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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Onyx has a lot of white light and prayers left over from her dental, so she's sending it all your way. Good luck Tony!
  2. I paid in full for each year, so I got the year pro-rated. However, I do have to admit, while there's a lot I don't like anymore about them, they are very good when we lose our babies.
  3. I'm so sorry to hear about Tiny. Diamond's was also in the shoulder. At age 12 we did the amp. She had a good 6 months before OS hit another leg. I don't need to tell you to spoil him rotten. You're already doing it.
  4. Oh he was way too young. I'm so sorry you lost him. Of all the dogs I've lost, losing my 5 yr old was one of the hardest, because I felt she was cheated of life.
  5. I'm so sorry to hear about Bailey. It's heartbreaking to say the least. Like you I did the amp route with Diamond. I hope she can still have a lot of quality life left.
  6. LeeAnn, I'm so sorry you've lost Gracie and then have this bill on top of the grief. I learned my lesson 10 years ago. I spent $15,000 in a 6 month period. I've had insurance since. So I agree with you. It's there when there's a catastrophic event. Once again, I'm so sorry at your loss. (I have 4 at the Bridge now, 2 went less than a year ago)
  7. Your wishes are my command. This is from last year's snow: and this was taken this past summer. Doing what she does best. I do want to get more pix of her (before it's too late)
  8. I don't know how true it is, but I thought I heard/read that OS is more aggressive in younger hounds. But, I will let you know, that I went the amp route with my 12 yr old Diamond. It took just 2 weeks for her to be almost 100%. While we only had 6 months, it was a very happy, pain free 6 months. It's a very very difficult decision. But remember you're doing it out of love. Good luck. Keep us posted. PS....you're only about 11 hrs from OSU. I drove from NJ to Ohio to have them do Dima's amp. I did not regret a moment of that.
  9. Oh Pam, I'm so sorry. Two in one day is just so hard. Archie was a very handsome boy.
  10. Im so sorry. I wish there were words I could say to make the pain go away.
  11. I'm sorry Jen. I lost my first girl to hemangio.
  12. My Jade just started too. So she's my ADHD, CCD, thunderphobic, tail chewing, poop eater. I don't know what to do. I have a dog door and really don't want to have her wearing a muzzle all day.
  13. My Diamond flew from Fla to NJ when I got her 8 yrs ago. While she did not die, she did escape her crate when it broke (so make sure her travel crate has the screws not ties to hold the top and bottom together. Her plane arrived at Terminal B at Newark International Airport. She was found at Terminal C. But if it weren't for her crate breaking, she would have been fine. Why not look into that Pet airways that is strickly for pet travel.
  14. I'm so sorry. It's horrible that you weren't there to say goodbye.
  15. My Dad's a doctor. He knows my girls sleep with me. He's never indicated that he thought it was disgusting or warned me of any dangers.
  16. Hey Lindsay, if her potential adopters fall thru, I'll take her. I already have a wobbly 15 yr old. A ramp is going in next week for my little old lady. And I don't have as much snow as you! I have a dog door that she can use to her hearts content. And I'm sure she would love having another senior to commiserate with. And the only food problem I have at my house is trying to get my dogs to LOSE weight! (the little porkers)
  17. Oh Jonathan, I'm so sorry. While something as sudden as this is hardest on the loved ones left behind, he did not suffer any prolonged debilitating illness.
  18. Don't you wish you could just fast forward to get thru all this grief?
  19. She RAN! My little old lady ran this morning in the fresh snow (but on the none icy path I made for them). I've been giving her 1/2 Novox twice a day since her back end was giving her so much trouble. And it must be working. She seems to be feeling fine. I just have to get a ramp on the steps. She's still struggling with going down stairs.
  20. I'm so glad to hear Amelia is doing much better. My little old lady Onyx (age 15) has dental surgery last Friday as well. I know what it's like to be a nervous fur momma.
  21. Did you say she "Can" or "Can't" survive without the bowels? I sure hope it was just a typo and she can. Prayers are with you!
  22. Eating bacon, Hagen Daas and deep fried foods will kill you too! Anybody see anything wrong with this sentence from the article: Hmmmm, 1 out of 3 means 33% (thats for large). (41% is for medium) 33% plus 41% = 74%. 100% - 74% = 26%. The study said most are small dogs but according to the math, small dogs equals only 26%. which is the smallest amount. Do I need to put my glasses on or is my math correct?
  23. What a beautiful girl. The love between you is quite obvious.
  24. I didn't get a chance to go to the vets yet, so I just gave her a novox. It seems to have helped. She still is having a hard time getting off her bed, but at least her back legs are moving in the right direction when she walks. I'm going to switch over to buffered aspirin per the vets recommendation from last week. But she might need the gabapentin or prevacid. But she's eating well, her mouth is healing nicely.
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