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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I've had hemangio, but of the spleen. So I can't relate. It was diagnosed midday and my Brindle was gone that night. Never had a chance. But your very very lovely girl, has a terrific chance since you removed the leg. It may not have spread at all. My vet said that if they find hemangio of the spleen by accident before the tumors burst and spread, and they remove the spleen, there is a 97% survival rate. Hopefully it's that with the leg. I hope you have many many years left with such a beautiful girl as your Daisy.
  2. Yup, my Pearl was on it when her heart disease started to worsen. She had a bad mitral valve. But she improved on it. however she was on it only a short time. She died of cancer a few months after starting it. Fibrosarcoma of the spleen.
  3. My Pearl did this. Scared the bejesus out of me because she had heart disease and hypertension and was on a plethura of pills. But she'd do it for a little while (fully awake and alert and as soon as I asked her to do something, it stopped). It maybe happened 5 times in her lifetime. (so not much, I had her from age 4 thru 12)
  4. My Opal has a 10 gallon tank. If she is on leash or in a new situation (like when we go to GIG or Dewey) she just will not go. She's also not a marker like all my other girls were. So when she goes, she empties out. Your girl sounds a lot like my Opal. I bet if you had a fenced yard, she'd go out and just do her business and be done.
  5. She looks so much like my Brindle, who was my first greyhound. I also lost her at age 8, very suddenly. She was a beautiful regal girl.
  6. I don't know what's worse, when they go sudden like that, or linger with a long illness. (I've had both, and both suck). I'm so sorry Astro is gone.
  7. I'm really so sorry Jay. It sucks. I lost my Crystal earlier this year within a week of finding cancer. It wasn't lymphoma but just as aggressive.
  8. Actually, even if pet insurance is expensive, just one surgery will pay for it. And being a senior, they could very well need surgery soon. I currently have VPI and am switching because they go by a schedule, not percent of vet bills. Their schedule is way out of date and I didn't like the amount I got paid for a simple torn ligament surgery. And your new grey may not like plain dry kibble. Try mixing it with a little wet. And eggs are just fine. Want some fun? Give her a hard boiled egg! (peeled of course) Congrats!!! (and thank you for adopting an old girl)
  9. If it's her spay would a belly band work? (It may not go all the way down. But maybe a combination of a belly band and boys (human) undies would work.
  10. periodically I look at websites at adoptable dogs. I haven't gone to GRR's site in about a year. I just happen to go there today and on the front page...........is Cody. sigh http://www.greyhoundrescuerehab.org/
  11. Jay, I'm so very sorry Cody is gone. I do remember him from Dewey, he was so handsome. And there's always one that take most of your heart with them when they leave. Cody has yours.
  12. Oh he was so handsome. I'm sorry you lost your Doc. The trouble makers are the ones that you will have stories to tell for years to come. And eventually laugh about them instead of cry.
  13. What about a playdate. Can you get one together with other greys? Do you have any that she particularly likes?
  14. Awww he looks good. Happy birthday to roooo Happy birthday to ROOoooooo Happy birthday dear Singh Happy birthday to roooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 3 part harmony by the Eathly Gemtones: Opal, Tanzanite and Emerald
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