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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I'm glad he's home. Sending out for a speedy recovery.
  2. Oh no! Not the update any of us wanted to see.
  3. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I would be beside myself with worry. Holding you and sweet Neko in my prayers.
  4. I'm so very sorry this happened. I hope he heals quickly and completely. I no longer walk my dogs for this very reason. After my second very close call with large, loose, aggressive dogs I decided to never take that chance again.
  5. Does my heart good to see him looking so well!
  6. Diggin' Your Dog™ announced today that they are voluntarily withdrawing one lot of its Strippin' Chicks™ Pet Treats produced on 8-30-12 because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. The sample was obtained in Colorado and the company has accounted for its distribution in Colorado of this lot. http://truthaboutpetfood2.com/diggin-your-dog-recalls-strippin-chicks-pet-treats-distributed-in-colorado-and-nevada-due-to-possible-salmonella-hazard
  7. I'm sorry you're dealing with kidney failure. I lost my sweet Cruz to it a few months ago. Here's what I did for Cruz. I used a well fitting belly band with a human incontinence pad in it. He never tried to take it off and the pads absorbed all the urine so there wasn't any leakage. I bought the generic version of the Poise pads (due to the cost) and got the maximum absorbency. They really hold a lot of liquid and he was never wet when I took them off. You have to be careful to hold them level when removing them or urine can spill out. I usually took them off of him outside or on the vinyl floor in the kitchen. He wasn't wet, but I would wipe him with a washcloth or a flushable wipe before I put a clean one on him. He wore them about 4 months and his skin never got irritated and never seemed to be bothered by them in the least.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  9. My galgo, Cruz, had a lower eyelid cyst (smaller) that looked like that. Has your vet said what kind of cyst it is? My vet said Cruz's was a meibomian cyst or chalazion that was caused by the oil glands in his lid getting plugged with hardened secretions. He recommended surgery, but after reading up on it, I decided to try an alternative treatment first. Humans get them too, BTW. Anyway, I used hot compresses on it (Cruz was really good about letting me do it) and it would shrink down and sometimes go completely away. But without the compresses it would plug back up and swell again. Tucker's looks very uncomfortable. The opthalmologist can advise you about what it is and how it can best be treated. http://www.ehow.com/facts_6195753_treatments-meibomian-cyst-dogs_.html http://www.wiki-pet.com/health/dog/condition/index.php?condition_id=110&name=sties+and+chalazions
  10. Great news! I hope he continues to improve every day.
  11. So glad he's home. Continued good thoughts coming his way.
  12. Good thoughts for Miles that all goes smoothly and he recovers quickly.
  13. Sending lots and lots of good thoughts for your sweet little guy.
  14. Congratulations on your new boy, and welcome to GT!
  15. She's just stunning! Love your new siggie!
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