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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Another GTer sent this to me from the StarTribune. (I just lost my old girl last week) Dog owner: How could I do so much for her? How could I not? JUDITH RAZIELI Commentary Brown eyes, seven pounds, wagging tail. Her name is Tikva, which means "hope" in Hebrew. According to some people, she is "just a dog." There is so much going on in the world. Yet my attention is on my ailing dog. She is 14, and quite ill. I do everything I can to keep her alive. I give her the medications she needs and clean up after her, as she cannot wait now to go outdoors to relieve herself. When I hear heartless remarks from those who never had a pet or loved an animal, I dismiss them. They will never understand. Yes, she is a dog. She is also my companion, my friend. She is there with a wagging tail and trusting eyes no matter how sick she is. Dogs don't make war, don't harbor resentments. They easily forgive and forget. Dogs are loyal and give their all. They don't spread gossip, nor do they need to always be in power. They don't plot ways to scam others. They live pretty much in the now. They give much and ask little. It is true that some dogs become vicious. It's not because it is their nature but because they have been trained or abused in such a manner that they strike out. My heart is heavy as I watch Tikva trying to act as if she is not ill. I don't know if she knows how sick she is, but she does not complain. Unlike the two-legged animals that people are, Tikva gives love and does not play relationship games. We can learn much about life and ourselves from her and her kind. Our world would be a better place if we had the heart and soul of a dog. To those who ask "why put so much effort into her, she is just a dog?": I know they don't understand. I gravitate to those who do understand, as I find they have more emotional depth. A dog's life is brief on this earth, yet they do leave paw prints on one's heart. I will continue to take care of Tikva and give her what she needs, as she has always given to me. Judith Razieli lives in St. Louis Park.
  2. What a beautiful girl you had. The rough winter has just taken too many of our kids this year.
  3. You have to be a community supporter for that perk. So how's Sara?
  4. I'm glad you're at OSU. I went there twice from NJ. Once for Diamond who had her OS leg amputated and once for Pearl who had her fibrosarcoma spleen removed. They are the best people ever. I did get 6 excellent months with Diamond. She did well as a tripod (at age 12), but my Pearl succombed to her cancer just 3 weeks later. I wish I could win the big lottery because I would love to give Dr. Couto millions for research! Good luck James!!!
  5. I'm so sorry to hear this. She has the absolutely cutest ears. RIP Kendra.
  6. Oh he was still too young. I'm so sorry he didn't make it.
  7. Pearl had Fibro of the spleen and liver. She did have a snowball's chance in he77. I hope the maxilary version has a better prognosis. Pearl lasted 3 weeks after her splenectomy.
  8. I should have clarified.......the first photo is a video.
  9. MP_the4pack


    For the third time in a year, I am posting here. The harsh winter we've been having took it's toll on my Little Old Lady, Onyx. Aka: Nana. Several weeks ago we were hit with an ice storm, and Onyx slipped too many times. Two weeks ago I came home to find that she couldn't use her hind legs. If you placed her legs under her, she could stand. (supported), she didn't have trouble with incontinence and could sit up. So the doctor and her chiropractor both said give her a chance and she was put on steroids. While the vet was hoping for dramatic improvements within 5 days, by day 6 she was taking baby steps, totally supported. I allowed my friend to push me to go away overnight, and Onyx was boarded at the hospital. I was hoping she'd get special care, but when I returned saw that she had deteriorated to worse than she'd been. There was no bouncing back the next day, so I made the decision to send her to the Bridge. She went peacefully at home on her bed. She made the vet wait while she polished off a bowl of tapioca pudding, her favorite. This was taken just 5 months ago, and you can see, she had no hind end issues. She was always happy, even when I was yelling at the others, she'd come up to me with a big smile on her face. I just know she was saying "I know you're not mad at me Momma" She was a huge smiley dog. Scared the bejesus out of more than one person. She was the roaching queen in her youth. She had the most beautiful bat ears Loved her yard Even when her beds had a tendency to explode on her She was demanding. She was alert and bright to the end Sleep well my baby, Momma loves you and misses you so much.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear this. Topaz had the same thing. Her liver was very small, her liver function tests were off the charts. THey said that with meds we would get 6 months to a year. Maybe even 2 yrs. She died 4 weeks later. She was only 5. I hope you have a better outcome.
  11. I so hope it's not that. I lost my heart and soul Pearl last year to that. It is such a fast growing cancer that the chemo never had a chance.
  12. My friend convinced (pushed) me to taking an overnight to go xcountry skiing. I foolishly thought that if she was beginning to use her legs that the hospital staff would be able to work with her. I dropped her off Wed morning and picked her up last night. They brought her out dragging her back legs. Thank goodness I had them wrapped or she'd had no skin left on the top of her feet. All improvements she had shown on Tuesday is gone. I'm spending the weekend with her since it's a long weekend, but I'm sure that MOnday or Wed she'll be going to the Bridge. Monday if she's so bad that she can't wait, then I have to bring her to the vets. Wed is the first time the vet can come out. (I'd prefer this) I should never have gone away. She was way too frail. She needed her Momma and her own bed.
