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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. I wish I has some advice, but can only add my prayers. Good to hear he's doing okay now. You are right about the level of support here. It is amazing. Please come to question, vent, laugh, cry.
  2. I'm so sorry you've gotten this terrible diagnosis. We didn't have much luck with chemo with our Patsy, but cancer is such a crapshoot. If you are leaning towards it, I'd certainly try. I'm glad Kristin replied to you. She knows so much---she'd probably say WAY too much---about lymphoma, and her Bonnie is an inspiration. Good advice from her. You should be able to get help with the chemo costs through Dr. Couto. He is a saint. Please let us know what you decide, and how Radar is doing.
  3. Oh, no! So many friends are crying for you and DaBones now. Given everything that you and he have been through together, no one knows better than you the meaning of "precious time". It is indeed precious, and will be there in your heart when you are missing him so. I can't imagine a better Mom. I just wish you could have more time together. But he hung in there through the bleakest of times, so let's not count your amazing boy out yet. Sending lots of prayers.
  4. Oh, what a lovely big guy. It sounds like Bart was really able to fullfill his potential and enjoy life in his perfect home. I'm so sorry for their loss.
  5. Patrick, thanks so much for the pictures. I, too, think the one in the leaves is especially beautiful, though it was so sad to see Gino and Speck together, and know they are both gone. It just doesn't seem possible, and I'm still having trouble getting my mind around that. I've been thinking about Chrissy and you a lot, and hoping you are okay.
  6. Still thinking of you, Chrissy. Afraid to call because I'd be crying too much. How we love that boy. And you. Speck.... Remember that love continues to grow, like ripples across a lake. And if you have trouble believing, just think of the difference that one dog can make!
  7. Glad to hear some GOOD Mouse news! She is still in our prayers.
  8. I hope Polli can continue to take steps forward, get to that last chemo, and pass it up. Such a brave, sweet girl.
  9. Hope you feel better soon, Jake. We'll be sending lots of good thoughts to you and your Mom.
  10. Chrissy, I remember you telling me that I was always able to find the right words when someone needed comfort. But I just can't seem to find those words now. And reading over the many expressions of shock and sadness, I know that so many others feel the same way. To say that I'm so sorry, to say that he'll be missed enormously, to say that my heart is breaking for you, just doesn't seem like enough. And of course, it's not. It can't be enough to fill that empty space in your heart, or ease your pain. But I can say this---how he was loved! And how you are loved as well. So many people care about you because you always care about others, so many people loved Speck because YOU loved Speck. He was unique and exceptional, and even more so because the two of you completed each other. You were able to CHANNEL that dog, to translate his magnificent SPECKNESS into human words and thoughts that left all of us as much in awe of him as you were (well, maybe not quite as much, but you were his Mudder). And so we feel that we have lost him as well. But how blessed we were to have known him, how lucky we were that you shared your precious boy so totally. So although we can't be there to give you a hug in person, please know how deeply we share your sadness. You are in our hearts and in our prayers. Cyber hugs to you and Patrick. Love, Nancy
  11. Oh, the poor little girl! I just looked into those beautiful eyes, and said a prayer.
  12. Hmmm, the left rear leg seemed to be crossing over to the right, but it's hard to say if that is not just compensating. And maybe the yard is a little muddy, and she's trying to avoid that. Tripod gaits can look awkward sometimes when they are just trying to get it done. But you do know her like a book, so if you are concerned, I'd go with your gut feeling, and watch her closely. But it was lovely to see the girl!
  13. What a precious little girl. Is she out of surgery yet? Pyometras (if that's what it is) are nasty. Good that they are getting that uterus outa there! Sending prayers for Miss Bug.
  14. Thanks for the updates. I know we are all eager to know how she is doing. Every little improvement is a step forward. This must be stressing you out tremendously. We can only hope and pray that she continues to take those baby steps towards recovery. I know this is a cliche, but it really does seem to get worse before it gets better, and I'm visualizing you looking back at this as just a small period of time in a much larger scheme of things. Thanks also for the pictures---before and after. She is beautiful with 4 legs, and she will be beautiful with 3 legs!
