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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. you have a definitive diagnosis. While tick borne diseases are dangerous they are very curable if caught soon enough.
  2. Start giving him chunky peanut butter. NO PILLS. And make sure it's chunky. When he starts to figure out all the other options listed above, then put pills in the PB. He'll have a hard time telling the difference between the nuts in the PB and the pill. Maybe rotate all the options (cheese, velvetta, PB, chicken hearts, both cooked and raw, etc) so that he doesn't get suspicious. When I had to pill Pearl with 21 pills a day I raw cooked chicken liver. It was crunchy on the outside (cooked in bacon fat) but very mushy inside. That's the one thing she never tired of. I bought chicken liver by the half gallon. (stunk to high heaven too, so I made sure to make a batch for a week)
  3. I took the girls for a walk at the D&R canal in Lambertville yesterday. it's nice and flat. And has a good distance marker (A bridge) to go to and turn around. We walked all the way there then stopped at the bridge, watching the river underneath, greeting a few people that passed by and listened to the ooo's and aaaah's for the "pretty girls in their Christmas collars". Then we turned around to go back to the car. While this is not a fenced in area, it's actually pretty good to let dogs off leash safely. They'd have to run a mile in order to get off the path which has the river on one side and the canal on the other. So I took Tanzi off leash to let her go at her own pace and so the leash clip wouldn't constantly hit her in the face as she hopped. I was trying to judge her tiredness by how well she kept up and thought the distance to the bridge and back was 'just right". Well, we're heading back to the crossing over the canal that leads to the parking lot and instead of turning right over that, Tanzi barreled straight ahead. She wanted nothing to do with ending her walk too early. Straight ahead was just a continuation of the canal path that also would go for miles before another canal crossing. So I wasn't worried about losing her. Just chasing her!!! Luckily, I was able to catch up to this new tripod when she stopped to sniff some pee-mail. There is no stopping this girl. And I was so worried about her being able to adjust. Boy did she prove me wrong. She's shoving me out of the way and saying "Out of the way Mom, I got a lot of living to do!"
  4. Yeah I use Yuck, too. I had an oversized bandaid on it and it's clearing up.
  5. I went the amp route with my 12 yr. She did great. So make sure that is not a viable option for you before make a decision. I just had to go through this with my 9 yr. She's doing fabulous. Just remember whatever decision you make is out of love for her. No decision is the wrong one.
  6. Finally, here are some pix of Tanzi. At one week post op with the T shirt on, then without the T shirt is just after her stitches were removed last night. She's been licking that red line, so I hope it doesn't get infected. I'm watching it carefully (and have it covered today to keep her from licking it. She must think it's Halloween instead of Christmas, as here she's playing the Headless Hound.(actually, she was playing with the toy and turned her head just as I snapped it.) And eating her much beloved Sunday morning egg breakfast.
  7. I got an email from Healthy Paws. They already told me that the check for $4100 is in the mail for the $4700 amp surgery for Tanzi. They were asking how Tanzi was doing after her big leg surgery. I've never gotten an email asking how my dogs were doing after surgery. That's all they asked for. How nice. So completely opposite from VPI.
  8. For future sessions I will probably stay over at the BW. But I'm on call for work that Friday so I need to be home.
  9. I was told about 2 hrs for the chemo and one for observation. Hopefully, the time will shorten. Otherwise, I'll have to spend the night. 7 hrs driving and 3 hrs sitting makes for a too LONG of a day. But I've chosen to go out there because I am convinced my local vets who are not oncologist and never claimed to be, did it incorrectly the first time.
  10. She had her final meds Tues and is just going and going. No ramp, no help, nothing. The only thing that so far has changed is that she no longer wants to snuggle with me on the sofa at night, but go to bed early. She used to be a Velcro dog. Always there. She gets her stitches out Sat and her first chemo is next Friday. Going to be a LONG day. 3 1/2 hrs out. 3 hrs there and 3 1/2 hrs back. We have her second one scheduled already too. Since I'm coming back from W V, the hospital is on the way. So by stopping halfway home, I'll save myself an extra drive.
  11. It depends on if my chickens are out or not. If they're out, my girls have something to chase. We hardly every walk.(just weekends) But I have a whole acre for them to play in.
  12. Even though he almost made 10, I still always thought of him as a puppy.
  13. Anyone else having problems uploading to Photobucket? Each time I try I have to relog in. Then when I click upload, I have to relog in again. I wanted to post a few pix of Tanzi, so show how well she's doing.
  14. Alas..........I have joined the club.(again) But I have an active thread already in H&M (Tanzi loses a leg tomorrow). It was in her wrist. I had no doubt. I took her to Metzgers, where she went thru the amp 2 weeks ago (tomorrow). She's doing great now. really motoring around. And she's 9.
  15. "Amputation and chemo are out of the questions b/c of her age." Dr. Couto says that age is only a number. I went the amp route on a 12 yr old. She made it 6 months before OS hit another leg. While I don't know the rest of your girls health, don't let a number influence your decision. Those 6 months were bliss for my Diamond. I still couldn't have her off leash as she could easily run away chasing deer.
  16. Photobucket is being a snit today (probably because it's cyber Monday), so no uploads of the pix I have of Tanzi today. I'll try later. But she's roaching, crying out less. (I don't know if these crying episodes are phantom pain or the stitches pulling...she still has them). She's doing the 6 steps to go outside and into the garage. (no ramp for her!) She jumps in and out of the SUV and onto and off my bed. There is no stopping her!
  17. Today she went for her first real walk. This tiny park is 10 miles away (I pass it going to work each day) and not worth the gas when I had two healthy girls. But it's the perfect size for a new tripod. She was tired by the time we got back to the car. As soon as I log into a computer instead of this tablet I can post pix.
  18. I keep telling Tanzi, who lost her front leg last week that all pix of Taylor are of him roaching. So she will soon be able to roach again. She was trying hard to do that last night. He gives me inspiration and hope.
  19. Oh happy happy Thanksgiving! This morning Tanzi went all the way to the back of my yard which is an acre. I crated her while I went to family Thanksgiving. When I got home she jumped around and she PLAYED!! She shook her giggle veggie with vigor. Then I got her famous butt in the air stretch. She sticks her butt in the air as most greys do but keeps it there as I scritch her butt and back. She had made a game of it before she lost her leg. And she had her first full body shake. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving.
  20. I think we've taken half a step back. She has cried out more in the past 24 hrs than the whole week and she's shaking more. I don't know if it's fear, pain or the meds. I do remember that when Dima finally finished her meds she was a different dog. So I hope it's just the meds for Tanzi. Of course to add to all this, Emma split her toe again. Just like Aiden's toe that ended up being amputated. She's hopping around 3 legged right now. So.......does this mean there's another amputation in this family soon?! Or is Emma doing this for attention, seeing her sister getting a lot when she hops?!
  21. I'm having no problems with the pills. She eats everything.
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