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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. We're worried about Tess. Probably a a week or so before Dewey, we noticed that she was thinner than usual. But while we were in Dewey, it seemed like she had gotten really thin. She's always been a lightweight, but looked good. You could see the last 2 ribs. Now all her ribs show, and it seems like the stomach area on her sides goes in. I took her to the vet last Friday, and the basic bloodwork was all very normal. Nothing in the stool sample, and her stools have been fine, she goes regularly and has no diarrhea. She eats real well (and we feed her well), and only threw up some yellow bile on Thursday night. She's on meds since Friday for a possible gastrointestinal upset, and has been doing fine on the pills. She's so perky and active, no change in her behavior or demeanor at all, and her stomach isn't painful. If she wasn't so darn thin, I'd say that she was a very normal, healthy dog. But I'm just baffled. Our vet wants her to finish the meds she'll be on for 3 weeks---one week of 3x a day, 1 week of 2x a day, one week of 1x a day---and then re-check her. Is there something else we should be doing or looking for? I just went online and got a recipe for Satin Balls, and am considering trying her on that to put some weight on. But I keep feeling like maybe I should be concentrating on WHY she's so thin, rather than just making her LESS thin. Or should I just see if she fattens up a little and be pleased if she does?
  2. Oh, no. I was really hoping that she would have more time. I'm so, so sorry.
  3. I'm so sorry. There are so many here who have shared your emotional roller coaster. Sending prayers that this could be another "bump in the road".
  4. Winnie was a right rear amp due to osteo at 8 years old. She had a full and happy life for 3 1/2 years after the surgery. Steps can be problematic, and she didn't do our 23 outside steps for about a month, but when she "forgot" she had 3 legs, she also forgot she was "handicapped", and she did those steps several times a day. I'd say the willingness or ability to do the steps has more to do with the personality than the physical limitations. Some dogs are fearful or drama queens. One of my friends had a big male with a rear amp who would do the GSOD if he had to go up 1 step to get into the house. And Winnie looked at 23 wood steps and did what she had to do. Here's the old girl about 4 months before we lost her to kidney failure.
  5. Thanks so much for posting that video. It's one thing to hear that she's doing well, but even better to see the brave girl in action! She's doing so well. Sending prayers that her recovery continues uneventfully.
  6. I'm so sorry that osteo has stolen another wonderful dog away.
  7. I'm typing through tears. What a unique and exceptional dog he was. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Elvis.
  8. Hugs to you, Kim. I know how you're missing your lovely girl.
  9. What a lovely tribute to a unique hound and a life well lived. I'm so sorry you lost your precious George.
  10. Oh, Bonnie, you did do his memory justice with your lovely tribute. I am typing through tears, and I can't imagine the pain you are feeling now. I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious Coby. What a gift he was to you. As you were to him.
  11. That was a lovely tribute. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jeanie.
  12. Tess looks thin to me too, so I was interested to see any suggestions. We can see her ribs. She's a tiny girl, and totally normal and active and looks great otherwise. When we get back from Dewey, I'm going to have her checked.
  13. That's wonderful news. This will be a very special time to make memories. He deserves to breathe in the ocean air, relax with his family, and hold court if anyone wants to pay homage! I know how proud and happy you are feeling, and how much you will cherish this time together. Winnie beat the odds too, and soaked in the admiration of all her fans at Dewey for 3 years after her amputation. If I don't see your precious boy, give him a gentle hug for me.
  14. Oh, Bonnie, I wish I had some advice, but I'm not familiar with edema indicating the progression of the osteo. See if you can make him as comfortable as possible, and try not to think the worst. Sometimes a warm compress helps with the swelling. I'm so sorry you and Coby are going through this terrible ordeal so soon after your wedding especially. I'm saying a prayer for you both right now!
  15. I'm just seeing this now. Poor sweet Henry. I know how upsetting this is to you, but you're taking good care of your boy. You are both in my prayers.
  16. Oh, Scott, all the pictures were beautiful, but that last one brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely, kind and gentle face. I know you are missing her very much.
  17. My heart is breaking for you. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet little lady.
  18. Oh, the poor girl! How scary this must be. Sending prayers and white light to you and Brooke.
  19. queenwinniesmom


    But, you see, Smitty did deserve better, and that is what you gave him, and that is what he got---an angel like you to love him unconditionally. Imagine what both of your lives would have been like if you hadn't taken him into your home and heart. That time with you was certainly the happiest, most secure and comfortable time of his life, and that is what he knew in the end. For a year, a month, a day---he knew he was loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious little old man.
  20. I'm so sorry you've gotten this devastating diagnosis. This is a terrible time, when you are going through so many emotions. Please let us know how you and Jed are doing.
  21. I'm just now seeing this. Loca, Loca, Loca. You are going to make your Mom old (and poor) before her time! Seriously, I'm so glad to see that she is getting back to her normal self---or as normal as she can be. It must have been a very stressful week-end---sorry you had so much worry over your girl, Robin, but thank goodness it was not worse.
  22. Ah, Bonnie, you've made your Mom (and all of us) very happy! Will we see you at Dewey?
  23. Oh, no. I'm so sorry you've lost your sweet Stella. How tragic that she left you so suddenly. That makes it doubly hard, and our hearts are aching for you.
  24. Ah, the precious little old lady...what a lovely, soulful face. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Tootsie.
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