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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I'm glad she did well in surgery. I hope she has a quick and easy recover and back on her feet in no time.
  2. I'm so sorry to hear the news. But thank goodness it happened on the table instead of in your yard or when you weren't home. I'll pray for a quick recovery and long tripod life.
  3. My Diamond lost 23 teeth in one shot. I was tired of the regular vets doing nothing with her teeth when they were obviously bad. So I went to a canine dentist. $3000 and 23 teeth later, Dima came home. After a couple days she was way happier than I had seen her in a long while.
  4. I'm so sorry to hear the news Diane. She's a beautiful girl. The news was a horrible birthday present.
  5. Sounds infected. You probably need antibiotics.
  6. Happy birthday to roooo Happy birthday to ROOOoooo Happy birthday dear Larry Happy birthday to roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sung in 4 part harmony by the Gemtones by the Bridge (Topaz, Pearl, Diamond and Onxy) For you Adrianne
  7. Since you're mind has been put at ease already, I'll just pipe in with a
  8. Jane, I'm so sorry to hear about Joe. The exact same thing happened to Diamond. OS returned to her left rear leg. I hope the radiation gives you a little more time with him. He's such a character.
  9. Happy birthday to rooooo Happy birthday to ROOOOOOOOO Happy birthday dear Wilbur Happy birthday to rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sung in 4 part harmony by the Gemtones by the Bridge. (Topaz, Pearl, Diamond and Onyx)
  10. MP_the4pack


    Pearl, Momma still misses you so very much. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss your hugs, love and kisses.
  11. Both my sisters acted like puppies until 12 yrs old.
  12. Janet, when I saw your post in H&M my stomach bottomed out. She had the same symptoms as my Topaz, down to the age. While I told you about doing a liver function test, I didn't want to tell you that I lost Topaz just 4 weeks after diagnosis. I was so hoping that this was different. I remember celebrating it wasn't cancer, and all the happy emoticon people showered upon me. The doctors were even telling me that with meds and diet she would get 6 months to a year. Four days after the last time I heard the vet tell me this, she was gone. I'm so very sorry that this hit your wonderful little Peanut. She looks to have had such a bright vibrant personality.
  13. Way to go Joe. And I can hear him as he gallumps around the house. He had the LOUDEST feet. What a wonderful anniversary. 18 months!
  14. I received a letter this morning from my leasee that Hearty (aka Heartman, Heart of Gold, Spoiled Rotten Thoroughbred)was put to sleep last week. Born Valentine Party, a Bold Ruler grandson (Secretariat's nephew), he was graceful, gorgeous as well as kind. And he looked just like his grandpa. I wasn't looking for a thoroughbred, too high strung for me. But he just kind of fell into my lap. And he turned out to be the most patient, kindest teacher I had. I had my young nieces on his back without any worry that he'd do something stupid. In fact, one niece after only 10 months of lessons at an old hack barn, showed Hearty in the short stirrup class at a rated show. She placed second in jumping. All she needed was do her 2 point position(jumping position), point Hearty to the first jump and then just hold on. All he did was trot over the bitty crossrails, but he took care of his small rider. At the same time, I have a picture of him jumping a 5 foot oxer. Oxer meaning, two jumps that he needs to take in one leap. In order for him to clear this, it means he would have cleared my 5'7" frame if I stood between the two rails. When I first tried him out I was pretty green. But he asked me "which jump", "how high" and "what do you want me to do on the other side". Such a gentleman. This doesn't mean I never came off him. He had a big engine in the back. So if I didn't place him right heading for a jump he would take it long. He could take a jump from fairly far away and still clear it. But he had so much power in his hind end that he would literally jump me loose. I'd be sitting there in mid-air before the jump while he was clearning it. (ok, that was a little cartoonish, but it seemed like that). If I fell off Hearty, it was my fault, not his. And personality. He acted just like any of my greyhounds. I'll never forget one instance. I had a chiropractor come regularly to adjust him. I cut it down to every other month to save a few pennies. Well we had just moved to a new barn and someone there was using Hearty's chiropractor monthly. So when Sue Ann came to adjust the other horse, Hearty had a fit. I wasn't even there because he wasn't supposed to get adjusted. Well he circled his stall, swishing his tail in anger. Then he put his face in his feed bucket, ears pinned back, glaring at the horse in the aisle. Then he'd pace again. It was so obvious what he was saying that Sue Ann took him out of his stall and gave him an adjustment for free. At a rated show one day I was in a silly mood and registered him under the name "Spoiled Rotten Thoroughbred". His real show name was Heart of Gold. We did very well at this show and it was announced over the loud speaker that the Grand Champion of the day was Spoiled Rotten Thoroughbred. My instructor wasn't too pleased. She didn't know I did that. I showed for fun, I didn't worry about accumulating year end points. I never had to chase him in the pasture when I went to get him. I just called and would walk up to me. I could turn around and head back to the barn without a lead rope and he'd follow. But as kind as he was, he still showed me he was a Bold Ruler grandbaby. I was on a trail ride with several people one day. One of those riders was on a squirrelly quarter horse. Her horse took off and Hearty decided to show me what his Uncle Secretrariat used to do and took chase. I have never been at that speed before or since. Scared the bejesus out of me. It was a wide flat long dirt road and Hearty let it all out. I don't think I took a breath or heart beat in that entire ride. It wasn't until the other horse was pulled into the field to the side did he finally slow down. I do remember the wind in my face and thought that if he tripped, we're both dead. I have a lot of pictures of him in motion. Beautiful, graceful, but they are all on print. Here's the only digital one I have. You might be able to see, he had an almost perfect heart on his forehead. Thus Hearty. Rest in Peace baby. Even though you spend you last years up in Connecticut I will always be your Momma.
  15. MP_the4pack

    Kl Gringo

    I'm so sorry Anne. He was a handsome boy. (white and brindle, right?)
  16. See? I told you not to worry since she's a cowdoggie!
  17. Some of these symptom sounds very much what my Topaz had. She was also 5 at the time. Liver enzyme tests were normal. But they did a liver function test which is not a normal part of blood chemistries. They're special tests. They came back severely out of range. She was in complete liver failure.
  18. I work long days too. If you have a fenced yard, is a dog door an option for you? I had a little old lady who made it to 15.5. But she pretty much had to go every 4 hrs. No way could I have made it without the dog door.
  19. I just heard to. The news is slowly spreading around. I think I'll buy my Interceptor too!
  20. A vet visit is in order, but I think you have two different problems. One is the empty tummy that others described, the other almost sounds like the reverse sneezing. Which might be caused by a doggie cold. They don't get the same thing we do, but can still catch viruses that cause nasal discharges.
  21. Elsie Lou will be just fine. She is after all a cowdoggie. Jade had a "something"epithiloma. It was a hard lump on the back of her neck. Totally benigh. It was basically an ingrown hair (not infected though) So, I'm thinking positive thoughts, that's what it was.
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