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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. MP_the4pack


    Oh no. Strider was one of those dogs that I thought would always be around. And so close to the holidays too. (I lost two withing days of the holidays, it sucks big time) I'm so sorry.
  2. ..........and it's cancelled! The dentist had a death in the family, so Jade's appt was cancelled. I'm going to take her to the regular vets today and schedule something asap because I don't think I'll be able to get Jade in soon enough with the dentist, and she seemed to think it couldn't wait. (I wanted to have Jade and Onyx done at the same time,and Onyx is schedule for Jan 14. The dentist didn't want Jade to wait that long.)
  3. I have two dogs going in for dental work. Jade is going tomorrow for a lumpectomy. I'm PRAYING that VPI pays for this because it's a LUMP not a 'dental'. But Onyx needs to see the dentist because at age 15, she won't survive just a GP dental. So I'm looking at $3000 for both. I have VPI. They'll pay maybe $500 of Onyx's bill. I'm hoping for more from Jade. But I guess I'll find out. The only reason I've stayed with VPI is that because I've had them for years now, I still get the cancer rider (not available to new clients). And that DOES pay well. So, here's another VPI person who doesn't recommend them. They were terrific WAY BACK WHEN. But not anymore.
  4. I'd like a little of the GT prayers and white light tomorrow as Jade goes in to get a lump removed from the front of her mouth. She's probably going to lose the tooth it's enveloping too. This is the 3rd lumpectomy she's going thru since I've adopted her in March. The first was a hemangioma, the next was a trichoepithelioma, (both benign) and now this. thanks
  5. I've been wanting to reply. Something with wise words of wisdom and warmth. Nothing came. Just an ache in my own heart. {{{{{{{{{{{ Adrianne }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  6. To say that my life was changed forever, would be an understatement. To say I was in shock and my heart shattered, would be an understatement. Eleven years ago today, I lost my silly goofy five year old girl Topaz. She was my second greyhound, who I adopted a year after I got Brindle. I thought Brindle needed a companion. Little did I know that what I did back in April 1996 is today called chipping. What a legacy of white and black girls all named for gemstones would Ow's Topaz leave in her wake . She had liver disease that was caught too late. While though I was told that with meds she could live up to two more years, She was gone within 4 weeks. She had an itty bitty little Elvis smile and a helicopter tail. She was a fruit loop short of a full bowl of cereal. She was happy. She was silly. She got into a lot of trouble. She had a goofy game where as we left my bedroom, she'd stop and playbow. I'd scritch her butt, she'd get up and take a step, then bow again. I'd oblige and scritch her butt. This went on all the way down the hall. It was the longest 15 foot hallway I've ever walked down. She stole a people teddy bear from a friend of mine who was storing some of her belongings in my basement. The bear belonged to her then 2 yr old daughter. She proceeded to get that bear stuck in the dog door one day. When I came home I found Brindle inside the house, but no Topaz. It wasn't until I cleared the breakfast counter that I saw she had "locked" herself outside when she wedged this huge bear in the dog door. This is my favorite memory of Topaz. Once again that same bear left another wonderful memory as I watched her and Brindle playing tug-o-war with it. Being a human toy, not a dog toy, it wasn't meant to be manhandled (um I mean doghandled) and they decapitated it. Topaz ran with the body shaking it vigorously, Brindle did the same with the head. Again, being a people toy, it wasn't filled with big tuffs of cotton/polyfill. It was filled with itty bitty pieces of foam. It was snowing foam in the backyard. It took years for me to finally stop finding pieces of that bear. One unfortunate bunny made a nest in her yard one year. From that point on, she'd go to that hole, dig a little bit, inhale deeply, then go into a puppy upper. A butt scooching, tear-a$$ run. That hole ended up about 6 inches wide but over a foot deep. Topaz squeezed a lot of life into her short 3 yrs with me. And I wasn't ready to give her up. But she left anyway. A few weeks after she left, I was introduced to a little black girl named Onyx. Onyx had a big smile (Topaz had a little one), Onyx's racing name was a gemstone, as was Topaz's. And because Onyx was a petite, young smiley girl who was a bounce and sitting back in the kennel for 1/2 yr, I thought maybe she was supposed to be my next girl. Onyx made up for Topaz's short life by making it at least to 15. She's still with me: But Onyx was no Topaz. For two years I must have checked out and tried to adopt every white and black girl in the US. (in fact, Paula was adopted by a GTer after my adoption of her fell thru). But, I still craved a silly goofy white and black girl. That's when I found Pearl. She was in Fla and her description fit that of Topaz's. Her coloring matched that of Topaz's almost to the inch. So I adopted her. All I know is that Topaz must have sent her to me because 3 weeks after the adoption I suddenly lost my Brindle to hemangio. Pearl became my heart and soul and will forever be my heart and soul. During Pearl's life with me, I still found myself deeply attracted to the white and black girls, and 5 yrs ago, a tiny little white and black munchkin of a girl found her way to my home from Kansas. She was called Devil Spawn by her foster mom, I call her Brat. Opal is still with me. And when my Pearl passed this year, I found another white and black ADHD, CCD, border collie in a greyhound suit tank of a girl, Jade. Thank you Topaz for your legacy: Peek-a-boo! I see you Momma. Here she is in a waist high wheat field chasing Brindle. I don't feel good, I gots a boo-boo The Topaz legacy: Pearl, Opal and Jade.
