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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Please update when you see MB. I have thinking about you quite a bit lately.
  2. Beau leaks becasue of the pred. But, he starts to realize it and then he (gross) licks it.
  3. I don't have my numbers readily available for Chloe who is clinically hypothroid. her T4 was .02 She is on .5 2x a day. Her T4 is still on the low side but within range however, all her symtoms are gone and she is very happy so we do not raise the meds.
  4. We order our stuff from 1800 and never had a problem, infact I think their customer service is pretty good.
  5. Oh boy. I've been there. After pages and pages of suggestions. This is what Polli would eat when not eating due to chemo. Tripett. If you want to try it, I will over night a 2 cans to you. But please let me know ASAP. Grilled chicken breast cut into little bites. Boiled chicken breast cut into little bites. merrick chicken pot pie canned. (burpdog sent me a case of assorted canned Merrick, and Polli loved the chicken pot pie. I would try the chicken and the tripe. Make sure it's the Tripett.
  6. SO sorry to hear this. Been there, done that. I don't think the tramadol is going to be enough to manage the pain until the amp.
  7. Oh no, so terribly young. I am so sorry.
  8. Sendig healing thoughts your sweet girls way.
  9. What a beautiful baby. I am so sorry.
  10. I am so sorry. This club sucks and it's already too full of members. I wish I could deny your membership. Heck, I wish someone could have denied mine.
  11. Yes it was for pain management and reduce inflammation. I have tramadol for him as needed. This worked so well last time, I hope it works this time,
  12. Has your vet considered IBD as a possible? have you considered a prescription food such as z/d? We went through he77 with Beau to find out he does have IBD.
  13. Had Beau into the emergency vet this morning. (our vet before office hours). He did not eat anything after 12Pm yesterday. For a dog that's on pred, that is very abnormal. His right back hock is slightly inflammed. He couldn't walk so we slept in the den with him. We had to carry him out for him to do his business last night. The lymph is slightly swollen which is causing some concern. He had a FULL set of x-rays from his chest to his toes in March when this same thing happened. He had not had his pred today so we bit the bullet again and gave him a shot of metacam, something to settle him stomach and started him on 300mg of doxy a day. We did the same thing as last time and I pray that we will have the same results. This happened just under 3 months ago, the week after we lost Polli. If there is no improvement in 3 days, we will have to x-ray under sedation to see what's going on. When we got back to the house, I attempted to feed him again and he ate. He also wanted to and did come up the stairs. I had hoped he would want to stay down, but he wants to be where he always is during the day. So, this is a good thing. I pray he will continue to get better and stay better. He has been through so much. As far as that idiot who gave him a liver treat, yes it was dumb, but it did not cause this. I didn't think so, it's just such an amazing coincidence.
  14. He didn't move all day, he relaxed It's a flare of the polyarthirtis which is 2ndary to the IBD- best guess.
  15. OK- here's the deal. We were at GAA picnic today. We went with friends and met new ones. I told one person in particular NO treats for Beau and what did he do? He gave Beau a treat. I had a total meltdown on this man. I called my vet who said I really had to just wait and see. I tried to make the best of the day with my heart in my stomach. We drove home. 4 hours later- Beau is tripoding out of the car and will not eat. Now Beau is on pred. That makes him ravenous ALL the time and I mean ALL the time. He is lying lethargic and won't take his fish treats. He is holding up the leg that he was holding up when he was diagnosed with polyarthritis. Is it possible that the treat he got at 11AM did this? Beau has severe IBD and can only eat z/d and tilapia. His temp is 102.0
  16. Something is very wrong with Beau- want to take temp- use a regular rectal? How long and what temp is normal?
  17. My Beau has severe IBD and was down to 52.4 pounds. We thought we were going to lose him, it was very scary. That was the end of Jan. We started on 40mg od pred, then 2 weeks later added in 50 mg of imuran. We upped the pred to 50 mg and held there for a while. While doing that we gave him (still do) NOTHING and I mean nothing but z/d kibble and wet along with tilapia. NOTHING else. We fed him every 3 hours round the clock and got the weight back on him, thn backed the pred down slowly. he is currently on 15 mg of pred and 50 mg of imuran every other day. The most important thing is to keep them on a novel protein and not give them anything else. Beau needed the meds to get the imflammation down. There is an extremely well versed IBD group on YAHOO. The beef could be what the dog is allergic too.
  18. As others have said, the leg is exceptionally fragile and in great risk of breaking. Polli's story was that 6 weeks after we adopted her she started to limp, badly. We took her in and she had a set of x-rays done without anethesia. They were clear. 5 days later the limp was so bad she looked like Igor of young Frankenstein. It was realy bad so we did more x-rays under a general anethesia. Still, nothing showed up. the films were sent to Cornell. They saw nothing. Her limp mysteriously went away over the course of about 10 weeks from start to end and in over the course of a year, she would periodically have her gait off, but we knew she was OK. Almost a year to the time she started limping she started limping again, not as bad, but she was limping. We minimized walkies, we kept her on grass vs. asphalt and we gave dermaxx for imflammation, but I was not rushing to take her in because we had already had her filmed. She limped on and off for about 2 weeks and I was thinking about taking her in- but she tripped lightly on the steps and let out a SCREAM (NOT her m.o.)- we rushed her to the vet where a fracture was seen. We had the leg removed 12 hours later and the rest of course is history. Some dogs never fracture, some do.
  19. Oh no, I am so sorry. I too will never forget holding Polli close, my head on her chest, until she basically had a heart attack and passed. It was such a horrible thing to do, but yet, the only humane thing to do. Sending many prayers for you and your family.
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