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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Wish I had some good advice for you! We're off to DC tomorrow, but Buddy will be in our prayers, and I'll check back Sunday night.
  2. This is such sad news. Sending prayers that you and your brave girl have many more quality days together.
  3. Oh, no! I'm so sorry you've gotten this devastating news. I pray that you and Caesar have much more good quality time together.
  4. Oh, I'm so sorry that your beautiful Nadia has gotten this terrible diagnosis. You are moving forward, though, and that is important. If you know what you want to do, follow your heart, and be assured that you are making the right decision for Nadia and for you. Like Robin said, there are too many of us who know how you are feeling, and what you will go through on this journey. There will be many ups and downs. Stay strong for your girl---she will be strong for you. Please come here to talk, vent, ask for info, laugh or cry. You are both in our prayers.
  5. Oh, Melissa, I can't blame you for being worried. When you are wracking your brain trying to figure it all out, it just consumes your mind. And then being so stressed over getting the pills into him doesn't help either. I'm glad Eric was able to get some into him. Buddy is in my prayers. Keep up updated.
  6. Happy dances for Darcy! Sweet girl, do you know how many people are overjoyed at this news? LOTS!
  7. What a nightmare! I'm glad I'm just seeing this after the last update. That's great that she is doing so much better. We'll keep those prayers coming that Rainey is home soon and recovering well.
  8. Oh, Emily, that must be heart wrenching to see him go through that. While it's wonderful that he'd gone so long without one, did it give you a crazy hope that maybe there wouldn't be any more? You are so intuitive where he is concerned, though. You've done so much research, and understand your sweet boy so well. I hope he goes a long, long, long time without another one!
  9. He looks too innocent to have eaten your purses! I'm sure that was a big part of his charm, and it's easy to see why he captured your heart. What a lovely boy, inside and out. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Phantom.
  10. And Mom is going to 100% guarantee that there will be NO ice for his birthday, of course. Can you imagine his displeasure if there is ICE at his party?
  11. Melissa, we'll be sending out some white light to you and Buddy, and hoping that he's okay. Reading the first post, I was thinking of a mini stroke, just because we had a cat with that type of behavior and that was what was going on, but of course, that's just my non-professional opinion. But you do know him best, so if your gut feeling is that something is not right, I'd go with it. Please let us know what's going on. P.S. Kisses to Rascal.
  12. It's understandable that your are so worried and frustrated, especially since you are trying everything in your power to help him. Four years old is really young to be so sick. Precious Beau, please get better!
  13. Kristen, if there is a positive side to osteo, it's this---I (and I'm sure, others) just love your posts! Ranger has become very familiar, very dear, to us. We feel like we understand him, and we've fallen in love. Keep letting us know how your wonderful boy is doing. I was touched by your description of how he came to you, and how he got his name. He is clearly exactly where he is meant to be And here is a challenge, coming from my angel Queen Winnie. We would like to challenge Ranger to beat her 3 1/2 years post amp. I think she would be proud to know that other owners were perhaps inspired and given hope by her longevity. I'm so thrilled that Ranger's lungs were clear. Great news! I can't remember if I'd mentioned artemisinin to you---I'm like a broken record about the probable benefits. I like to think it had something to do with keeping Winnie around as long as she was. Oh, and speaking of her, slippery bare floors were the bane of her existence! Being the stubborn, quirky old girl that she was, she reached a point where she absolutely refused to walk on them. We decided that the fruitless efforts spent trying to convince her that they wouldn't eat her alive was worse than giving in and carrying her or throwing down rugs or blankets, or just plain avoiding them. Not the best thing, discipline-wise, but we caved. She actually never came into our kitchen for 3 1/2 years! But she didn't have to. Anyway, I'm filled with hope for Ranger, and for you.
  14. Just seeing this. Oh, Lee, I know you're trying to tell your Mom something telepathically, but for some reason, it's not working! She does try though. Please feel better, sweet boy. You worry your Mom and your friends.
  15. Sending prayers for many, many, many, many more good days! I hope your sweet boy keeps feeling better.
  16. Oh, no! I'm so sorry you've been put on this nightmarish rollercoaster. Stepping up the prayers.
  17. It's clear that Mack found his perfect home. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet and handsome boy.
  18. Winslow, you're as good as Michael Phelps, and even cuter! Can't wait to see you in canine and give you a smooch. Jeannine and Meredith, we'll be there too!
  19. Hoping that you can get this under control now that you have a diagnosis, and that sweet Beau will feel better. Please eat, Beau!
  20. I'm smiling through tears, reading your wonderful tribute. What a complex, quirky, and very lucky little lady she was. And how you loved her! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Beth.
  21. I can only echo the joy and speechlessness of everyone else. Happy dances for Monty and you!
  22. Keeping sweet Jake (and you!) in our thoughts and prayers.
  23. Too bad he had to go through the surgery, but you did need to know, and there's really no other way. Sending continued prayers that he recovers well, and you get some positive answers.
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