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Everything posted by MaryJane

  1. Have you recently changed the diet ? what is the protein content ? Maybe giving different treats ? The reason that I ask is that the Specific gravity is good and I would have expected to see it in the teens or low twenties with kidney problems. Was Moses dehydrated ? Do you know if a Blood pressure reading was done ? Was there protein in the urine ?
  2. It sound like it is the extra water. The amount is just enough that it might cause him not being able to hold it. If you need to add something to the kibble, try some grated cheese
  3. Yes, I had ultrasound done. Cancer can spread to not just the lungs but, other areas such as intestines, stomach and so on. In those cases, the symptoms may not be clear enough to suggest mets however, the ultrasound may not pick up anything even if the cancer has progressed into that area until is pronounced.
  4. Can you provide more information - how long is he in crate, what times do you walk and for how long, how long is he alone during the day, when is the soiling happening?
  5. What were the elevated kidney values ? Also did they do a urinalysis ? While checking for Lyme, they might also do a check for other tick disease as they may have the same symptoms. It does look like corns on his feet - do you have boots ? Using those for a few days will usually let you know if corns are the problem
  6. This is unfortunate - I hope your daughter is OK. Having said that, your 6-year old daughter should not be in a position to have to be push a dog away when she is eating, the adults in the room should be doing that. It's that same with a young child taking the dog by the collar and leading it to the bed, an adult should do that. The dog is also a recent addition to the house and as such, close contact with children (and adults) should still be closely watched for a few months. There is never a guarantee that a dog will be good with children and because of that, some adoption groups (all breeds) will not adopt out dogs to homes that have young children in the home. Some make an exception if the parents make a commitment that ALL interactions between the dog and child will be closely monitored. Keeping this in mind, if you are willing to monitor ALL interactions, then maybe contact the rescue group and find get the names of trainers. If not, then maybe this is not a good time to add a dog to the family and maybe waiting a few years would provide a safer environment for everyone.
  7. Good to hear that you got the rabies straightened out and are covered for the 3 years. You can find out the local laws for the vaccines by getting the bylaws of the town and if they are not online- the town clerk should be able to tell you where to get them If you have a library, they might also have them at the reference desk.
  8. I suggest that you check with the manufacturer - they should have a help line. I had the same problem with the new Lyme vaccine from Zoetec - the vet told me that even though my dogs have been getting the Lyme vaccine for years now since I was switching to a new one that guarantees that your dog will not get symptoms (or they pay medical bills), they told me that I had to have the shot and then another one in 3 weeks which is what the sales rep told them. I got in touch with the manufacturer and they had to do some checking but, they told me that I only needed the one shot since I was within the 12 year period and my dog would still be covered.
  9. Fiber will help - add cooked oatmeal to his foods. You might also consider a probiotic. Depending on how serious it is - you might need to go with a different protein like fish. That's what I use for Lucy and it has worked well.
  10. Awesome news -- https://asunow.asu.edu/20180103-discoveries-asu-awarded-64m-grant-test-preventive-cancer-vaccine-dogs
  11. I agree with the others that you should consider contacting Dr. Couto for a second opinion on the diagnosis and then make an appointment with a oncologist preferably one associated with a hospital affiliated with a vet school. There are quite a few clinical trials going on now and might be able to get into one.
  12. If new people are coming to the thread it usually means that their dog has been diagnosed with osteo or their dog has started limping and they fear that is what the diagnosis will be. Either way, the people & their greyhound are in pain and at a loss how to proceed forward. There is a ton of information to decipher and not enough time to do it. And, for many people ... no matter what you do, you will question what you did ...
  13. I'm so sorry that new people have come to this thread. There is a ton of good information here if you go back over all the old posts - may take a few days but, it covers many of the options out there. There is also quite a bit that people have written about their use of pain meds and what worked and what didn't - you will not find better information anyplace else. There are a few more options that are becoming available now that are not really talked about much in these threads because they are so new -- one of which is the vaccine. There are also quite a few clinical trials going on now that may pay for a percentage of the costs and every little bit helps. I suggest that you make an appointment with an oncologist just so you have the most current stats and options and get tons of pain meds and the protocols for use.
  14. Did I read it incorrectly - are you giving 200mg tramadol five times a day (1000 per day) - I think that is over the safe dosage. Please check that again ...
  15. Might I suggest that if you talk to Dr Couto - find out his opinion on doing tramadol (50mg) 4 times a day and the gabapentin 3 times a day but, at less of a dose (maybe 300). Just my opinion but, I found more frequent dosing worked better as you are medicating before the pain breaks through.
  16. I'm so sorry to read this. My thoughts are with you and Tanzi during this time.
  17. Lucy got IBD from one of her seizure meds a few years ago and we have been able to control it with her getting probiotics occasionally, monthly B12 shots (although that started as weekly) and a home-made diet with fish as the novel protein. It has worked great for her. Her internist and I decided not to use flagyl because she was already on 3 to 4 other meds for her seizures. She also gets oatmeal and veggies to give her fiber which is very helpful in GI problems.
  18. There are newer beds that have a flap over 1/2 of them so it looks a bit like a cave - she could burrow into that and it would keep her warm. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3307+1+26+34029&pcatid=34029
  19. Please provide additional information on what the circumstances were when she snapped at your boy - was she laying down on the floor, was she standing, was she playing with toys, was she on the couch ...
  20. It is an XMAS gift. Note, it's only gong to be available in 24 vet centers across the US.
  21. Thank you for responding and providing the correct term -- "fun police", I didn't remember it correctly. I did a google on the term and there are plenty of links.
  22. I forgot to add earlier - one of my greyhounds also has the traits you describe in yours ... he was a big bouncy boy that had spurts of excess energy. What worked for me was to make sure that he had plenty of exercise (in spurts). It's funny, if I took him for a long walk - he would be dragging near the end- so more shorter walks worked well for him. There is also one other trait that might be occurring and that is the "cop behavior" where a dog tries to stop other dogs from playing - somewhat acts like a cop but this usually does not happen with people. I had one of the "cop" dogs too and usually keeping a muzzle on these types will work to chill them out. It doesn't sound like yours is being a cop but, maybe others in the group can give you more examples of "cop behavior".
  23. Have you tried giving gabapentin to see if that helps the pain?
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