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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. OP hasn't been online since she posted Oct 12.
  2. If you all can keep Jade in your prayers today, I'd appreciate it. She has a lump on the back of her neck that the vets first thought was a cyst. They aspirated some cells and it's not. They're thinking a histocytoma. But it's being removed and biopsied. Here's a token pix since I don't know if anyone has seen her yet!
  3. I really thought a year ago that I had a very good chance of celebrating both birthdays this year. If one wasn't going to make it, I was sure it would have been Dima since she had the OS diagnosis and amp. Instead Pearl left me first from another insidiuous cancer. Dima left 2 months later. Happy Birthday babies. Momma misses you so much. The sisters enjoying the water at their last Dewey 2 yrs ago.
  4. MP_the4pack


    She looks so much like my baby that I lost earlier this year.
  5. Actually my 15 yr old Onyx just started that about a month ago. She's going to the vets tonight. (mainly because she vomited early this morning, but I'm mentioning the jaw chatter as well)
  6. I'm so sorry to hear this. Diamond never developed lung mets. 6 months post amp, and OS appeared in another leg.
  7. Six months ago today I lost my second sister in as many months. Two down so close together. Not a day goes by that I don't miss my quiet goofball. Here she is with spaghetti on her head. It's rough not having any teeth, the tongue just ends up with a mind of it's own. It was very depressing to not have either at Dewey this year. This was from her last Dewey 2 years ago. Diamond was very much like her sister Pearl in that she wanted to always be with me, snuggle with me, sleep with me. However, her alpha sister took that role. I always thought Dima would outlive her sister by years since Pearl had severe heart disease and hypertension. Never dreamed she's outlive Pearl by only 2 months. I always told her when Pearl was gone, she could snuggle with me all she wanted. Never happened. I so wish I could have given Dima a little more one-on-one. And I can't help but think maybe she should have stayed with her foster mom. She said that if I hadn't taken Dima, she would have kept her. I'll always love you Diamond, and I'm sorry I didn't give you more. Love Momma. Diamonds are a girls best friend
  8. I am so so very sorry to hear about Echo. The first grey I lost (Topaz) was only 5 as well. But I had a month's notice. Not sudden like you. My first girl (Brindle) who outlived Topaz however died suddenly. She bled out from hemangiosarcoma. Topaz's loss has stayed with me ever since (11 yrs now) and in fact has started a legacy. She was white and black. And I've now have had 3 more white/black girls. Pearl, became my heart and soul (and I just lost her this year...age 12). Jade and Opal are still with me. I feel that I will always need a white and black girl in my pack. You have my sincerest and deepest sympathy.
  9. MP_the4pack


    It's hard to celebrate when you're bawling.
  10. I've tried giving Jade melatonin for thunderstorms. I didn't notice that much of a difference. It seems more of a little bit of this and a little bit of that will shave a little bit off the terror. (she also has a thundercape). She is severely thunderphobic, so the change may be too minor to notice. But if he has no tummy troubles, it can't hurt.
  11. Poor Robin. I have such a special place in my heart for cowdoggies. He'll be in my prayers that this stay with IV antibiotics will do the trick.
  12. Oh what a big breakthru for Deeni. My Diamond was on pain meds after her amp. And she was very anxious until I finished them. 2 weeks. Then my old Dima was back. So I do believe that Tramadol can be a little rough on their psychi.
  13. Checking in this morning.............(waiting impatiently)
  14. Oh Adrianne. You're on such a roller coaster ride. But, maybe that's all Larry needs. Just a little longer. I hope he improves. You deserve it. (not to mention Larry)
  15. I'm so sorry that it looks like Lucy might have OS. My Dima was 11 (2 weeks shy of 12) when she was diagnosed. I did the amp and she had a terrific 6 pain free months. I hope Sug doesn't have anything bad.
  16. Aw Jen, you just can't catch a break. I hope Tobey recovers without any incident and it doesn't pop back up.
  17. Jade does it. Drives me nuts. Luckily for her though because I'll finally yell at her to stop. I call her my border collie in a greyhound suit. My ADHD dog and my OCD dog.
  18. Jed, half of the quartet that usually sing happy birthday is up there with you. If you let Pearl and Diamond know it's your birthday, I'm sure they'll sing for you in harmony. Happy birthday handsome.
  19. MP_the4pack


    What a handsome boy. They never seem to stay with us long enough. But they always break our hearts. God speed Tigger.
  20. Yes, Onyx had one done when she was 8. She stared having odd episodes where she would seem disoriented. Did not know how to go down stairs, where to go outside, but she did recognize her name and my voice. We went to Dr. Glass at Red Bank Vet hosp (NJ) and he did the MRI. He said she has "an old brain. The brain of a 12 yr old". But nothing else. Since everything else was ruled out, she was having very mild seisures. Well, she stopped having these episodes after that. I think it was the anesthesia. Anyway, she celebrated her 15th BD 2 weeks ago.
  21. I was just going to suggest this too. (after he gets checked by an ortho)
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