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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy. He's really beautiful.
  2. Sorry they couldn't do the dental! Hopefully, he'll be able to get it done soon. So, Romeo...did you finally get to eat??
  3. Sending prayers that Sadie does well with the surgry, and the amputation gets rid of the cancer. Please let us know how she's doing.
  4. Ah, your sweet, brave boy....We will be keeping you both in our thoughts today, and sending white light for a peaceful end to this journey. I hope Morgan and my angel Winnie can find each other and compare notes about 3 1/2 great post amp years, and kicking the monster's butt. Run free, precious boy. You're a hero.
  5. Oh, what a beautiful tribute. How you loved him. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Smiley.
  6. It's terrible to not know. When you don't know, you worry. We'll be thinking of you and hoping it is good news on Friday.
  7. We'll be thinking of sweet Wayne tomorrow too. Be sure and let us know how he's doing.
  8. Oh, yeah---Polli is always in our prayers. I'm glad that last one is over, and she's back home. Robin, you have done such an amazing job, but this has certainly been a real roller coaster for you both. I hope it's smooth sailing from now on.
  9. Oh, I'm so sorry. Tigger was obviously well loved to have such a long life. I can't imagine how much you are missing your precious kitty.
  10. queenwinniesmom

    G Man

    Oh, I'm so sorry. I wish he could have found his forever home, but I know he was loved.
  11. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Annie. Your love for her shines through in every word, and the pictures are lovely. My heart is aching for you.
  12. Please keep posting. You're both doing great, and now we can see how incredibly beautiful he is!
  13. Yes! And if you want to see the beautiful Bosha, just look on the cover of the Celebrating Greyhounds desk calendar. Truly a Greyhound to celebrate.
  14. Good news! She's going to reach the 1 year mark, pass it up, and keep going, I know it.
  15. Oh, my gosh, she was really beautiful. That first picture is breathtaking! I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  16. Thank-you for sharing the wonderful story of a very special dog. Your tribute was so touching. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Diane.
  17. He looks great! And eager to come home. What is that under the blue bandage?
  18. Just checking in to see how Bonnie is doing, and to let you know we're thinking about you.
  19. Amber, it's good that you can be home with him to moniter what's going on. I'm so sorry he's not feeling well again. Soul, sweetie, your Mom worries about you so. And so do your friends! Please feel better soon.
  20. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Renie. I can't imagine how difficult this was for you.
  21. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ginger. What a lovely old girl.
  22. Oh, I'm so sorry you've gotten this devastating diagnosis. So many of us have travelled that road, so please don't feel like anyone is too busy. We're just so sad when another precious hound is stricken by this monster. Sending prayers, and gentle hugs.
  23. Yep, second guessing, though natural, is a waste of energy. I didn't really second guess because I knew that no matter how much time the amp bought Winnie, that pain of osteo and the risk of that leg suddenly shattering, was gone. I wish that I could say that there weren't times that I looked at my beautiful girl and wished that she was whole again, but that wouldn't be true. My heart ached for her when she plodded up and down our steps like a trooper, or when she wiped out on a slick floor, but I knew that I'd done the right thing. There is no stigma in the dog world against 3 legged hounds, and that spirit that captured you forever is still intact, a missing appendage is superficial in the larger scheme of things. Be sure and keep us up to date with his progress. Lots of prayers and white light.
  24. queenwinniesmom


    Beautiful, beautiful boy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Enzo.
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