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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Emily- Polli post amp was 55 pounds and took 100 mg of tramadol every 6 hours for pain. The idea of course is to stay ahead of the pain. See what the vet says and then just keep. Hugs to you and Riley.
  2. This poor girl can't catch a break. I am so sorry Robin- I hope she gets relief soon.
  3. RobinM

    A Somber Day

    Beautiful, sweet and gentle boy. You are missed. So sorry Carla.
  4. RobinM


    I am heartsick reading this. I am so happy that I had the oppotunity to meet beautiful and sweet Mango at GIG. She put up one he77 of a fight. I am so sorry. She will be so missed.
  5. Always in my thoughts.
  6. I've learned that panting is pain, heat or stress. When was her last vet exam?
  7. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am. Your tribute is so beautiful. I can barely see through my tears.
  8. Teddy had a growth like that on the roof of his mouth right behind his front teeth. At this dental he had it removed, it was benign which I expect that one would be too.
  9. Elsie threw up her entire 2 cups of food 5.5 hours after she ate last night. Shd had had her 2nd dose of drontal in her food. Does it need to be repeated? I would think so. ETA- refused breakfast. I just gave her a pepcid. I've been here before.
  10. So happy he is doing so well. Water bottle, kong stuffed and I'm sure you will come up with plenty of ideas!
  11. Beau has IBD and I wouldn't dream of giving him coconut oil. The only thing that Beau has is z/d and dried tilapia as jerky treats. If you do try it, make sure you try it alone, meaning don't add anything new into his diet or you won't know what causes the flare.
  12. RobinM


    Ahhhh- I feel I know all your furkids from your postings and pictures. She sure will be missed. RIP sweet kitty.
  13. Oh Maria- what an uphill battle. I am so happy to see some positive progress.
  14. I wish I could offer something other than trite words. Tomorrow is another day.
  15. What are the options? One day at a time. If that doesn't work, One hour or minute if necessary. We are all here for you.
  16. My vets won't use it. They treat a large number of GHs
  17. Carla- I am so very sorry for your losses. How lucky you were to have found one another.
  18. It's been a long and rocky road for sweet Beau. This dog has been through so much is his short 4.5 years. As you all know, after what seemed like eternity of testing of every kind and many, many dollars later- we opted for (WOULD NOT DO AGAIN) open abdominal surgery- at the time we thought we were doing the right thing. This started in Nov. '8. Beau went from being picky with breakfast to waking us up in the middle of the night with alien sounds coming from his tummy. I could hear it a room away. . Then he stopped eating breakfast. Next came dinner. It was going down hill fast. We trieed EVERYTHING. The things we were trying to feed him, unbeknownst to us, we were trying to feed him the things that were making him so sick. We did not know he could not tolerate all the foods he had previously eaten with no problem. Beau had lost a lot of weight - he was down to 52.4 pounds. I was so afraid I was going to lose him. I tried to keep the faith, but I was scared. Out of my mind with fear. He was a shell with skin and fur. While this was happenening we were tending to Polli's cancer. I received a ton of support from GT, especially AJ, Hollys2hounds, Batmom and MANY OTHERs. My vet started Beau on 40mg of pred. Then we added 50mg of imuran and another 10mg of pred= 50mg. Beau started eating because the inflammation was going down and the pred was kicking in. He needed to pee every 3 hours so we also fed him like clockwork, every 3 hours, round the clock 7 days a week. It paid off. Every week we took him into the vet for his weekly weigh in and with bated breath we watched the scale move up. Baby steps. We felt that as long as he did not loose anymore, it was a small victory. In March, when he hit 60 pounds, we cut back his pred to 40 and then 30mg. We eliminated the 3AM pee and feeding. We started counting his calories to make sure he did not exceed 1500 calories as we did not want him to gain too much weight. Although he is the same weight as his racing career, becasue of the loss of muscle tone, it was redistributed and he looks stocky, but he is only 63.4 pounds In April we cut his pred to 20 mg. Last week we started imuran every other day. We will take it down from here and hope to GOD that we will be able to manage his IBD with just food alone. Every day is a blessing. We watch like hawks that Beau does not get a crumb of something the other dogs have. They get their chicken strip treats & milkbones. Beau gets his tilapia jerky and z/d cookies. We know that a crumb of food that he should not have could bring on a flare. We are extremely cautious. Our crazy, happy boy has returned. When I think of where we have been and where we are now, I am amazed about his resilence. He has been through so much. With us by his side, every step of the way. We had to get this under control. For those of you who are going through this, my heart breaks for you- but do not dispair. There is treatment, there is hope. We never take any day for granted with this disease and we never let our guard down. It is a way of life- it's worth the work. Beau @ 52.4 pounds Beau today
  19. I just stumbled across it the other night. I had some difficulties signing up but it sounds like a great resource. I will keep trying. It is a really greyt resource however the only way you are "allowed" to be on their board is if your dog was actually diagnosed with IBD by surgical procedure. A vet who owns GH was denied because even though her dog is IBD, she did not do surgery to diagnois. Also, it is a highly moderated board. If you forget to trim your posts, your threads become moderated. Many rules. PM me with any questions. My Beau diagnosed by open abdominal exploratory surgery in January has severe IBD and we have been on pred/imuran since late January. His food is z/d. Trreats are dehydrated tilapis jerky which we make and z/d cookies. It's difficult but manageable only once it's under control and that is the whole issue- getting it under control.
  20. Continued prayers and good thoughts for Loca and hugs to you.
  21. Ok will try the powder. I don't have unscented, I guess it will be OK. Someone had said a bar of soap rubbed on it to stop works too.
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