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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. That photo is worth a ton of memories and portrays anything you need to say.
  2. I have two types of ramps, a folding one that's all plastic and a sliding one that had carpeting for traction. So far I have found the sliding one more preferred by greys that used it. It is heavier than the folding one, but you do have a little more leverage as far as length. The folding one opens to one size only, the sliding one you can get away with not opening it as much. The dogs also preferred the carpet. I used the sliding one to bring with me in the SUV when I took the dogs out. But when I was at home I used my homemade ramp the most. It is not portable but is wider and has a thick carpet on it. And I always made the dogs use the home ramp when home to get in and out. Makes it easier when they "need" to use it instead of trying to train them then.
  3. Oh Ducky I'm so sorry, I didn't even know she was sick. She was such a beautiful girl.
  4. katie looks HAPPY! I'm so glad she's feeling good enough to have that look. (and love the caption.)
  5. Jan, I'm so very sorry you lost such a beautiful girl. She was indeed a special girl.
  6. MP_the4pack


    Happy birthday to roooo Happy birthday to ROOOoooooo Happy birthday dear Alan Happy birthday to rooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Onyx, Pearl, Diamond, Crystal under the conduction of Brindle.
  7. Put boy underwear on her. It'll "air" the boo boo but keep her from licking it directly.
  8. Diamond had an infection after her amp. They had to culture it to find the right antibiotic to use since the general antibiotic wasn't working. She lived 6 months before OS claimed another leg. So I'm not sure I believe in infection being a good or bad thing. But once the infection cleared up, she was right as rain and nothing could stop her. It seems the magic mark for her was 2 weeks.
  9. I was leaning towards a heart problem too.
  10. Gee, I updated this morning. I must have not hit "POST" Anyway, my vets have evening hours so if I didn't like the look of her tail or incision I would have gone last night. But she was MUCH improved when I got home from work yesterday. Her tail was just a slight red (more pink actually), not the angry, looks like it's going to split red. And I could touch it. Her incision looks fine. She's leaving that alone. And because she had the infection in her tail before the surgery, I had already asked for more antibiotics. So yes, she did come home with those. She's feeling much much better. She's almost sticking her tail back up in the air. That's how I can tell if she hurt her tail. When she goes outside to chase critters, her tail stands straight up. And yes, she's hurt it a lot. Broken twice, dislocated once, and many boo-boos. I'm actually surprised she still has a tail! Sigh, I love my little Bwat.
  11. {{{{{{{{{{{{{Irene}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  12. She is not a happy camper. They didn't send her home with pain meds. Her tail looks like it's about to burst at the area of the infection. They did clean it out. But I think by the time I get home tonight she'll be feeling better. She'll just sleep in the bedroom with the AC on.
  13. On my way out the door to go pick her up. she gets scrambled eggs for dinner tonight. Poor baby, mouth hurts, tail hurts and in between hurts.
  14. I love my vet. He knew how worried I was especially since I lost Brindle in a similar fashion. He just called and Opal is already out of surgery. She's fine, she's up and walking, albeit a bit wobbly. He got the nasty spot with clean margins and we'll get results back in a week as to what it was. He also took out the dead tooth and he said it was putrid. So it's a good thing I had them take it out. And the tail was still infected. But it was a lot better than what it was over the weekend. so her tail has been cleaned out, her tooth, and that nasty bump removed. I'll pick her up at around 4. PHEW!
  15. I would look up any university vet school along your route. Then look for large animal clinics. Those are you best bets to have an emergency vet around. Mark them all on your map, get their phone numbers. And it might not be a bad idea to give them a call just to make sure what they're like. Also, give out your route here and ask GTers if they have a vet they trust in their area that you're traveling thru. If you go thru NJ I have several recommendations. Good luck.
  16. Well I dropped Opal off at the vets. I asked them to do a chest xray first. If per chance she has cancer and it's mets, then we're not doing anything. 12 yrs ago I lost my 8 yr old Brindle like this. She went in to have a little spot removed from her skin. She didn't wake up. I rushed to her to U of Penn and they did emergency surgery at 1 Am. They let her go on the table, she was loaded with cancer. I'm a nervous wreck.
  17. Have they xrayed the liver too? My Pearl had fibrosarcoma of the spleen. We had it removed. But it grew so fast in the liver we didn't even have a chance to do chemo.
  18. You know, considering that leg was just about gone, it looks great (even shaved and with that dohicky on). Keep on healing Freddy!
  19. Vistor, I'm sorry you had to join this club. Your baby is beautiful. My black girl Emerald has a white stripe up her nose too. Gorgeous baby. I will hold her in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. One thing I remember most when my Diamond had her amp. She wanted to do stuff she was not yet ready to do immediately afterwards. I had to watch her carefully. She forgot sometimes that she didn't have that leg any more. By the way, she was 12 and had a very happy and painfree 6 months before OS struck another leg. I hope Lana gets into a competition with Twiggy who survives the longest!! Casper and Katie.............. way to go! Good updates.
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