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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, no! I'm so sorry you've been put on this nightmarish rollercoaster. Stepping up the prayers.
  2. It's clear that Mack found his perfect home. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet and handsome boy.
  3. Winslow, you're as good as Michael Phelps, and even cuter! Can't wait to see you in canine and give you a smooch. Jeannine and Meredith, we'll be there too!
  4. Hoping that you can get this under control now that you have a diagnosis, and that sweet Beau will feel better. Please eat, Beau!
  5. I'm smiling through tears, reading your wonderful tribute. What a complex, quirky, and very lucky little lady she was. And how you loved her! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Beth.
  6. I can only echo the joy and speechlessness of everyone else. Happy dances for Monty and you!
  7. Keeping sweet Jake (and you!) in our thoughts and prayers.
  8. Too bad he had to go through the surgery, but you did need to know, and there's really no other way. Sending continued prayers that he recovers well, and you get some positive answers.
  9. What a lovely tribute, filled with quiet eloquence, like your very beautiful old man. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dowland.
  10. Wow! The picture kinda freaked me out, and I thought it looked like an acorn too. Isn't it good that you posted that picture? I would imagine having an acorn stuck in there would REALLY hurt! So glad you solved her problem.
  11. Oh, my! You've both had a rough day. That's called cryptorchid when the testicles aren't descended. We do surgeries at the shelter where I work, and we've seen a lot of that lately. Yeah, if they have to go looking for them, especially up in the abdomen, that's a lot more invasive than a normal neuter. He should feel better soon.
  12. What a time you've had! I'm so glad to hear your tough old girl is on the mend.
  13. Polli, Polli, keep feeling better, and try not to scare your Mom---and us!
  14. Hey lovely Isis, it sounds like you are feeling better. Hope that trend continues. Keep us updated.
  15. Oh my gosh! That is scary, and it's clear that you are worried about your girl. Sending prayers that "it comes out well in the end", and the next update is a good one.
  16. I'm so sorry that it seems to be a tumor. But it's good news that his lungs are clear. You are proceeding in the way you should be. Sadly, there are so many of us who have shared this experience. But that does mean that there is a lot of knowledge and support. Polli is 3 months ahead of you, Ranger is only 1 month. I hope you can gain hope from their stories, and the stories of other dogs who have fought the monster. I do keep bringing my Winnie up---and probably sound like a broken record. But if my angel Queen can give another person hope during this difficult time, it's worth it. We had Winnie for 3 1/2 years after her amputation (right hind leg)! Right after she was diagnosed, I was so devastated that I actually wrote a "eulogy" poem, thinking that I would be losing her at any time. But I've learned a lot since then, and Winnie had different ideas. She was not ready to leave us, and certainly not ready to lose any battles with the monster. When we lost her in Oct. 2007, it was due to kidney failure. Now I have to say this also---cancer is a crapshoot. Every dog, every owner, every experience with the disease, is different. But we have to do what we can, because we love them. Whatever you know in your heart is best for Butch is what you should do, no matter if it is not what someone else did, or exactly what someone else did. And because you know your boy well, he'll help you with your decision. Please know that you and Butch are in our prayers.
  17. Oh, no. I'm so sorry that Monty is going through this. Sending prayers that if it is an infection, it is cleared up soon.
  18. Oh, I'm so sorry. I've been following Demas story, but was afraid to post because I lost my Nick to Addison's. It sounded much different, though, and he also had cardiomyopathy. But I'm so sorry for your pain and frustration, and that you had to say good-bye to your precious boy.
  19. Oh, no! Poor guy. I know that was scary for Rusty AND you. Hope his recovery is smooth. I can sure sympathize. I broke my ankle in July---it's no fun to be all booted up.
  20. Kristen, thanks for posting the positive updates. You know how many cyber Ranger-fans are smiling when we see them, don't you? Has it really been 30 days since the amp? It was rough there for a while, wasn't it? But you have done SUCH a great job! I can feel your joy and pride at seeing your boy run. He's pretty awesome, isn't he? We love you, Ranger, keep doing well.
  21. Gorgeous Willie---you will be in our thoughts and prayers today. I'm so glad to hear that his amp recovery is going well. The bottom line is that the surgery removes that intense pain of the osteo tumor, and eliminates the possibility of that bone fracturing. After that, their adjustment is so individual---but Willie is doing great! And I'm betting that will continue.
  22. Butch is absolutely stunning! I think this time period is the hardest---you aren't sure what the diagnosis is, so you're hoping for the best, yet expecting the worst. And even with a diagnosis, you're torn between treatment options. That is when the people here will be a huge support system, so please keep us up to date with everything that is going on with Butch. And yes, there have been some mis-diagnosis(es) (Is the plural a word?) Wasn't Robin's Loca mis-diagnosed? Assuming the worst, that is is osteo, so many things would have to be considered. The location of the tumor, whether the lungs have mets, etc. I think the diagnosis has to be pursued further, and possibly more consultations. If someone hasn't already mentioned it, your vet could have Dr. Couto at Ohio State take a look at the X-rays. They are the best. In the meantime, you will both be in our prayers.
  23. Oh, Claudia, this has been such a long haul for you and Misty. I know you'll do whatever it takes for your girl, I just wish you could get a big bright light at the end of the tunnel. Sending hugs and good thoughts to both of you.
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