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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Keeping your sweet boy in my prayers. Let us know how he does.
  2. Susan, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Alan, especially so suddenly. That adds an extra layer to your grief, which would be devastating enough. But with the suddenness, there is also shock and anger as well as the deep sadness, and gaping hole in your heart and home. Your love for Alan shines through in every word of your beautiful tribute. And reading over the 4 pages of this thread, it's clear that that love was shared, even by those of us who had never met him in canine. Certainly, he was one of the most stunningly beautiful Greys I've ever seen (having a soft spot for gorgeous fawns with melting brown eyes). And since he was just as beautiful inside as he was outside, it's easy to see why he was so special, and why you loved him so much. Sharing your sadness, keeping you in my prayers, and sending lots of white light for strength during this very difficult time.
  3. The sudden losses are especially hard. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Fifi. She was really beautiful.
  4. Beryl, I'm so sorry you lost your precious little lady.
  5. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful boy.
  6. Oh, Lora, my heart sank when I read your post. You and Willie have fought so hard, I really thought he'd be one to beat it too. It's not cruel enough that this monster steals so many of our precious Greys, it takes you on a heartbreaking emotional roller coaster, always waiting for the other damn shoe to drop. Try not to play the monster's game, and let time become your enemy. If we worry too much about "when", we lose the "now". What Willie knows for sure is that he is safe and loved and happy TODAY. And there could very well be many more todays to cherish. You and your sweet boy are in my prayers.
  7. Oh, this is absolutely devastating! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jeany. What a beautiful little lady she was.
  8. Rascal, you are NOT PERMITTED to have any lumps! No, no, no, no, no. Let us know how she's doing, Melissa. And give the girl a hug.
  9. Oh, Pam, I'm so sorry. Sending lots of prayers out to Zoe.
  10. Robin, you are amazing! I know how terribly difficult this has been, and that you felt so much sadness and frustration, but you persevered. Because you love your sweet boy so much. To hear that he has gained his weight back is just the best news ever. Give Beau a collective hug from everyone who was praying that he would pull through.
  11. I just can't comprehend this....why, why, why would someone with a dog known to be vicious permit that dog to run loose? Rhetorical question, I know, and it's not helping Diamond, but I'm just so angry and sad for you. First of all, I'm sending prayers that your precious girl makes a full recovery, and that her pain can be well controlled. And second, I'm sending prayers to you for strength to do whatever you can to make sure that owner takes responsibility---for your medical bills, and for insuring that her dog never does this again! Please let us know how Diamond is doing.
  12. Oh, Emily, I'm so sorry that you and Riley are going through this very difficult time. You and your husband and Riley will be in my prayers.
  13. Oh, Leah, my heart is breaking for you. I'm so sorry you couldn't have had more time with him. But keeping him free from pain was your priority, even though setting him free was the hardest thing for you to do. What a lovely saying you found when you were missing him most. I truly believe that they send us signs that they are safe, and I'm sure that Romeo did that---he loved you so! I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  14. Wow, what a gorgeous and exceptional cat. I'm glad you were blessed to have each other in your lives for 17 years. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lincoln.
  15. I think Dr. Couto is a saint! Not only are he and his colleagues unfailingly generous with their time, knowledge and resources, they are constantly striving for breakthroughs in the ongoing battle with cancer in Greyhounds. Quite a few of my friends have benefitted from their expertise, compassion and generosity---everything from prompt consultations to donating chemo drugs for a client's treatment at their own vet. He's also a wonderful speaker, using gentle humor and a down to earth style that draws people in, and engages them as he's also educating them and giving them hope. I had the pleasure of meeting him twice in 2007, the first time when he spoke at our Going Home Greyhounds reunion picnic, and I was able to introduce him to Winnie, who at that time had gone almost 3 1/2 years after her diagnosis and amputation. He was charmed by her (as most everyone was), and there were some tears in the crowd (including mine), as he told her what an inspiration she was. We talked about artemisinin and the studies OSU was doing on it. The next time I saw him, at his lecture at Dewey, we had lost our precious Winnie to kidney failure, not osteo. Though she was never treated by him, I always felt that he was kind of like a guardian angel, always there when he was most needed.
  16. I'm so sorry that your friend and Rocky are going through this horrible experience. Glad he's out of surgery, and on his way to recovery, though. The physical damage is bad enough, but the psychological trauma is damaging as well. Please keep us updated on his progress. And let them know they are in our prayers.
  17. I know everyone feels so helpless, and wishes that we could take this pain away. You have been through so much, and my heart is breaking for you and Beau. Sending a ton of prayers and white light.
  18. It does our hearts good to see Willie looking so beautiful, and doing so well. I hope you have many, many more wonderful days together. Willie, you are awesome!
  19. Oh, Leah, I'm so sorry you've gotten this devastating news about your big, beautiful boy. Too many of us know exactly how you feel. You and Romeo will be in my prayers.
  20. Your lovely tribute is classic "smiling through tears." Thank-you so much for sharing your Angel with us. How you loved her, and how well you understood her. She was a force to be reckoned with, wasn't she? And one who's absence leaves an awesome emptiness in your heart and home. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  21. Oh, my heart is breaking for you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Fly.
  22. It's too soon to feel better. Getting their ashes back is a really tough day for most people. Yes, there is some sense of closure in knowing that they are "home" where they belong, but there is also no escaping that finality. Take some time to do those familiar things. It's hard enough to change, but it's devastating to lose a beloved member of your family. I did all those habitual things for as long as I needed to because it helped ease the pain. Even now, over 2 years later with Nick, and over one year with Winnie, there are still a couple little things I do, just because it brings me comfort, and because it makes me feel close to them. Don't worry about time frames. You loved your boy. The love will be there when the pain subsides.
  23. Thank-you for sharing your precious Bugsy with us. How you loved her! And what a wonderful life she had with you. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet girl.
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