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Everything posted by MaryJane

  1. Surgery is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday however, we are seeing the surgeon on Monday and will decide whether that is possible after he looks at the leg. Adam has gotten a bit better and the swelling on his good front leg seems to be less although, it seems painful for him to use it and as a result, he is using the osteo leg more.
  2. I agree totally with you however, to go to a new vet means an office call and maybe other work that would have to be done which would cost more than this charge.
  3. The blood draw was from the back leg. Trying to stay positive ...
  4. Adam's "good front leg" has swelled up and is bruised. Not such good news and I'm hoping it is from the handling today during the x-rays however, it is going to delay surgery.
  5. Thanks .. heard back and blood work is OK (for a greyhound) - he will go in tomorrow.
  6. Adam was at Tufts today for additional x-rays of leg and chest and while the films look fine, they are going to do another one tomorrow before surgery as there is a spot that they want to reheck. They did have to sedate a bit as he was stressed and he started to go into hyper-temperature again however, they caught it at 103 and brought temperature back down to 100 within 20 minutes with cold towels. Also waiting on blood work taken today which we should know before 5pm today. If all is good, he'll be going in tomorrow for amp. Long day today ....
  7. Most places now charge a minimum no matter how easy the test(s) can be. In the interim - I suggest that you deal with the cost and just bring in a first morning urine specimen and get the specific gravity.
  8. Just ask them to do a Specific Gravity on a first catch morning pee - it should not be $100. If the value 1.025 or less, then your dog is not concentrating the urine as well as she could be. Also, urine should not have protein in it and as it doesn't look like it could be caused from infection, then it might be that protein is not being filtered well by the kidneys and some is escaping into the urine. Over time, this may (or may not) damage the kidneys more. My suggestion is to cut down on the amount of protein that is fed until there is NO protein seen at all in the urine. You can pick up protein dipsticks at the pharmacy and check it yourself on a first morning catch every few days or so.
  9. I'm so sorry, it sounds like you have had more than your fair share of heart breaks over the last few months. Condolences on the loss of your mother and Doodles. It sounds like Bowie is doing well especially since she is jumping from bed to bed. Hope the results are good with her checkup that is coming up. My first dog with Osteo also had issues with postponing chemo because of white cell counts however, someone mentioned in one of the posts that Dr. Couto would do chemo with lower than normal values because greyhounds run low anyway - there were no specifics as the the value in the post. If Adam gets to that stage, I will probably contact him again to get specifics.
  10. Thank you for the good thoughts. It's been a tough 2 days - just heartbroken. Can't wallow in the grief though and have been busy looking at options and probable forward paths. It's good to hear that Tanzi is doing well. I understand about picking a path and heading in the direction it takes you - I was like that with both my other osteo dogs (Onyx and Jake), hopefully I can be the same with Adam..
  11. Such great information in all the "parts" of the Osteo thread -- spent the last few days going through most of them. Adam had a difficult dental a few weeks ago and he had a bit of limping with the front leg where he had the IV .. turns out probably not from the IV. First x-ray reviewed by Dr. Couto and most likely osteo. We have some pretty good places in Mass for oncology, radiology, and chemo - there is Tufts, Angel, and NEVOG to name just a few. I've been reviewing information on the three so I can take the next step of getting a more expanded set of x-rays (other legs, chest) to identify the possible options and that will likely decide what course of action will be taken. I've used Angel before for osteo however, the oncology vet that I used is no longer there. NEVOG is closer to me however, they appear to have been taken over by another vet service. I'm using Tufts for my seizure girl but, it is about 65 minutes away. The trials for the vaccine (UPenn) look like they are over however, it does not look like it is at "commercialization" yet. I will be talking to the company on Tuesday to see where that stands. There are some other trials going on so I will be contacting them.
  12. I was referred to this page and it's great. It tells you which places are doing what in regards to clinical studies. Note, some are funded and others not. https://ebusiness.avma.org/aahsd/study_search.aspx
  13. I didn't ask as I felt that the vet should handle the internal dynamics of this situation. Although, she is relatively new there as I have been going close to 10 years and I've only seen her the last few months. Ok ... you made me curious - I checked the website - it appears that she still might be in school.
  14. Thanks for the detailed response. If you don't mind, I'm going to print it out and keep it in my records. First, I love my vet that was involved with this - she is wonderful - smart, looks stuff up, and doesn't get flustered easily. She has done a great job on the dental for one of my other dogs - the seizure one. Very few issues in that case however a slightly different protocol was followed. With Adam, the vet left my dog in stable condition and in the care of the vet tech and that's the period where the problem seems to have arisen. I can understand that a problem arises and we may not have control however, in this case, When I got there, I had to tell the vet tech that there was a problem and what to do (taking temperature, cold towels). I also had to tell her to get the other vet and make her aware of the situation and also to consult with my vet on what to do. My trust issue is with the vet tech ... not the vet. With this incident, the vet was going to implement stricter procedures on situations like this, I can imagine that the vet tech might not be happy with me and unfortunately, if my dogs are there for some reason - it would not surprise me if the vet tech took out her dislike of me on my dogs.
  15. I still find it hard to be OK with what happened. Adam has come out of this OK however, my trust has been eroded and I wonder whether I will ever do a routine surgery on my dogs again given the risk of anesthesia with greyhounds. I'm sorry what happened with your dog and I'm gad that she did came back to normal.
  16. I would go with a dog walker 5 days a week - dogs like their routines. Maybe it's just me but, it's not a house cleaner's job or responsibility to watch a dog and I would be worried that she might inadvertently let the dog out.
  17. I'm truly sorry that this has happened to you and Beatrix. I know of at least 1 case of osteo (verifiable) in Spain and with the importing of dogs (Ireland) to beef up their galgo lines, it may only be a matter of time before the rates of osteo are relatively equal.
  18. Maybe this is just not a good time for you to adopt any dog. edited -- typo
  19. This is invaluable - thanks so much for this. It didn't look like his temperature was at the 109 for too long and then it came down. It looks like it happened right after the Butorphanol. The description of his condition is similar to how Adam was - panting so fast that his whole body was shaking so hard. Again, thanks for sharing this - I have printed it up and it's going in Adam's folder for future reference.
  20. Interesting - I had thought that he would be positive on subsequent tests.
  21. After talking to my vet about this the day after, she only uses the other anesthesia protocol in special cases. Most vets have anesthesia protocols that they are comfortable with and as long as they were not adverse, I was usually willing to have them use a protocol they are familiar with. With this incident, it has changed my mind.
  22. I take it you mean a PCR .. He is going back in 3 weeks to get the first Lyme vaccine (Zoetis) - I'll discuss the PCR with the vet. Thanks for the suggestion. Frankie had the doxy 1.5 years ago when they diagnosed the Lyme (which it doesn't look like he has now according to the tests). I'm going to follow up and see if the anaplasmosis is active however, he looks like a healthy, happy pup.
  23. When I got there - the issue was the panting/anxiety and that (in my opinion) caused the temperature to spike. They gave Butorphanol for calming about 1/2 hour after his temperature started to climb. That is a high temperature - Adam's went to 105 for a very short time but was already in the process of stabilizing. Do you know what they did to bring the temperature down ?
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