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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. What a horrible thing to deal with. Remember that you are in the thoughts and prayers of so many. Please let us know how they---and you---are doing.
  2. Oh, Alisha, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Paradise.
  3. Ah, Carrie, it's just so hard to imagine anything being wrong with Blueberry. It seems like yesterday that she was a mischievous puppy. How old is she now? I'm not familiar with that type of cancer either, but I think it would be good to do the X-rays. Knowing if or how much it has spread would make a difference in your decision I would imagine. It seems as if you moved fast on this, and that is positive. Sending lots of telepathic good thoughts from Lydia and the crew, and hugs and prayers from me.
  4. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, Lora, my heart is aching for you. You must be reeling from such a sudden loss. Your love for Simone shines through in every word of your lovely tribute. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  5. queenwinniesmom


    This is a tough one---a rare type of cancer, and he was just going to be 6. Damn, it just doesn't seem fair. I know these past weeks have been so hard for you, first not knowing what was wrong, and then seeing him in pain that you couldn't take away. Your decision must have been heart wrenching, but made because you love him so much. Run free without pain, sweet boy. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dougie, much too soon.
  6. We use Petco for the distemper shots. When you have 4 dogs, it gets to be expensive for the office visits with shots. The shelter where I work provides free rabies shots to employees, so of course we take advantage of that. There is also a vet here to consult with. My guys see the vet at least once a year (or more) for wellness and anything else that might pop up.
  7. Oh, Susan, I wish I had seen this earlier---I didn't know. And I wish I hadn't opened the thread at work. I'm sitting at my desk, attempting to cry unobtrusively. Jessie's serene and gentle face, and the love in her eyes is truly beautiful. How lucky you both are.
  8. It's doubly hard to lose them so suddenly---it adds another layer to your grief. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Driver.
  9. Maddux left such a big empty space in your heart, but he left you some truly wonderful memories as well. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  10. I'm so sorry. There are so many Greys diagnosed with osteo, and it is heartbreaking. Hopefully, Flash will have longer than 4 months if his lungs are clear, and the amputation has been done. I would also suggest artemisinin.
  11. I usually use canned cat food that's been refrigerated , so it forms a nice ball around the pill. The Greenies Pill Pockets work too. Polly got wise to everything a while back and we had to just poke them down.
  12. Oh, Melissa, I have thought of you---don't go past your old house often, but when I do, I wondered how you and your family were doing out in CA. How sad to hear from you for this reason. I'm so sorry that you have lost such a good friend, and beloved companion. Run free, sweet Penny, and find your sister.
  13. I can't imagine how overwhelming your sadness must be. But you knew your precious boy so well, and knew that he was ready to say good-bye. Though it was devastating, your decision was made out of love. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet Dylan.
  14. Well, that's good news! But the poor guy, so many owies. Wonder what went on.....
  15. Oh, Comet, sending lots of good thoughts out to you, and hoping you get good news for your 13th birthday.
  16. Oh, what beautiful pictures. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Stopper.
  17. What an eloquent, intelligent, perceptive and loving tribute! I think you are very wise to write what is in your heart now, and to cherish your precious girl while she is still so present with you, doing what she has always done, and not thinking about any future sadness. In fact, from what you have told us about Haley, she would rather help you celebrate a life well lived, a love defined by quiet strength and deep understanding. How blessed the two of you are to have found each other.
  18. As I was reading your lovely tribute, I was thinking how very much you must be missing her, and my heart aches for you. You and Bay were blessed to have shared such a deep love and very special bond. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  19. Lori, good idea to have as much done as you can while she is under. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts out to sweet Daytona. Hopefully, all goes well.
  20. Yes, exactly. You are so finely attuned to your sweet girl that you would never do anything that wasn't in her best interests. This time is for making memories, because you know your days together are finite, even with everything that you have done---which undoubtedly made her more comfortable, and increased her longevity while dealing with a disease that is blind in the way it steals our loved ones from us. Neyla looked so beautiful, happy and content at Dewey, and since being with you and good friends, knowing how very much she is loved, is most important to her, it was absolutely the right thing to do. I remember holding my breath while Winnie, on 3 legs, ran circles around her sisters. It scared me, but I knew she was a tough old girl who, if she could have spoken, would have said, "Don't hold me back, Mom. We don't know how long I have left, so please let me do what brings me so much joy." What brings Neyla joy is being with her family and friends, and that is the gift you are giving her, every day. You are both in my prayers.
  21. What a beautiful tribute to your snuggler, your prancer, your very special boy. I'm so sorry you lost your Chancy.
  22. How blessed you were to have shared your life with such a wonderful dog who shared his joy so effortlessly. He will leave a huge empty space in your home and heart, but his love will be with you always. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Danny.
  23. I just hate hearing of another beautiful hound taken by osteo. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  24. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, Adrianne, I had tears in my eyes before I even read your beautiful tribute. I knew that it would be loving and eloquent and true. And it was. How well you (and Ollie ) understood him and loved him. Thank you so much for sharing this sweet soul with us, and letting us be captivated by those wise and gentle eyes, and distinguished silver face. There was something about him that touched our hearts, not only because he was so lovely, but because we were all privileged to share the love story that grew as he settled in and worked his quiet magic. You gave him comfort and love and security when his future was so uncertain, and because he was exactly where he was meant to be, he helped your heart to heal. I know that you have many precious memories to help ease the pain of his loss. If anyone doubts that 2 animals can love each other, they have only to watch Ollie and Larry's video. I hope your sweet little lady can adjust to losing her dear friend. Gentle hugs to Ollie, and to you too. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Larry.
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