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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Polli says... WAY TO GO EMBER!!!! What's her weight at and where does the vet want her to be at? Polli was 60 pounds prior to the amp and has been maintaining 53 which is her magic number. So happy to hear that Ember is doing so well. Will the chemo next week be # 3?
  2. Poor Flashy, He's got the look. The "I just had anethesia" look and I'm just not with the program BUT he's home! Right where he should be. Hugs.
  3. Believe me, I understand the frustration with bad teeth. I adopted Polli off the farm at 8.5 and at her first dental she lost 17 teeth. Since that time, i brush her teeth everynight. EVERY NIGHT and I still have had to give her 3 dentals in 13 months which is crazy but she needs it. Hope Flashman comes home soon.
  4. Oh no. I am so sorry. Prayers for Clark.
  5. Yes, we are using it. We are actually using artemix which can only be bought at http://www.hepalin.com/artemix.htm That has the correct amount of artemisinin in it.
  6. I am so sorry things have gone rough for your sweet girl. Even w/o complications, it's not easy. We all wondered what the he77 we did at one time or another. But one day soon, she will feel better life will get back to some sort of order. I hope she starts eating soon. Polli is not a greyt eater and after the surgery and chemo it was a lot worse. She only likes 3 things to begin with. I find she likes crunchy carbs after chemo. Granola bars, crackers etc. Prayers and good thoughts for your girl.
  7. OH Patti~ He WILL be ok. Thy will take it out, you can put it under his pillow and have the greyhound fairy GOD mother will maybe get him a new toy! He will be fine. Sending good thoughts and many prayers for an unevenful quick surgery. Update as soon as you are able to.
  8. No expereince with that type of cancer (Thank GOD) howver I can share with you what the chemo is like for my Polli who is 29 days shy of her 10th birthday (but who's counting). She was dx with ostero on Oct. 9 and has had 3 chemos treatments since then. After chemo she is not misreable. Laid back, a bit more tired than normal and not hungry. She is not a greyt eater to begin with. She still loves to snuggle and give and recieve love. This lasts on and off for 3-5 days after chemo and her protocol of chemo is carboplatin every 3weeks. Prayers for this sweet boy.
  9. I agree that teeth don't tighten up. They either fall out or need to be extracted. I'd bring him in sooner rather than later. If it did crack, it could abcess. That happened to Chloe when I first got her. She had had a racing injury where she had a fractured tooth. We left it alone for a very short time, it abcessed and had to be removed. He will be fine. I know he hates to go. My kids hate it too. Please update.
  10. Oh yeh, if it hadn't been for the NY and the ice cream, she would have stopped eating long ago. The NY worked for this am and again this afternoon. May not tomorrow but one day at a time as you well know. Hugs to Polli DA*M! I have a HUGE VAT of NY that no one will touch. It's so weird how some love it and some will turn their noses up to it.
  11. Sending healing thoughts and prayers to all of you.
  12. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. How is she doing this evening? Has she been a fan of the N Y?
  14. I know you have been going though he77 trying to get this under control. My Beau, age 4.5 has had loose to runny poop since day one. No matter what he eats, he poop is yucky! I haven't done too much switching with the food but I did wind up with the prolplan sensitive stomach (Salmon) and it does seem to be a little bit better. Some dogs just have looser poops!
  15. No expereince (thank GOD) but i am thinking about your girl.
  16. Still thinking about you guys and hope IT GOES AWAY!
  17. Beautiful girl. Run free.
  18. RobinM


    What a beautiful angel. Run free sweet girl.
  19. RobinM

    Wallace Doyle

    Bev and family~ I just don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. Bless your beautiful boy. I am so sorry.
  20. And I think we just had one today! She finally ate a full days worth of food! YAY! She ate about 3/4 cp of kibble. 1/2 can wet and a decent amount of chicken and oh yes, plenty of COOKIES. My sweet baby cookie monster!!!! One weel post chemo # 3. Let this be the beginning of the "food monster"!!!!!!!
  21. RobinM

    Au Revoir Boss

    Oh man, I am devastated for you. I too had hoped you had so much more time. Run Free Bossy.
  22. Polli was dx with osteo Oct. 9, 20008. 3 months short of her 10th birthday. ( I did not do the survery)
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