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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Ooooh, I remember those toads! We lived in FL for 10 years, and worked for a vet. One of my favorite clients, a cat named Guabe Guabe (don't ask ) had a permanent head tilt, and a few other problems after ingesting a toad. I used to say that Guabe marched to the beat of a different drummer. I met her after the fact, but she probably didn't get immediate treatment, and a cat is A LOT smaller than a Greyhound. But those toads really are toxic and scary! I hope Oakly is going to be fine. Sounds like you were on top of it.
  2. How you loved your boy! And how you will miss him, but the lucky hound you choose will help your hearts to heal.
  3. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts out to Joe and to you. This is such a stressful time, but you have a plan, and are moving forward in a very positive way. Hoping REAL hard that his surgery goes well. Please let us know.
  4. Oh, Isis, there are a lot of very relieved and happy people out here! Hope you continue to get better and better.
  5. This must be terribly upsetting for you. I'm so sorry you and Isis are going through this. Wish I had some experience or advice to offer, but I can send tons of prayers and good thoughts. Please let us know how Isis is doing.
  6. Sending prayers and white light for a successful surgery, and uneventful recovery.
  7. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sassy.
  8. This is just so tragic and unfair. My heart is breaking for Dylan, whose anger is understandable. I hope in time he will be able to find comfort in knowing that he was Katie's angel. We'll remember you, Katie, and are thankful that you found love, if only for a short time.
  9. queenwinniesmom


    A life well lived, and a life well loved. Reading your incredibly beautiful and moving tribute, I can understand what it means to have a dog who is truly a soulmate. She was exactly where she was meant to be, with the person who understood her best and loved her completely. And she returned that love tenfold. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Brookie.
  10. What a lovely, insightful, hopeful post. Reading everyone's pain and anger brings back Winnie's and Lacey's diagnoses like they were yesterday. At the beginning of this journey, I think the anger and pain are normal, justifiable and sometimes even productive, if that anger is channeled into seeking answers and knowledge. But the sadness and depression are normal too. I think at some point, when we are able to focus less on our own sadness, there comes another step in the journey. That is the pride and admiration we feel when we let them teach us about quiet courage, determination, and living wholly in the moment. And what we can learn from them fills us with a love so strong it feels as if our hearts will burst. It gives us hope when we remember that life truly is a circle. Because we've known such love, we will always own enough that we can continue to give it away to the ones who really need it. And then they give it back to us. Hugs to everyone who is dealing with the monster. You're all in my prayers.
  11. How you loved him! And how lucky he was to have found his perfect forever family, even though it wasn't nearly long enough. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Leopold.
  12. What a lovely, quirky, special old girl she was. Eight months---way too short a time, but filled with such love. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Princess.
  13. His loss is so profoundly sad. Oh, Braden, you were loved by people who never even met you, and you are mourned by many.
  14. queenwinniesmom


    Trudy, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ryan.
  15. That is understandably frustrating. And disappointing---you just want to KNOW! Thank goodness for the good news, and hopefully, there will be no more problems. Keep feeling good, sweet boy. Kerry, I guess a lot of men have trouble admitting they are worried. My DH is the same way.
  16. She's a fighter, isn't she? As long as she wants to be here with you, every day will be precious. I hope you have many, many more.
  17. That is wonderful news! I think you will see him progressing steadily after this. You can both get on with the job of healing. Keep up the good work, sweet boy.
  18. Oh, what a wise and gentle face in your siggie. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Mick.
  19. Oh, Trudy and Jeff, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ryan.
  20. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Shane.
  21. Sending lots of good thoughts to Flash in his recovery. Let us know how he's doing.
  22. I'll be keeping Charlie and you in my prayers. I think you will find that he is remarkably resilient. After adjusting, he will likely act like he has always As Dr. Couto says, there is no stigma against 3 leggers in the animal world, and they don't know they are handicapped. Once the anesthesia and pain meds from the surgery wear off (they can cause different symptoms, like panting, restlessness, etc.), the recovery moves along pretty well. That pain from the osteo is gone. Though the incision looks pretty frightening, it is soft tissue trauma, and the site heals up well. I always tried to be upbeat around Winnie, and not cry, even though I honestly have to say I was never able look at her and not wish that my precious girl wasn't whole again. But at the same time, I don't think she ever looked as stunningly beautiful to me. Though I realize we were incredibly lucky, she was with us for 3 1/2 great years. Keep up up to date about Charlie. We'll be hoping for successful surgery, and quick recovery.
  23. I'm so sorry. As others have said, celebrate each day together, and she will know how very much she is loved.
  24. Yay! I'm so glad the family arrived safely. Somehow, I knew Winslow would handle the trip with enthusiasm and aplomb---but I'm wondering how you and Craig fared? Well, you all look great, but man, that's a long drive. How cool are those pics? To be standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona with a Greyhound named Winslow---I think it's a calendar shot. When do you get into your gorgeous, off the grid house? Welcome home!
  25. Lots of prayers and white light going out to Flash---and you! I know it's terribly hard, but TRY and get some rest before he comes home---and he WILL be home.
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