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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I'm so sorry. She was a lucky girl to have landed with you! Run free, Daytona.
  2. I guess I just assumed (wanted to believe) that because the limp was completely gone within 24 hours it couldn't be osteo.
  3. Carly hasn't had any pain medication since 7:00 yesterday morning and is moving fine, no limping or favoring her right front leg. I had planned to take her in for x rays this morning, but she was twirling in both directions this morning before breakfast and had no difficulty going up and down the steps to the backyard, so I'm going to wait and see. I want to thank everyone for their replies and good thoughts. I was just sick with worry. Hopefully she just tweaked something while she was outside Saturday morning and is all better now.
  4. No advice, but please know that I'm sending good thoughts for little Tessa.
  5. Oh, Diane, I'm so sorry your beautiful girl had to leave you so soon. Run fast and free, Buffy.
  6. She greeted me twirling and play bowing when I got home from work last night which is typical. That is about as animated as she gets. She's otherwise a pretty quiet, avoidant type of dog. She ate breakfast with enthusiasm this morning and wasn't limping or reluctant to move until a few hours ago. I went in the living room a few minutes ago and she was just standing on her bed, reluctant to lie down. I gave her a 50 mg tramadol two hours ago. She's a big girl, weighs about 69 pounds. I'm wondering if 50 mg is enough. Anyway, when I went in to encourage her to lie down she was trembling. It wasn't visible, but I when I touched her I could feel a slight trembling in her body. I'm guessing that's pain. She's not panting though. She did lie down but not while I was watching her. I left the room and came back and she's lying on her bed. She's a very sensitive, but quirky dog. This all happened incredibly fast. I will be taking her for x rays Monday morning. I'm not sure how I'll get her in car given her reluctance to move and her size. Thank you for your good thoughts. Oh, does anyone know the tramadol dosage for a 69 pound dog? My search looks like it should be closer to 1 mg per pound. Does that sound right?
  7. I let her and Princess out an hour or so before but Carly hardly ever runs outside. She never has. She came in and came up the back steps (6 steps) without a problem. She got on the couch slept for several hours and then when she got up she was favoring the right front and wouldn't go down the back steps to go outside. I supposed she could have taken a bad step outside and hurt herself. I'm praying that's what it is.
  8. Carly is my spooky girl. She will be 10 next month. She was fine this morning and is now not wanting to bear weight on her right front leg. Her paw looks fine. I don't see any swelling in the leg. To say that I'm scared is an understatement. I lost my galgo, Cruz, to kidney failure on Oct. 29th and am still grieving. Although she's better than she used to be, she's still very spooky and quirky and it not easy to give her a pill or examine her or get her in and out of the car. She is traumatized over the slightest little change in her routine. I just wanted to tell my greyhound family and ask for good thoughts for her. I'm hoping it's nothing, but am scared that it's not.
  9. Welcome to GT! Welcome home Bob and Shammy! :confetti They're a beautiful pair.
  10. Wonderful news! I hope he continues to improve.
  11. I too was hoping for a better report. that the aspirin does the trick.
  12. Welcome to GT! Lots to learn here. Here's one of several on youtube if you've not seen them. There are some with galgos as well.
  13. I'm sorry you didn't have more time together, but the time you had was wonderful. Thank you for loving her and sharing her with us. I adored her from afar.
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