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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. if you use warm/hot water, it soaks up within 15 minutes. My Onyx couldn't have crunchy foor after her LP surgery. So, I'd start it soaking before I did anything else. Then by the time I finished getting all the other girls fed (Onyx preferred her dinner in bed) I would give the moist kibble to her. Also, there is something called Pet Select dog food. It looks like a log of balogna. Many supermarkets now carry it. It would be in the dogfood aisle in a special fridge. It's cooked but soft. I used to sliver slice it like bologna and Onyx loved it that way.
  2. I'm so sorry. It is still so hard to lose them at any age. I lost my old lady in Feb.
  3. Was the diagnosis simply on "it can't be anything else"? I see you did liver tests. Did you do the liver function tests? It's different than the regular chemistry panel which tests for liver enzymes. My Topaz had protein losing enteropathy. All her blood values were fine. And they also thought she had an intestinal disease at first too. They did an ultrasound and found her liver very small. They did the liver function tests and found them way way way off the charts. She was only 5.
  4. I'm so sorry. I've gone through this 3 times this past year. (one from OS) At least two of my girls went quietly at home.
  5. I had one dream of Topaz and several of Brindle. (they've been gone 11 and 9 yrs respectively) I have not had any visits or dreams from Pearl, Diamond or Onyx. I wish I would though. I miss them so much.
  6. Please wait for the liver function tests to come back before you celebrate. I'm wishing/praying/sending white light that it's just a little inflamation.
  7. Try Costco or Walmart. If they carry it, it should be cheaper. I'm sorry to hear Matt's not doing well.
  8. Robin, I know exactly how you feel. Pearl was to me what Beau is to you. You have everything I've got to throw into the prayer/white light/positive thought bucket.
  9. I believe the recommendation is cold (on off for 10 minutes each) for the first 24 hrs. Then heat after that. (on/off for 10 minutes each)
  10. I'm so sorry to hear of her failing health. I hope you have quality time left to spoil her rotten.
  11. Onyx had the LP tieback surgery at age 11. She passed away last month at the ripe old age of 15.5 due to the ice we had. Not from her LP. All I really had to do was watch was she ate. Nothing crumbly that she could accidentally aspirate (causing pneumonia....which by the way, will happen with or without the tieback). But at her age, she wasn't active enough to worry about overheating. My sister's lab also had LP and she chose not to do surgery. I watched her dog suffer so much at the end, that I vowed I would not go that route. Good luck with your decision.
  12. The instructions that OSU gives to the doctor is painfully detailed. My regular vet (just the GP) gave the doxy to Diamond and Pearl. Ask your vets if they would feel comfortable doing it?
  13. My heart broke when I read this. You could see in her eyes she loved life. I was even toying with adopting her, but between Diamond's OS, then Pearl's FS, then all of Jade emotional issues. I didn't feel my home and I were a good match.
  14. This is exactly what I said when I went thru this with Diamond. But I'm glad she's back and feeling good. It's amazing how well they adjust. And that actually is what you have to be careful of. She may overdo something not realizing her limitations yet. My Diamond had a front leg amp and on the very day we came home decided to jump off the deck onto the patio passing up 6 steps. So keep an eye on her for a while to make sure she realizes what she can and cannot do.
  15. Is there anyway you can bring her to OSU. While it really specializes in cancer, they have seen so many greyhounds, I would think they would be the best help.
  16. I had Jade on this last summer for her severe thunderphobia. I took her off for the winter not thinking we would have thunderstorms here in NJ. Would you believe this is the first time we've ever had thundersnow?! And TWICE to boot. And in Feb we had two rain storms with thunder. It's frigin February! Anyway, she was off the clomipramine since about Nov. I didn't think I noticed any difference until the storms hit this winter and she was very bad. The improvements during the summer were so gradual I didn't realize she did improve. Anyway.........her doctor didn't say anything about long term being negative. She's on the 75 mg dose again. And looks to be for life. So, I'm not sure if he can be weaned. Jade needs it. And I hadn't noticed dry skin on her.
  17. Diamond had an infection too. She was on a broad spectrum antibiotic. They did a culture and it was pseudomonas eroginosa. The antibiotic she was on didn't work on that bug, so they switched it to an antibiotic that would work. She cleared up instantly. If she has an infection, they really should culture it because it takes days for it to grow and be identified. Diamond started her chemo late too.
  18. Could also be a trichoepithelioma. Jade had this. It's benign.
  19. All I can say is my Onyx had a tieback at age 11. She had no problems with that for the rest of her life. This winter however, she lost the use of her back legs from all the ice we had. I never received an official diagnosis. But because of her back end, she went to the Bridge 3 weeks ago at age 15.5.
  20. I'm so sorry to hear the news. She's so beautiful. While any decision you make is the right one for you, I did want to let you know what I did. Diamond was 2 weeks short of her 12th BD. I chose amputation. While she lasted only 6 months, she was very happy and pain free. Just remember, whatever you do, you're doing it out of love for her.
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