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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. I'm so sorry that you and Willie have gotten this devastating news. We do know how you are feeling right now. But to your credit, you have skipped one of the steps in dealing with the monster. I think it's the worst---that agonizing time right after diagnosis when you're sad and angry and almost paralyzed in making a decsision about what to do. I think I wasted precious time back then, trying to decide what to do. Though I'm sure you are sad and angry, and may not be 100% sure that you are doing the right thing, believe me, you are! You have obviously weighed your options, considered what stage the disease is in, consulted several excellent doctors, started the artemisinin, asked yourself what is best for Willie (who you know better than anyone), and proceeded. I feel that you are doing everything right. I know there are always moments of second guessing, but don't let yourself fall into that trap. It doesn't do you or Willie any good, and just opens the door for the monster to steal more of your precious NOW time away. Just come here when you need to---there is so much love and support. And Polli and Ember and their families are only a few months ahead of you in this journey. I just realized that I have an almost full bottle of artemisinin from when I was giving it to Winnie. It is right at the expiration date, but has been in the fridge continuously, and I'm sure it would be okay. You could check with Dr. Couto. It was a year in October that we lost our girl to kidney failure after fighting osteo---and winning---for 3 1/2 years! I'd be glad to send it to you if you're interested. Just PM me and let me know. You and Willie will be in our prayers.
  2. Oh, he was gorgeous! And I'm sure he sent Tegan to you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  3. Thank-you for one of the most touching, heartfelt, and inspiring tributes I've read. Just through your words, I felt that I could share, in some small way, this exceptional dog, and all he accomplished. "A dog that could change lives..." How very true. For everyone who knew him, and especially for his lucky family. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Grandpa, a champion in every sense of the word.
  4. Oh, no! Like everyone, I'm stunned, and so sorry you lost your precious little guy.
  5. Oh, the poor boy! And poor you. This has got to be so upsetting. How old is he? Sending prayers for Clark.
  6. I'm REALLY glad she's home! I know that's going to make you and Penny feel so much better. And you both deserve to feel great.
  7. Oh, Melissa! I'm so sorry you're going through this. Such a lot to deal with, just being pregnant, and missing your Bell so much. I'll say a prayer for Penny---she's just got to be okay. Just read the good news. I'm so glad she's coming home!
  8. I'm so sorry you lost your very special boy. You wanted to do justice to him with a proper tribute, and you succeeded. His indomitable spirit and unique personality shine through in your words. How you loved him! And how blessed he was (as were you) to have found a family to love him that completely, and understand him so well. Though he led a remarkable and at times difficult and uncertain life, he certainly found precisely where he needed to be for those final, joyous years. I would wish that every hound could be so happy, that every passing could be so peaceful, and filled with love. Thank-you for sharing your sweet Boss with us. We share your sadness.
  9. Bev, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Wallace. What a lovely little guy. And what a lucky little guy to find a forever home with your wonderful family.
  10. Our first Grey, Lacey, was a rescued AKC Greyhound, and we lost her to osteo at 13. Winnie was one month shy of her 12th birthday when we lost her to kidney failure, but she'd been diagnosed with osteo 3 1/2 years earlier. Our Patsy was only 6 when we lost her to lymphosarcoma.
  11. Claudia, I just saw this, and will say a prayer for Misty before I go to bed. I hope that tomorrow when I check in, I will see that your beautiful girl is eating. Edited double post. I guess I'll say TWO prayers!
  12. I must have missed this earlier. Your Molly sounds like a larger than life girl who lived each day to the fullest. No wonder you miss her so much. But you understood her well, and loved her even better, and it's clear that she returned that love every minute that you shared. She was too much of a presence to let your hearts and home remain empty. I firmly believe that our angels send us the ones they want us to have. Molly knew exactly what she was doing!
  13. What a terrible loss, and especially on a day for giving thanks. Deepest sympathy to his family and friends and beloved Greys.
