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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. OK- as far as baby powder, which I do have- sprinkle some it on?
  2. When Elsie had her dental, she also had her nails done and they cut to the quick which is bleeding after walks. Is it OK to put EMT on it after I clean it?
  3. Are you on the yahoo IBD board?
  4. We walk immediately after eating am and pm but it's more like a stroll. if we run, it's at least 2 hours after they eat.
  5. 6 months out of the year for us.
  6. I agree with the OSU checking this out and when you don't know what to do, do nothing for now. You can overnight everything over to OSU and have some answers quickly. Continued prayers.
  7. Like Diane said, anything is possible, but I doubt that food intolerance would cause a limp. I would go with the TBD panel to start ruling out.
  8. Music to our ears! CORN. Ain't that the truth!
  9. Welcome... back! The strips you are referring to are the signatures? Either you can make it yourself through photoshop, just make sure they fit GTs specs or it will be pulled by the moderators or ask someone on GT to do it for you. Most people on GT who do it will ask you to make a donation to a GH group. A perfect win win.
  10. Congrats! Waiting for pics!
  11. I am so sorry. As hard as it was for us to make the decision for our Polli, I would rather have to deal with the pain than to put her through it. It's a horrible thing to have to do, many of us have been there. Sending prayers.
  12. What is the consistincy of the poop and for how long? HO long on the meds? Tested for worms yet?
  13. Oh no. Not Mouse. I am so sorry.
  14. She is one amazing girl. You would never know she had general anesethesia. She is upbeat, happy and HUNGRY, not droopy at all. I am so used to seeing my pups have that glazed look on their faces and have them sleep it off. Not this one!
  15. I know you are 100% right, but emtionally and intellectually... We have had many "bad" things and we really have had many good things. I was calmer taking my kids to the pediatrician!
  16. Elsie is out of surgery and kept all her teeth! Her films are clear. We did no manipulation, just straight lateral pictures. Thank you all for your prayers. I was a looney tune waiting.. so I called! We will pick her up later and spoil her rotten, even more than before. BIG SIGH OF RELIEF. Thank you all again!
  17. Why am I feeling like I wanna throw up? I really gotta get a grip.
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