  13. @#&*$%#@*!! FRIKIN FRAKIN!! How the heck can I reconcile myself to Onyx going to the Bridge when she turns around and pulls this stunt at lunchtime?!! She started using her legs and taking steps instead of me holding her back end up. She trips up when her legs cross and she doesn't have the strength to uncross them. (which is every other step) But I was just supporting her and made her walk. We did about 1/2 hr of that. Only twice did I resort back to carrying her, once because she needed to get to her spot to poo and the other because she wanted to run. Yup....RUN. I have a path that is finally down to grass. No ice and she ran the entire path back to the house. But I had to hold up her back end for that. Even from the back though I could see her smiling. How the HE77 can I send someone like that to the Bridge. I'm going to need a straight jacket in a padded room by the time she's finished toying with my emotions.
  14. Tues morning update It's been 5 days since she had her pred shot, and there really is no noticeable improvement other than those itty bitty ones yesterday. She didn't do this morning what she did yesterday. If she is like this Friday I'll be sending her to the Bridge. Why is it that none of my lsat ditch efforts that vets are sure will work, work for me?
  15. Monday morning update FINALLY. I see something! While I originally expected her to bounce back and be walking solo by today, I'm happy with what I saw. She can squat to do her business and straighten her legs out when done. But not really bring them back under her, I have to do that.(all under the strong support of the sling) Still no accidents in the house (so no incontinence, a big sign of deterioration). When we approached the stairs or snowbank she tried really hard to climb them. She has no strength in her hind end, but she wants to use those legs. And they were kinda moving where they should go. She had a rough night last night. Stressing every 2 hours to go outside. I was beginning to think she was bloating because input is not equalling output. However what little output there is, is very soft. But by 3 AM, she finally had a poo. It was a very small amount, but apparently enough for her and she slept the rest of the night. This morning before any food, she had another poo. So, both together equalled a significant output. (aren't these lovely updates?! ) Luckily I can work from home. (I can't make this a permanent solution, but once in a while is okay). So I get to WFH tomorrow. My friend convinced me that I NEED a break, and I think I do. So, she's going to be boarded at the vets for Wed, Thurs because they can handle her special needs. I'm going to take a day and go x-country skiing. My big fear now is that she'll come back only 50%. She'll be able to wobble around on her own, but not get up on her own or do stairs or a ramp. What will I do with that? I have three entrances into the house: front, back and garage. All three of them have 6 steps. And even though I've made Dima a ramp when she was a tripod, she had strength in her legs. I can make Nana (Onyx) a ramp, but what if she can't do it without support? I have to work. And there are no babysitters around. Especially ones willing to work with a special needs old lady. I hope I don't have to make a decision!
  16. Sunday evening update I still haven't seen any noticeable improvement. The chiropractor however said not to bury her yet. She can stand if we place her hind feet under her. She does not have incontinence and can spread her legs with me supporting her in the sling to pee. In fact she held it in for 8 hrs today while I was visiting my parents. She still has a great appetite, even ate her meal with some dog food in it tonight. The chiro said I need to remember she's equivalent to 105 yrs old. I need to give her time. So, I'll give her the week. If there is no change by next weekend, I'll send her to the Bridge. She is not in any pain, so I feel comfortable at least doing that. P.S. I asked about doing acupuncture (which my chiro does) and she doesn't think it'll help.
  17. Sat update (yea the other should have said Fri) I still haven't seen much improvement. Her appetite is still great, she's still bright and alert and huffs at me when she wants something. The Princess Diva til the end. We have a chiro this afternoon. She also does acupuncture, so I hope that'll help too.
  18. I'm so sorry. Koda fought a hard battle. Rest in Peace sweet girl.
  19. I can't help you with anything but the enalapril. It's a good drug with little side effects. My Pearl had heart disease and hypertension and was on it for 5 yrs. She had no problem with it. Onyx is on it for her kidneys. She's not having any problems either. It's also not expensive either.
  20. She looks her name fit her well. A very beautiful lady. I'm sorry she had to leave you. I see you're from NJ, I'm in Central NJ (Hunterdon County) Mary Pat
  21. Sat Morning Well I was hoping for significant improvement that some dogs have just in one night. Especially since she was able to use the stairs the same day she stopped using her legs. But she's no better today. In fact last night although I slept in the living room with her, she didn't huff at me to take her outside. She had leakage all night on her bed. She didn't want to go out this morning either. But when I took her out she did her business. So, even though the vet said by Monday I should see drastic changes, I'm getting nervous that she may not be one of the lucky ones. Also, I'm utterly exhausted. She only weighs 54 lbs, but each time I pick her up she feels like she's gained 10 lbs. Using the sling still is a lot of work to keep her back feet from dragging on the ground. All this on top of sleeping on the couch waking up every 2 hrs wondering if Nana needs to go out.
  22. Onyx got her tieback 4 yrs ago when she was 11. Yup, she is now 15 (and scared the sh*t outa me yesterday and today. But that's another H&M thread.). Anyway, with the exception of the hard Milkbone biscuits, I found that if I soaked most other items in water, it soften right up. I also give her people cookies. There are several soft cookie brands to choose from. I just get them wet to prevent crumbs, but they are soft so don't need soaking. Her favorite 'cookie' however is the dark red/yellow striped Snaw Somes. They are in most supermarkets in the dog section. I actually buy the big container from BJs. She also gets Pepcid daily to help prevent vomiting. The few times she has, I took her to the vets and they gave me antibiotics as a precaution. Also, I've given her ensure to help with weight. Good Luck, Mork.
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