  14. OMG! That is a nightmare. We have a couple of those pillows, and I've always wondered how hideous it would be if the dogs ripped one open. I will take your word that I don't EVER want that to happen. Those little bitty things have a life of their own, don't they? I feel bad that she got so many of them into her eyes. But...do you think it taught her a lesson? I'm thinking....no. Pave, you are darling, but you're going to make your Mom crazy!
  15. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jed. You gave him the kindest, most difficult gift, a peaceful passing, safe in your love.
  16. Oh, no! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Andy, especially when you couldn't be with him. That picture is so beautiful it made me cry.
  17. I'm so sorry that it's time to say good-bye to your sweet Jed. I know how sad and difficult this is for you, but you're doing everything in your power to give him a gentle, peaceful passing. You will all be in my prayers today.
  18. Adding my prayers, and good thoughts and white light to the others for Bill. Being a good Mom, of course you're worried, but it could be something minor. Let us know how your boy is doing.
  19. Ah, you still miss your girl so much. It's doubly hard when your time together is so short. But she seems to have packed a lot of love into those eleven months.
  20. Dave, I could probably be considered a cheerleader for artemisinin, since I'm always suggesting that people with osteo dogs give it a try. It is an herbal drug, and I don't think there are adverse side effects. The worse that could happen is that it wouldn't help. But it's worth a try. Dr. Couto is doing research with it, and when I told him I was giving it to Winnie, he was supportive. Like I've said before, I don't know if that is why she was with us for over 3 years after her amputation, but 3 years of artemisinin sure didn't HURT her! I think Robin M mentioned that she was giving Polli Artemix, which contains artemisinin plus other things, and may be more effective. It's also more expensive. But I believe they are worth a try. Be sure to get from a reputable source. I always got mine from Nutricology. Holley is good too. Here is a link to one site---I'm sure there are many, as well as an online group---that may give you a little more info. How is Doonie doing? artemisinin link
  21. Ah, Melissa, Bell's was another name I was hoping not to see here, even though I knew that you would be letting her go soon. I'm searching for words through my tears, though you so eloquently shared her unique spirit in your lovely tribute. How well you understood her, and how totally she was loved. So I will tell you that I'm so sorry you lost your precious little old lady, and how my heart breaks for you. Because I don't think that Bell would want our tears. She had one heck of a life, certainly on her own terms, conquering Katrina, the dreaded Pittsburgh steps (remember when you laughed when I was concerned about her doing our outside steps?), and those cross country trips. And she said good-bye on her own terms as well. I was hoping you would post that beautiful picture of her on the beach, running so joyously in her very senior years---thank-you. She was magnificent, wasn't she? Thinking of you with much sympathy.
  22. Oh, Pat, each day I would look at Remembrance, and, not seeing his name there, would hope that you were having more good days together. My heart sank when I saw this. You said he had you at hello. Well, you had him at that first meeting as well. I think they intuitively know when they are where they're supposed to be, and are with the person who will love them unconditionally. You were also right when you said he was beautiful, though of course, you would have loved him if he was purple! But I had no idea he was so stunning. I'm so sorry you've lost your precious boy, and that you didn't have more time together. Thank-you for sharing the story of how he came into your life. Yes, it WAS meant to be. Thinking of you with much sympathy, and sending lots of white light for strength to help you through this sad time.
  23. There is always a sense of relief when they are safely home---for you AND Polli. Glad her bloodwork looked good so that there wasn't a delay in getting this 3rd round. So many ups and downs to contend with. Hopefully, she will breeze through this one. She's come such a long way, and is such a good, brave girl. for you, Polli!
  24. What a wonderful ambassador he was, and what a fine old man. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Thunder.
  25. Oh, Susan, how you loved him! And how he loved you. That was one of the most eloquent and heartfelt tributes I have ever read. Thank you for sharing your very special boy with us. It has always been clear to me, in just the short time I've known you and Jack in the chat club, that he was precisely where he was supposed to be, with the person who understood him and loved him better than anyone in the world. How blessed you both were to have shared such a strong bond. Please know that we are thinking of you with much sympathy, and are holding you close in our prayers.
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