I send out tend to be 90% for the dogs and then a token something for the human. This year is a bit strange for us (with Darcy) as it is for you with Ryan. As yet, I've not had time to organise and send my parcels out but I know I must do it within the next few days as they are going overseas.
  10. First news is that the x-rays look OK so chemo will go head. But the drugs haven't arrived on this mornings delivery (It was a bit short notice possibly, as he only ordered them on Saturday afternoon). So, Darcy has had a heavy sedative rather than a GA for her xrays and is currently sleeping it off. I've got to phone about 1pm to arrange what time to collect her. (I want to ger her back and settled before it goes dark as its Nov 5th). I'll know more about when the chemo will start once we've been back to the vets this afternoon. (But at least we know it can go ahead).
  11. Hopefully he's just having an off day and will be much improved tomorrow
  12. I would rest her for a day or so and then if she continues to limp or if it goes away and then comes back, let the vet check her over, just to put your mind at rest
  13. You're doing what you have to do Trish, in whichever way you are able to do it. Deep breaths and then baby steps
  14. Darcy had another very good walk today - further than yesterday (which in turn was further than all previous walks since her op). I didn't go as I was involved in making a Christmas cake ( ) but I sent the camera to record any good bits Not entirely graceful but going at speed Having a break Meeting with friends Following Daddy back to the car So. Tomorrow is the big day. Or rather, the next big day. I just hope they don't find something in the x ray which will put a stop to the chemo, even before it begins.
  15. Thanks all She had a very good walk today. I wasn't there. I'm sure she saves her really good stuff for when I'm not there with the camera She walked much futher than on previous walks and although she did stop for a few 'bites of salad', Marc found that if he carried on walking, she would eventually get up and follow when he called her (whereas during previous walks, we could have walked far away from her and she'd not have got up to come after us). Also, she met up with some new dogs today and when they got close, she got up from one of her resting moments to go and see them A few piccies from the past couple of dayds Wound and hair re-growth Peep-ohhh In bed
  16. Good boy Carrier It sounds like he's doing great
  17. Yes, we're going to be using that My vet mentioned another herbal thing to me and I think he said something to do with turkey necks I have the proper name written down so I'll look it up and tell you what he actually said later
  18. Hi I've actually just sent an email to my vet with a few things that I wanted to tell/show him and I did include some details for Dr Couto and said that he was always happy to advise owners or vets so hopefully, if my vet feels that he needs to contact him, he will do. I feel I need to tread just a little carefully because my vet *is* open to ideas etc etc but I don't want him to think that I feel I know better or that I don't trust his judgement etc. Do you know what I mean?
  19. The vet has been on the phone this morning and he's decided to start the chemo on Monday (which I'm pleased about). So Darcy will go in as planned for her x-ray and then all being well, will have her first chemo treatment.
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