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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Ah, you still miss your girl so much. It's doubly hard when your time together is so short. But she seems to have packed a lot of love into those eleven months.
  2. Dave, I could probably be considered a cheerleader for artemisinin, since I'm always suggesting that people with osteo dogs give it a try. It is an herbal drug, and I don't think there are adverse side effects. The worse that could happen is that it wouldn't help. But it's worth a try. Dr. Couto is doing research with it, and when I told him I was giving it to Winnie, he was supportive. Like I've said before, I don't know if that is why she was with us for over 3 years after her amputation, but 3 years of artemisinin sure didn't HURT her! I think Robin M mentioned that she was giving Polli Artemix, which contains artemisinin plus other things, and may be more effective. It's also more expensive. But I believe they are worth a try. Be sure to get from a reputable source. I always got mine from Nutricology. Holley is good too. Here is a link to one site---I'm sure there are many, as well as an online group---that may give you a little more info. How is Doonie doing? artemisinin link
  3. Ah, Melissa, Bell's was another name I was hoping not to see here, even though I knew that you would be letting her go soon. I'm searching for words through my tears, though you so eloquently shared her unique spirit in your lovely tribute. How well you understood her, and how totally she was loved. So I will tell you that I'm so sorry you lost your precious little old lady, and how my heart breaks for you. Because I don't think that Bell would want our tears. She had one heck of a life, certainly on her own terms, conquering Katrina, the dreaded Pittsburgh steps (remember when you laughed when I was concerned about her doing our outside steps?), and those cross country trips. And she said good-bye on her own terms as well. I was hoping you would post that beautiful picture of her on the beach, running so joyously in her very senior years---thank-you. She was magnificent, wasn't she? Thinking of you with much sympathy.
  4. Oh, Pat, each day I would look at Remembrance, and, not seeing his name there, would hope that you were having more good days together. My heart sank when I saw this. You said he had you at hello. Well, you had him at that first meeting as well. I think they intuitively know when they are where they're supposed to be, and are with the person who will love them unconditionally. You were also right when you said he was beautiful, though of course, you would have loved him if he was purple! But I had no idea he was so stunning. I'm so sorry you've lost your precious boy, and that you didn't have more time together. Thank-you for sharing the story of how he came into your life. Yes, it WAS meant to be. Thinking of you with much sympathy, and sending lots of white light for strength to help you through this sad time.
  5. There is always a sense of relief when they are safely home---for you AND Polli. Glad her bloodwork looked good so that there wasn't a delay in getting this 3rd round. So many ups and downs to contend with. Hopefully, she will breeze through this one. She's come such a long way, and is such a good, brave girl. for you, Polli!
  6. What a wonderful ambassador he was, and what a fine old man. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Thunder.
  7. Oh, Susan, how you loved him! And how he loved you. That was one of the most eloquent and heartfelt tributes I have ever read. Thank you for sharing your very special boy with us. It has always been clear to me, in just the short time I've known you and Jack in the chat club, that he was precisely where he was supposed to be, with the person who understood him and loved him better than anyone in the world. How blessed you both were to have shared such a strong bond. Please know that we are thinking of you with much sympathy, and are holding you close in our prayers.
  8. I'm so sorry that Doonie has gotten this terrible diagnosis. Unfortunately, there are too many of us here who know just what you are going through. I'm assuming that due to the location of the tumor, she is not a candidate for amputation, so keeping her out of pain is the most important thing you can do for her right now. So often, osteo is not diagnosed until it has progressed, and I think that is because these dogs are so stoic. They are amazing, aren't they? I'm so glad you've been in touch with Dr. Couto. There is no one more knowledgeable. You can ask him about artemisinin to see if he thinks it's worth a try. He's been doing a lot of research on it, as something to slow the osteo. You can research it online too. This is such a sad and overwhelming time. Please know that you can come here with questions, to vent, or just talk about what you are feeling. Sometimes it helps to know that others care and understand your sadness and pain.
  9. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Brook. Osteo is a monster that has taken too many lives.
  10. Oh, no! This has been such a rough time for you. Sending prayers out to you and Bandit---and Lee is still included! Please let us know how he's doing.
