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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Beautiful tribute and slideshow. I'm so sorry for you loss.
  2. I'm so sorry. Run free, Tasha.
  3. I'm so sorry. Run free, Walli.
  4. Lots of healing thoughts speeding their way to Stewie.
  5. I'm so sorry. Run free Lulu.
  6. Hope you get the "all clear" on your boy too.
  7. Welcome to GT and congratulations on your beautiful girl!
  8. Those before pictures are truly scary. So glad to see him happy and healthy again!
  9. Sending good thoughts that he heals quickly and completely.
  10. I'm so sorry he had to leave you so soon.
  11. Sending the very best wishes for Jimmie. And a hug for you. Keep us posted on your mostest, handsomest boy.
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