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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. This is what it looks like Dick- We have done no testing on Chloe other than her full thyroid panel. Lindsey- she is not normally asleep when this happens. She will be sitting/laying there and I'll look over to see this. Originally, I thought it was stress related and possibly a reaction to chemicals that start appearing in the spring as it seems to be more frequent in the warmer months. As I had mentioned earlier- the thing that got me was there were more in this one week than we usually have in a year.
  2. Chloe's last 1 minute or less. My vet said that if they last over 3-5 minutes, I need to get her into the vet ASAP.
  3. Oh jeez, so young- so unfair. I am so sorry.
  4. Polli lost 17 teeth at her first dental and she did just fine with everything from kibble to bully sticks! They are amazing. Hope he has a quick recovery.
  5. We are home. She is a bit shell shcked- you know that after anethesia look?! She ate a little- same amount she normally would by this time of day, I will offer more later. Thank you for the well wishes- once again. Now we wait... and pray.
  6. Still too wobbly to come home. I was on my way to the vet - they called me and said, don't come yet. So, I came home to feed dogs, change clothes and update.
  7. Elsie is out of surgery and did very well. The lump came out easily. She handled the anesthesia and surgery well and is coming out of the anesthesia well. Biopsy will be back Wednesday. We will go from there. So happy it was a successful surgery. Of course, very unsettled feeling waiting for biopsy results.
  8. Elsie was dropped off or surgery. She will have her pre-ops and as long as everything is OK- we will proceed. She should be 1st case of the day at about 12 PM. God willing, if all goes OK- she should be coming home around 5. Vet felt the lump which is like a marble in size. She will be doing a lumpectomy with 2 inch margins. Biopsy to determine what it is. She also felt other ""miniscule" lumps around other nipples that we can not do anything about now. She said the masectomys are not done for greyhounds. She also said that when the lumps are caught before 3 cm, there is a much better chance of it not spreading. This lump is well under 3 cm. She will have a 5 inch incision. Please say a prayer for my Elsie. Benign tumor and clean margins all the way around. No cancer. Please. We tried that once and we don't like it. It just has to be benign. I'm scared.
  9. Keeping Buddy in my thoughts and prayers that her lump is nothing too. Elsie's will come out tomorrow. Lump day.
  10. As someone asked- did he get into anything, a crumb of anything else? I found Beau starting to munch on a cookie that Elsie had when she decided to get up and move beds, thank GOD I heard it and ran over to him and pulled it out of him throat/mouth. I understand that the slightest change can wreak havoc on what otherwise is a "normal" situation for others. Sending lots of prayer and hoping whatever this is, ends as quickly as it started.
  11. oh no, I am so sorry. oh no, I am so sorry. oh no, I am so sorry.
  12. RobinM


    Oh God- so young! I am so sorry.
  13. Just seeing this after the fact. I am so glad it all worked out in the end, Yeesh, what an ordeal.
  14. Just seeing this Bev and praying she is back to herself in no time.
  15. I completely understand. I pray that this is nothing if there is such a thing with an IBD dog. Please update when you can.
  16. I emailed the vet- I realized (at 2AM) that if I bring her in for pre op test on Monday night, my vet does not come in till after 2 on Tuesday. That means Elsie would be sitting in a crate at the vet scared out of her mind til well after 2 and would not have surgery till late in the day and possibly not come home. Unacceptable. I couldn't sleep. So, the new plan is I will bring her in early Monday before hours for pre-op. Surgeries start @ 12 and my vet will try to do Elsie first, i guess pending any emergencies that come in. GOD willing they will just remove just the mass - it be benign and she will be able to come home later Monday early evening. I can not believe this is happening. Well, Donna- we had a break once- for about 3 weeks. It was really nice. I'd like another one- requesting one that lasts another 45 years or so. If I am going to wish, i may as well wish BIG!
  17. RobinM


    Beautiful sweet girl, run free. i am so sorry.
  18. NO NO !! Maybe I wasn't clear. She stops as she is eating the cookie. The cookie is dried chicken breast. NO SUGAR. She stops the second she starts chewing so it can't possibly be hypoglycimia- she responds too quickly. I am going to have labs done anyway. Can't hurt.
  19. thank you, that is very sweet of you. We have 2 shirts from Polli's amp. I had hoped to never have to use them again. Pink princess here too!
  20. Jey- we did exactly that immediately after we adopted her. We adopted her in Nov of 06 and in Nov we decreased her thyroid meds to wean her off. Within a week of having her off the meds, we had to peel her off the back of her crate. It was hard but we waited 6 weeks and had a FULL panel done. Everything was off the charts low. Back on she went and all the symptoms disappearted. She is still a tad bit on the low end side but within range on the meds. She symtoms are gone. She's had head tremors, I was just concerned that there were several in just a short span of days rather than over the course of the year. I am going to bring her in on Monday for a thyroid check anyway. Elsie goes in for pre-op. Always something, that's for sure.
  21. It really is alway something, isn't it Devon? Continued good thoughts for your Ms. Bug.
  22. I found a limp next to one of Elsie's nipples. I emailed my vet and we have a plan. She will go in on Monday night for pre-surgical testing and surgery on Tuesday. Elsie is 10 - thinks she is 2 and of course I am very concerned about this. Please send prayers Elsie's way.
  23. Don't know if Benedyl can be given to IBD dogs. Very limited on the things we can give. I'd ask just to be on the safe side.
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