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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. What an amazing little girl. Don't tell them she loves everyone! Sending continued prayers for her recovery.
  2. Oh, how sad that you didn't have more time with your boy. But you and Argos made every moment count. Just from his wonderful pictures, I can tell that he was a force to be reckoned with. What a brave and lovely soul. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Argos.
  3. Chemo can have so many ups and downs. Sending lots of good thoughts, and hoping Polli does great tomorrow.
  4. I'm so sorry that you and Jed are dealing with this. There is a fine line between wanting to do everything you can to keep him out of pain, and worrying about every little symptom. And it's almost impossible not to worry when you are so finely attuned to what he's feeling. I wish I had an answer for you, but I think it is something we all struggle with when dealing with osteo. I've always said to try not to let the monster steal your precious time away from you, but, of course, that is a hell of a lot easier said than done. I guess what you need to do is to make sure he's on the proper amount of pain medicine, and be certain that he knows how very much you love him. I'm sure he DOES know, and that is what's important.
  5. Melissa, my heart sank when I saw this. I know when they get to be 14, you do fear the worst. And being 8 months pregnant....well, you get a pass for being emotional! I wish I had some advice for you, but I'm not familiar with those symptoms. So, like everyone else here who loves and admires Bell, I'll send lots of prayers and good thoughts. And telepathic "feel good" vibes, and gentle nose kisses from her buddies in the Burg. Please let us know how she's doing. And how YOU'RE doing.
  6. How lucky you and Vincent were to have found each other. I'm so sorry you've lost your very special boy.
  7. That was a lovely tribute. You understood her so well, and loved her so much---she was exactly where she was supposed to be. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  8. For Penny in the ICU, and all the others who are so sick or hurt.
  9. My heart is breaking for you. If every a dog deserved a miracle, it is your Penny. Please know that there will be prayers and tons of white light going out to this precious girl. And to you too. I'm so sorry.
  10. Oh, God, I'm so sorry you are dealing with all this sadness. Spoil your sweet girl, and make memories to treasure. Please know that you and Penny are in our prayers.
  11. Oh, I'm so sorry you have to say good-bye to your precious girl. You will miss her terribly, but I think you know in your heart that the best way to honor her is to open your heart to another dog who needs you, when you are ready. It might help her brother too.
  12. What a hard time you and your boy have had. You will be in our prayers.
  13. Sending prayers that Joe will feel better, and you will have lots of quality time together.
  14. Oh, Claudia, I missed this too, till I saw in the Chat Club that Chance was worried about his precious girlhound. I'm so sorry that you and Misty are going through this. But I know that whatever can be done for her, you will do unselfishly and with much love. We feel pretty helpless, and can only keep Misty and her family in our prayers, but Lydia will be sending lots of telepathic good thoughts and white light to your sweet girl.
  15. Lots of good advice here, some from those with experience with amps, and some that is intuitive and knowledgeable even though it wasn't osteo. But definitely---whatever your sweet girl will eat. They are all so different with the ways they process anesthesia, pain meds, even the adjustment to life on 3 legs. And things can seem very dark before they get better. I would say that ups and downs are far more common than an uneventful recovery (I was lucky with Winnie, who had few problems). Not that that makes it easier to deal with a dog who is fighting osteo, but just know that she is still in this fight with you. And you have to be in it with her too. The person who said that doubt is a cancer in it's own right, is a very wise person. I can honestly say that I had moments of doubt too, and probably not a day went by that I didn't wish that my beautiful girl could have been whole again. Someone also said they didn't look at the amputation as a loss of a limb, but the loss of the cancer. And that is true. Though the time we get to spend with them varies so much, that osteo pain is gone, as is the danger that the fragile, compromised leg would shatter, causing even more excruciating pain. You removed that pain for her, because you love her, and when a decision is made out of love, it should never be second guessed. You can let US know if you're feeling that way, but don't let HER know. We understand. She doesn't, because she lives in the moment, not agonizing over past decisions, or fearing pain and sadness in the future. Hang in there, and know that you are both in our prayers. And continue to let us know how she is doing.
  16. I'm so sorry. You and Bodie have fought so bravely together against the monster. It's so hard to see your precious boy stolen away from you. But I know you will cherish this time together, and be there for him when it's time to say good-bye.
  17. I was just thinking about her, and am glad to see she is doing better today. Keep up the good work---both of you. And come here any time you need to, with questions, concerns and good news too!
  18. Oh, no! I just saw this. Robin, I'm so sorry. What a gorgeous boy he was.
  19. Precious little girl. She will amaze you and surprise you and fill your heart with love and admiration. And she will take it all for granted! I remember the first time Winnie did our 23 outside steps after her amp. She had showed no interest, and I was afraid she might never do them again. Then one day, DH was calling the other dogs for dinner, and Winnie "forgot" that she couldn't do steps, and clamored up all 23 of them without stopping! She then looked at us as if to say, So what's the big deal? And I burst into tears! Hugs to Polli.
  20. You have a lovely way with words. The love and strong bond you shared shine through in your beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Courtney.
  21. A lovely tribute to a special dog. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  22. Tess is only 4, and we've had her 2 years now. Boy, does she love the Satin Balls. The only problem is, Lydia and Polly, who are definitely NOT thin, would love them too! But no, they are not getting them. If they feel left out, I give them a biscuit.
  23. Thanks for the good thoughts. Tess is her happy, perky self. She doesn't seem any thinner, but she's definitely not put any weight back on. I think it is certainly a possibility that the trip to Dewey caused her to burn a few more calories. Thanks for that reminder---don't know why I didn't consider that. Though she ate well in Dewey, they do get less food on vacation, and are usually twice as active. It has gotten a lot colder here too, but I think she was looking thin before the cold snap. I think her metabolisim (like my DH's, and NOT like mine!) is such that she has never gained much weight. I know it's possible it's something else, and I worry about that too, but the bloodwork on Friday was normal. And she hasn't really lost more than 1-2 pounds since she was last weighed at the vets a year ago. I did make a small recipe for Satin Balls tonight---somehow I just couldn't mix up 10 pounds of ground meat with a box of Total, etc., etc., in my kitchen sink! We'll try some to see if it helps. I know she'll like it. She likes anything. The peanut butter would be good too. I'll make some of my homemade Frosty Pawa tomorrow, with the yogurt, peanut butter and pumpkin. Of course, she likes THOSE too!
  24. Oh, Shelby, I'm just seeing this, and I'm so sorry you've gotten this terrible news. I know you're doing whatever you can to keep him happy and comfortable. And he may surprise you many times. Just don't let thoughts of sadness to come let the monster steal more precious time from you and your precious boy. Every day together is a gift to cherish. Please know that you are both in my prayers.
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