  11. Oh, Melissa, my heart sank when I read this. I'm so sorry. You know how much admiration I have for your sweet old lady. She is complex and quirky, and certainly has a mind of her own. She has also been a fighter, enduring God knows what before she was blessed to find you and start a whole new life. I know how happy and safe she is with you, and if she was able to stay, she would try in every way possible to do that. But I think you know in your heart that she is telling you she is ready to say good-bye. I remember looking into Winnie's eyes last year, and she let me know as clearly as if she'd spoken the words. And Winnie was the very definition of stubbornness, so I had to respect that she wanted to leave on her own terms as much as possible. So, though the timing sucked (2 days before Dewey), I let her go. If Bell is letting you know that it is time, that final gift, though almost unbearable, is given with respect and love. Please give her a gentle hug for me, and nose kisses from all the girls in the Castle in the Burg. And hugs to you too. My heart is breaking for you.
  12. Oh, poor Nellie, not the way to spend her Gotcha Day! Don't have any experience with this, but I hope she improves. Sending some white light out to you, Nellie!
  13. I'm so sorry you are going through this nightmare again. After all you've been through, it has to be overwhelming. But you've learned a lot, haven't you? Even though you got the worst news, you did what you had to do because you love Maggie and know her well, and know what is best for her and for you. You are all in our prayers, and tons of white light is going out to you as she comes home to start this part of the journey. Please know that everyone is here for you through the ups and downs, and we want to know how she is doing. And how you are doing.
  14. I'm so sorry you are still going through such an agonizing time, and I'm saying a prayer that she will continue to improve. Also, I just wanted to add that I share your confidence in Northview. They are indeed state of the art, and though I'm not a client there, I know lots of people who are, and they love them. Please let us know how your sweet girl is doing---and how YOU are doing. P.S. I'm in Pgh. too---if there is any way I can help, please PM me!
  15. I'm glad to see that you've gotten some good advice from those with experience. I have no experience with it, but can only agree and send you white light and some heavy duty prayers. I know it's hard, but please don't beat yourself up. You do what you feel is best because you love him so much.
  16. Oh, no! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Loki. I know that, intellectually, there is some comfort in knowing he didn't suffer, he was happy and with the person he loved best. But that can't stop the pain and sadness as you mourn his loss. And because it was so sudden, there is an extra layer of grief that you have to work through. There is no time frame for that. Sometimes it does help to know that others share your sadness.
  17. Oh, no! This kind of news is hard to comprehend. I so hope Hannah adjusts well to the loss of sight. Sending prayers and white light for strength to you and Hannah.
  18. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Penny. She captured our hearts, and we are sharing your sadness. Please write more when you can. It may help to be able to share the happier times as well.
  19. Well, it's only 2:00, so it's too early for an update, but just wanted to let you know we're thinking of Soul, and hoping for excellent results. We love you, Soul man!
  20. I'm sorry you and Zoe are going through such a rough time. Poor little old lady. Sending prayers and white light for her to improve.
  21. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, Shelby, I cried when I saw his name here. My heart is breaking for you. I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious boy. He fought a good fight, didn't he? Deuce and Winnie, brave and stubborn and filled with the joy of living, until the very end. I just know he'll be safe at the Bridge with Winnie there to watch over him. And he can go running with the Queen. Sending hugs to you and your family, and sharing your sadness.
  22. Oh, no! I'm so sorry you've gotten this terrible news. You are right, each day is a gift. Stormy has a wise and loving Mom, and you will both be in my prayers.
  23. Oh, we can feel how much you must be hurting now, and I wish there was something else I could do other than offer my prayers and good thoughts. Penny has been so brave, and there is something about your precious girl that has touched our hearts. We are sharing your sadness. But remember that she is not projecting to the end of that 3 or 4 weeks, or however long your time together is. She is here in the present with you, and you should just try to do whatever makes that time easier for her. I know that is what's important to you as well. Try not to cry for her now, and let the monster steal this precious time away. Unless you truly know that she is ready to say good-by, just spoil her, cherish her, and let her know how very much she is loved. And tell her she's in the prayers of so many people she's never met!
  24. Good to hear that he's doing better. At my age, I can certainly sympathize with not bouncing back as quickly as we did when we were younger!
  25. Bell, your Mom sure loves you, sweetie---and so do we! So glad to hear she's eating, Melissa. I tried a small recipe of satin balls for Tess (along with the antibiotic the vet prescribed) when she was looking so thin a few weeks ago, and I think it helped. She was eating well anyway, so I did just use them as a supplement, but she sure liked them. If Bell will eat them, it's worth a try. Of course, I can see you, pregnant, with your hands mushing up a bunch of raw ground beef! How are YOU doing?
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