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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I to agree that while it's wonderful this technique worked this time, it wasn't what I was taught. But I'm so glad that the boxer came around.
  2. I so know what it's like to wait. And wait. And wait. One of my girls had a splenectomy of her fibrosarcoma at OSU. Her sister had a leg amputation there. I spent the entire day in their waiting room. Those were probably the longest days of my life. Luckily it seems that you at least have access to GT. Maybe we can help keep you company.
  3. She was gorgeous. It's obvious that she stole your heart from the get-go and was very much loved. RIP sweetheart.
  4. Please remember whatever decision you make you make because you love her. And you make the decision with all the information available to you at that time. I hope she heals and has many more years with you.
  5. Get a child's T shirt and put it on him. You can cut areas where he needs a little extra room like around the neck. He may end up licking the shirt, but the incision still remains fairly untouched. Or wrap vetwrap completely around his chest (dont' make it too tight!!), then have a T shirt. I know that my girls did not like wearing a cone, freaked them out. And the muzzle would rub on the incision making it worse. My Dima just needed the T. She did lick (she actually had an infection and draining) but the T kept the site fairly clean and dry.
  6. My first greyhound Brindle also needed surgery. They just removed the flap. Not the fancy lift you got. But the results were the same, she didn't have problems after that.
  7. That's what you want to hear. You go James!
  8. Have you tried chiropractic adjustments or acupuncture? With the bad hips she may have stressed other parts of her back in compensation. prayers coming you way.
  9. MP_the4pack

    B's Bullhead

    I'm so sorry to hear of Bill's passing. TO answer your question: Topaz - w/b cowdoggie - age 5 Brindle - age 8 Pearl - w/b cowdoggie age 12 Diamond (sister to Pearl) black - age 12 passed 2 months after Pearl) Onyx - black - 15.5 I know of a two little red girls both age 12. (one's in NJ and one's in MN) Susie Q who was red lived to 20. She was chauffered around in her little rickshaw. Genie was brindle and also made it to 20.
  10. Believe it or not, my Pearl did this. She had fibrosarcoma of the spleen and liver. Her blood work was normal both times we took it but I noticed changes even within the normal limits. An ultrasound showed the cancer. I hope it's not that.
  11. It's probably a mix of the surgical stress, maybe phantom pain and the pain meds. As soon as I took Diamond off her pain meds at the 2 week mark, she calmed down completely.
  12. Hi and welcomed from NJ. I hate to add this to my welcoming post. But I do have experience with liver disease. It took my first baby Topaz from me 11 yrs ago. She was only 5. She had the fluid in her abdomen. (called ascites) A protein losing enteropathy. Some say you should feed more protein because they are losing so much, others say low protein and they won't lose as much. I was told that with meds she would last 6 months to a year. Maybe even 2 yrs. She was gone 4 days later. I hope your Shana follows the prognosis better than my Topaz. Good luck.
  13. Oh WONDERFUL news! But I'm a little confused. Did they amputate or just remove the lump? Whatever, though, I'm glad she went through it okay.
  14. I hope he has a quick recovery. welcome home James!
  15. Keeping my fingers crossed. Many lymphoma hounds have several years in remission.
  16. You may have a rough couple of weeks ahead, but keep going. She'll turn into a happy bouncy girl again.
  17. I remember you posting about him last year. He is so handsome. And way too young.
  18. Greetings from New Jersey. Whereabout in Oz are you Mandy? I had the delightful privledge of visiting your beautiful and wonderful country 10 yrs ago. I traveled to Sydney, across to Melbourne, up thru the Outback, to Darwin, Cairns and down the east coast. I so want to go back again and do the west coast.
  19. Oh what a handsome boy. Of course it didn't take long to chip. You do know what chipping means, dontcha? To chip: to adopt another greyhound. Comes from the Lays potato chip commercial that nobody can have just one. Welcome and congrats!
  20. Looking for updates. Are you going through with the amp? Many prayers coming your way.
  21. I'm so sorry to hear that. They've had him such a short time too. Prayers coming his way.
  22. I chose to amputate the front leg of a 12 yr old dog!! You think she didn't have quality of life? The only change I made for her was put in a ramp, but she had always had trouble with stairs to begin with. Her amputation was a OSU in Oct. In January a few months later, while I had her littermate at OSU, I took Diamond for a walk outside without a leash. Yeah, I can catch a 12 yr old tripod. NOT! She took off after deer running through the woods. Luckily she did have good recall and she came back. But, you can't tell me she wasn't a happy, energetic, active girl. Her amp did not slow her down one bit. Only when the dreaded OS showed up in one of the remaining legs did I lose her. She had a TERRIFIC 6 months. She missed her front leg.....or I should say, adjusted to the loss of her front leg in less than 2 days. Actual recovery was about 2 weeks. Good luck. I know how hard this decision is. I stressed over it, lost weight over it, and when Diamond was taken off pain meds after 2 weeks and the staples came out, I looked in her eyes and she was happy. I then knew, from the bottom of my heart, I made the right decision for her.
  23. I stayed home a week for Diamond. I wanted to make sure she would take the ramp and not the stairs (like she did the first night home. She decided to jump 6 steps from the deck to cement patio) So you may want to make sure he doesn't try to do too much too soon. Also, don't be too concerned if he anxious, is up and down and seems uncomfortable. It's more probably the meds. When I took Diamond off the meds 2 weeks after surgery, she suddenly calmed right down and was almost her old self again. PS. By the way, I drove from NJ to OSU just for Diamond's surgery. Best choice I ever made.
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