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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I spoke to Blair and yes, the films are on their way to OSU/Dr.C. Continued prayers for her Lewis.
  2. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH don't tell anyone... she is looking a bit better today. If on a scale from 1-10 she was a 4 yesterday, she is about a 8 or 9 today. Rest, rest, rest, rest. She is feeling so much better, she started running down the stairs and I grabbed her before she could get down the 2nd flight. So... like I said.... SHHHHHHHHH
  3. Strongly agree. Not trying to stress you out more. Polli tripped on the steps Wednesday about 4PM and was a tripod by 10:30 Thursday morning. We had to move quick. Once you know... Our confimation came about 5 days later when the pathogy report of the leg came back. They knew it was a tumor/OSA by the x-ray. We are all thinking of you and praying for your sweet boy. Yes, OR ask your dr to do it. PLEASE update asap and you have my # if you should want to talk.
  4. Quite honestly- I don't know anything about predisone relating to OSA but then again, I am far from aan expert. Did you ask him what it was intended for. I'm sure others will chime in with a yay or nay. Ask your vet to get the films over to OSU overnight (you will most likely be paying for that) and maybe you can have an answer by Friday.
  5. Can I have his films sent to Dr. Couto? Absoulutely- have it sent overnight so that it gets signed for. Call in the morning, all the contact info is on the site that you have been looking at. Ask where exactly should the films go to. This way, you will have answers quickly.
  6. Also. Longo has Beau on extra strengh pedcid 2x a day. See if that helps. (check with her first). Can Alan take Flaygl? we have Beau on 100 mg a day for 10 days now to try and get to the bottom of his tummy upset.
  7. Personally, if he is otherwise acting normal, his weight is ok and seems alert, happy outgoing etc. I wouldn't stress so much unless of course, it gets worse. He could have something intestinal that he is trying to get rid of. If he were not throwing up, but was listless, agitated and generally not a happy boy- then I'd worry. My beau has been going through serious tummy issues for 2 weeks and we can't figure it out either. Hang in there, this too shall pass! hugs to you and Alan.
  8. I am sending mega doses of prayers. I am pming you.
  9. For Chrissy's heart. Specky's mom. And for all of us who are hurting whether it be for us, our family or our furbabies. Let the healing begin.
  10. RobinM


    So sorry for your loss.
  11. RobinM


    What a sweetie. Run free Bart.
  12. No advice here, just loads of prayers for Coaster and you.
  13. Vet doesn't think it's LS. Right now vet wants to treat her very conservately until she is completely through with her chemo. She said Polli's pain is a bit more further up than LS presnets. How was Nevada treated? Did it help?
  14. Those pee marks were there loooooooooooooooooong before Polli started her chemo.
  15. Not to hijack this thread, but I too would like to know why you are againset the chiro? I am scared to death to do it, becaue just one bad adjustment could really hurt someone/something. Just curious as to your experience.
  16. We are pretty sure that is what's going on. But now that has turned into a neurological/ bulging disk type of thing.
  17. REALLY!!!! She is up to 55 pounds. She was 61 pre amp! OMG- That's a whole lotta cookies going on there!!!! how much more weight are you going to let her gain? does she still look skinny to u? ember looks skinny to me at 53.8 lbs, yet other people tell me she is fine, so im fighting with myself on her weight. my vet said to get her to 55 lbs, and i trust him. I was actually a little concerned about the 2 pounds but vet said that was perfectly fine. It's very good when a cancer patient gains vs. loses. She had not lost weight to look skinny. The only time she was skinny was when I got her off the farm. She was 51 pounds and her racing weight was 58. That's skinny! I never say no to Polli when it comes to eating because from one day to the next I am so afraid that she may not eat but I do have to keep her at 55 although the vet said not to worry about it! Polli is very petite. So, in all actuallity, I don't want her to gain any more weight. She looks solid- no ribs unless
  18. REALLY!!!! She is up to 55 pounds. She was 61 pre amp! OMG- That's a whole lotta cookies going on there!!!!
  19. thank you for reminding me. I had printed it out to bring and discuss, but totally forgot. anyway- i just had DH fax it to her. Thanks.
  20. Don't mean to hijack this thread, but I thought this response needed to be made to the thread so folks would have the info. Long-term use of pred should be on an every-other-day schedule. Otherwise it can result in iatrogenic (medically-induced) Cushings, causing problems with the pituitary gland. I think using pred every day was what led to my Cosmo's demise. She had degenerative myelopathy on top of lymphoma, and I found that she was able to walk better with pred every day. The vet told me I shouldn't dose that way, but I talked him into letting me (he recognized, while I didn't that this was palliative treatment). I would recommend that you speak to your vet about using pred on a daily basis. In the short term I understand it can be okay, but for long-term use, I wouldn't use it every day. Ok thanks. She is not on it as of yet. IF there is no improvment with total rest, just out for potty and 75mg of deramaxx until Saturday- then we will have to look at other options for her comfort.
  21. I did speak to the vet about this and yes- although not common- it happens, kinda like the saying SH** Happens! Anyway the chemo attacks the new cells as well as the old. It's just weird that it started yesterday, the day before her chemo which shows you it really stays in their bodies.
  22. We are home. Polli is up 2 pounds!!! OINK OINK. She loves her cookies! Vet was pleased. I feel the only reason she gained so much was she is not walking at all anymore and eating as much, if not a bit more. One more chemo to go and we are DONE! YAY! Hopefully, the shot she got will help her walking and we can just enjoy her with no vet visits except for annuals. Wouldn' t that be nice!? Yes, I am a major advocate of acupunture but all the docs agree, not for a dog with cancer. Acupunture makes the circulation move faster and if there are micocancerous cells- they will move faster too, so no acupunture.
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