  15. Oh, the sweet little old man. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sexton.
  16. Claudia, you are doing everything you can for Misty because you love her so much. I've been thinking about you both a lot, and you're in my prayers.
  17. I would agree with the general consensus of muscle strain. Winnie's legs used to quiver like that occasionally too, especially when she'd been more active than usual. When she'd walk the beach at Dewey---and we couldn't keep her OFF that beach, even on 3 legs---the legs would quiver. We would give her a Piroxicam, which was the only thing she was on for pain, and she'd be fine. Sweet Polli, of course it's all about Polli---she's a force to be reckoned with! I'm thinking she's fine, but please let us know how she's doing. Her fan club wants to know!
  18. Guarded optimism is okay. And we'll take any improvement--- however small, it's a step in the right direction. Once that starts, I think you'll see her making more progress in her recovery every day. Please let us know how she's doing---and we'll keep the prayers coming!
  19. Give that boy a gentle hug from all his friends on Greytalk!
  20. Sending good thoughts for your lovely little Mouse. Let us know how she's doing.
  21. Oh, no! Sending lots of prayers and white light to Mango, and hoping this is just temporary. I'm PMing you.
  22. Oh, Claudia, you've had so many ups and downs! Wish I could do more than send you prayers and white light and hugs. But if it helps at all, please know that you and Misty are in so many prayers.
  23. I'm so sorry that you and Mango have gotten this horrible diagnosis. This is a club that we all wish would never have any new members! But please know that you are doing the right thing for Mango. You do know her best, and whatever decision you make is made out of love. I do agree that amp and chemo seems to be the treatment that gives the best results. That said, Winnie was one of the minorities, I guess, because she had over 3 years without the chemo. We did a high protein, low carb diet, gave her the artemisinin, and immune system boosters like fish oil and pycnogenol. Her lungs were clear when we did the surgery. We actually lost her to kidney failure, not the osteo. But...cancer is a crapshoot. You do what you can, and hope for the best. Sometimes it's enough, sometimes it brings more time than we ever expected, and sometimes we don't get nearly enough time. I would say to do what your heart tells you. I hope you can bring Mango home soon. When was the surgery? Have you seen her yet? I was so afraid I'd freak out to see Winnie without her leg, but she was not interested in what I thought. She wanted to come home! They had kept her for several days after the amp because of the stair situation at our home (23 outside steps to get in). But she was up and anxious to go out the next day. It was a month before she managed our steps, though. We set up our tenant's Florida room for her, and she was content there. Slippery floors were her nemesis. The more rugs you have, the better! Try to get some rest before she does come home---you will need it. I think everyone will agreee that it may get worse before it gets better, but expect that there will be ups and downs, and try not to get too upset. Just come here when you need to vent or ask questions (CoG too). Lots of knowledge and support. And prayers! Please let us know how you both are doing.
  24. Bonnie has a huge fan club! And she deserves it. She looks beautiful, Kristin. Thanks for sharing her with us.
  25. I just saw this. It sounds like our wonderful wizard is feeling better. I agree with Susan about the Pepto rather than Tums. I think I was told they could absorb a liquid faster too. We always give Tess Pepto for a gurgly tummy. She had one just last week---a fairly common occurrance for her. It always seems to be in the middle of the night. She makes me get up and let her out at 3:00 A.M. She wants to eat grass, and is frustrated, because at this point, we just don't have any! So she acts restless too. Things usually calm down pretty quick. My angel Nick had that tummy thing too (and he did send us Tess ), but he sometimes wouldn't want breakfast. But he'd always go for dinner. I know you'll keep an eye on Merlin, but I think he'll be fine. And Maine winters---I'm sure they're more intense than Pittsburgh! You two are so finely atuned, if you hate them, he might be feeling that too.
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