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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. She is one week post her 3rd chemo and I didn't bother posting what a bad girl she has been BUT since you asked!!!! She has been picking pretty much all week, nothing greyt, nothing horrible. She is, at least putting something in her. I am praying that now that the one week mark is over and things are back to normal (us back to work, nothing to really snack on during the day) she will eat her dinner with gusto and we can be done with it at an early time. Thanks for asking. I was tempted to post, but ... there is nothing to say that hasn't already been said!!!
  2. Continued prayers for your Misty. Come on Misty - eat. Please. (and tell Polli to eat too!)
  3. Prayers and good thoughts- just a sprain. Please update.
  4. Like someone said, it could be anything. Wait till Monday and if it's still there, bring her in for possible x-rays. Hope it's nothing but a sprained muscle. How old is she?
  5. Good idea. Please let us know how she is doing. She should have some "interestingly" colored poops!
  6. I could never put into words how devastated I am for you and Mike as well as the rest of your pack. Run free Andy.
  7. I am so sorry and only hope for a peaceful passing.
  8. Prayers that it is nothing bur some minor arthritis that causes no discomfort for your boy.
  9. Poor Molly. Here's a hug and a kiss to make it better. Hope all is OK tomorrow. Please update.
  10. Yes, we use the Atemix which has the "correct" amount of ateminesin in it. Polli is 7 weeks post amp and has 3 chemos so far. She takes the Atemix which leaves no side effects. the only time I am not giving it to her is the week after chemo. She feels pretty crummy so I just let it go for that period. It is expensive, $60 for 30 pills and there is only one place to buy it, but... she needs it so I buy it. I hope Doonie remains comfotable. She has been in my thoughts and prayers. http://www.hepalin.com/artemix.htm
  11. And she ate 1/2 can of Tripe!!! Not bad for 2 days post chemo. Infact, it's GREYT! I love her so much.
  12. Today she is ok. So far she has eaten a handful of cookies and about 3/4 cup of shredded chicken. I haven't offered her any kibble as of yet. I am pretty sure she will reject it along with the chicky. I will try to add the kibble in a day or 2.
  13. RobinM

    Dear Jordie...

    I miss her stories.
  14. actually i thought dr ian told me 6 total. 3 doxy and 3 carboplatin over a course of 16 weeks. i will ask again on friday when she has her cbc. Like I said, there are so many different protocols and yours and mine are both protocols that OSU uses.
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