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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Congratulations on your beautiful new girl and welcome to GT!
  2. Glad to hear he's home. Hope he recovers quickly.
  3. Dentals are always nerve wracking for me. Sending good thoughts that Kebo's goes perfectly and he has a speedy recovery.
  4. I lost my galgo, Cruz, to kidney failure on 10/29/12, so I know what you're going thorugh. He was on Mirtazapine to stimulate his appetite (worked well) and Carafate helped to coat his digestive tract. He absolutely would not eat the kidney diet foods and quit eating any commercial dog food the last few months. At that point I gave him whatever he wanted to keep him eating. I'm sorry you're going through this.
  5. Such a beautiful girl! I'm so sorry for your loss. How special to have had all three of them together though.
  6. I couldn't view the video for some reason, but I know how much your heart must still hurt.
  7. Glad he's home! Continued good thoughts coming your way!
  8. Welcome to GT! I look forward to seeing your lovely girl.
  9. I hope the prednisone gives him some quality time.
  10. I'm sorry I never got to know you, Loca. You were my kinda girl.
  11. Wonderful story! Thanks for taking Mariah in and giving her such good care.
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