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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I saw the video this morning in my email update. It made my day seeing him running and playing.
  2. Welcome back! Let's see some pictures of those teenagers!
  3. This is so very true and so profound. I suffered with horrible guilt for years over the death of my first galgo, Irys. It happened on April 15, 2006 and sadly, it's only been recently that I've been able to forgive myself. I punished myself needlessly and it stole a lot of joy from each day of my life for too many years. I hope this will speak to you, Judy, in your time of grief and you will let yourself off the hook and not punish yourself.
  4. My first greyhound, Frostman, would collect my clothes and shoes and lay on them on his bed when I first adopted him. It seems like he stopped doing it after 6 or 7 months. He never chewed on anything, just took it to his bed and slept with it.
  5. Glad to hear the surgery went well. You both remain in my thoughts and prayers.
  6. I'm so sorry. He was such a lucky boy to have finally found his forever home with you.
  7. I thought Princess was hallucinating too! She would jump up with her ears erect like she heard something and go searching through the house while just crying her heart out. And this went on all night long! She's been fine on the Metacam by itself once the Tramadol got out of her system. They really are individuals though. I called a friend whose greyhound had a large number of teeth pulled several months ago and she said he did fine on Tramadol, but she'd had an experience similar to the one I had with Princess with her female greyhound a few years earlier.
  8. So glad to hear Neko's got a good team working for him and that you've got your finals behind you. I can't imagine being able to concentrate on finals under those circumstances. Will continue to sending good thoughts and will be checking back for updates.
  9. Welcome and congrats on your gorgeous boy! Beautiful Pyr sister too!
  10. Sending good thoughts that Milky Way's surgery is a complete success.
  11. Dustin, I'm so very sorry to read of Jazmin's diagnosis. There's a world of good advice here from people who have unfortunately walked this path before you. Sending good thoughts and prayers as make your decision on your course of action.
  12. I'm so sorry you've received this news. He's so young! My heart just breaks for you. There is lots of good advice here from people who've traveled this path. I'll keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. Waiting is so hard. I hope the news is encouraging.
  14. Thank you! This is so good to know. I wouldn't have even known to ask about pre-meds and didn't know about oral blocks at all. I really appreciate the information so very much. Princess is a Fish dog and Greysandmoregreys named her. Heather got her name so very right.
  15. I don't know what they used with Princess. My other girl, Carly, is having her dental on Friday. Carly's never had Tramadol or had anesthesia since I've had her, so I don't know how she'll react. What should I request in lieu of opiates? Princess is much better today. After panting, whining, and pacing most of the night, she really started wailing around 4 AM, so I gave her the Metacam, but no Tradadol. She seems much better today and is sleeping pretty peacefully right now. I don't think I slept more than 2 hours total last night. I'm thinking about turning in shortly and catching up.
  16. Thanks everyone for your replies. I know she's exhausted and needs to sleep, but after closing her eyes for just 20 seconds or so, she seems to startle awake and starts whining again. I will call in the morning and see if they can give her something else for pain. Looks like it going to be a long, sleepless night for both of us.
  17. I hope you get answers soon. You've got to be so exhausted from the stress of all this. Hugs to you and Neko.
  18. 've had greyhounds since 1993 and have never had one have to have teeth pulled until now, so I have no experience with extractions of this magnitude. Princess had a dental today and lost 12 teeth. I've had her home less than an hour and she's pacing, panting, and whining horribly. Vet said the Metacam would make her sleepy, but she won't settle. She's had a dose of Metacam Oral suspension and 150 mg of Tramadol per vet's instructions (she weighs 69.8 lbs) and is not supposed to get any more meds this evening. Vet said she shouldn't be in a lot of pain on this combination of medication. Seeing her like this is breaking my heart. Does anyone know if the pacing, panting, and whining is a side effect of meds? Help!
  19. Hugs to you today as you remember your beautiful boy. Anniversaries are hard.
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