  7. I wish I could give you a crystal ball that would tell you when the time is right. I'm sorry what you're going thru.
  8. I am so so sorry you're going thru this. I've lost two to splenic cancers. Brindle (my first) had hemangiosarcoma. She seemed fine that morning, was gone that night. Pearl (my heart and soul)had Fibrosarcoma. We did the splenectomy. That cancer was already in her liver. Those masses grew an incredible centimeter a day. She lasted 2 weeks post surgery. It was an awful two weeks as we were trying chemo. I'm sorry, I don't have better news. You can contact Dr. Couto at OSU, maybe he'll have a suggestion, but the fact your boy's anemic means he's already bleeding internally.
  9. Isa, I'm so sorry you're going thru this. I lost two this year, 2 months apart. One was my heart and soul. I'm also looking at losing another as she is 15 and frail. There's not a dang thing that anyone can do. We just have to sit and take it in the gut. I'm so sorry. MP
  10. I stared at the topic for a long time. It just didn't register that it was Gustopher P. I'm so sorry he's gone.
  11. I amputated my 12 yr old's right front leg. She was pain free after that. She became bright and happy again and it really only took 2 weeks. She ran and played and enjoyed life another 6 months before OS hit another leg. Some don't even last as long, others last a very long time. Sarcomas are very painful cancers. My vet told me that even if the don't go the radiation or chemo route after surgery, they are pain free. While I questioned my decision up to the day she had surgery, by the time she was off pain meds 2 weeks later, I knew I made the right decision. I will tell you though, I made the long trip to see Dr. Couto at OSU. He's THE greyhound oncologist.
  12. I've come to the conclusion that there are no ticks in summer, JUST winter. I've found ticks on my girls with 4 inches of snow on the ground in Jan. It sucks. (I'm in NJ) The ticks I find are the deer ticks. Wood/dog ticks are in the late spring early summer. Nothing in the summer and the deer ticks start in the fall. That's what I've seen lately.
  13. I lost two of my babies to spleenic cancer that went to the liver. The first was hemangio, the second fibro. You have my most sincere sympathies. These are both horrid horrid diseases. I wish I could say something, anything positive. But, I can't. I'm so so sorry.
  14. She's adorable. I have a very special place in my heart for cowdoggies. (I've had 4 now, and Pearl was my heart and soul)
  15. Happy Bridge Birthday Baby.
  16. I'm so sorry. She looks so much like my Pearl and had everything your Angel did. (except did not survive cancer) Godspeed beautiful one.
  17. Oh God, two in a week. I thought I had it rough with 2 in two months. I'm so sorry Lexi had to leave you now.
  18. I'm so so sorry. That is way too young. (this one shocked me a little more than others because I have a 6 yr old now named Opal.) I've lost some of my babies suddenly, and I've had a little time for others. Having some warning helps so much more with closure, with saying goodbye. While Bindi knows that you would have wanted to say good-bye, it's those left behind that were unable to say it. I wish I could say more to help. Mary Pat
  19. One brindle, one black, one white/black. The black and white/black were sisters, two different types of cancer. And there could be a 'higher' number of brindles with cancer if there are more brindles to begin with. Greyhounds have more brindles and blacks than other colors. So, you would see more cancer in those colors.
  20. looking for another good update this morning!
  21. I've sent this link to her. She's getting comfort from those who have gone thru it.
  22. So young! My heart is just breaking for you. (I lost a 5 yr old to liver disease)
  23. Holy Cow! Now that is what I call customer service. I'm so glad this doctor came thru for you. I'm sorry the ER was such a catastrophe, but I'm glad the surgeon put things right. I feel better about staying with them for their specialty services. (Pearl used the cardiologist there for 8 yrs) (by the way, for those that don't know, my Onyx had her LP tieback done by this doctor almost 5 yrs ago, when she was 11, and is still chugging along now at 15) Hunter, feel better baby.
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