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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I'm so sorry you lost your baby.
  2. I'm so sorry. I lost my boy Keno to LP.
  3. Congratulations on your handsome new boy! Cupid is a great name!
  4. Hoping for the best possible news.
  5. You've done a great job with your pretty girl! Way to go!
  6. You're doing a great job! Katie's a lucky girl to have landed with you.
  7. Welcome Jen, Jason, London, & Logan!
  8. So sorry to hear you've lost another so soon. Run free, Bunny.
  9. What a nightmare! I'm so sorry. I hope your sweet girl recovers quickly. This is exactly why I no longer walk my dogs.
  10. Hope you get answers and good news. Beautiful necklace!
  11. Hello & welcome to Greytalk! We hope you'll stop in often and we'd love to see pictures of your hounds.
  12. Such a hard decision. I had to do it 5 months ago with my boy Cruz who was in kidney failure. It's never easy.
  13. Hello and welcome! Mars is really handsome and I love his name!
  14. Glad everything is healing well. Sounds like he'll be running and playing again soon.
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