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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. How you loved her! It shows in every word of your heartfelt tribute. I'm so very sorry you lost your precious Rainey.
  2. That picture is truly beautiful, perhaps capturing the essence of your sweet girl. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Echo.
  3. I've been checking in occasionally, hoping for a positive Lucy update. I'm SO glad she is doing better! Physical problems aside, I think they have some individual, unexplainable time frame as to how they are going to progress in doing what they need (or want) to do. As time goes on, I think there will be more and more of Lucy "forgetting" that she couldn't (or didn't want to) do something. These steps forward are small but steady, and each is like a tiny miracle to the anxious Mom or Dad. The first time Winnie "forgot" that she couldn't go up 23 outside steps was when Doug was calling the other dogs to dinner. Dinner had always been a high point of the day for Winnie, and before she knew it, she was standing at the top of the steps, and I had burst into tears! It would be another few weeks before she did it on a regular basis, but the forward movement was established, and I knew she was on her way to being her quirky, stubborn, brave, pre-amp self. Lucy is traveling that road now, and I have no doubt that she will be miles along in no time at all. Please give her a gentle hug for me. And hugs to all the ones in every stage of that journey. And you too, Jen.
  4. Sending prayers that you and your wife and Sophie make it through this very rough period, and into an uneventful recovery. It's clear that you love her very much, and are doing what is best for your precious girl. You know her so well, and any decision made from love is the right one.
  5. Nadir! Sweet boy, we're so sorry you're having all these feet problems. Lydia will be sending you some heavy duty "telepafic" healing thoughts. Feet and toe problems can be so frustrating. My angel Nick had so many problems with his left hind foot because the toes were deformed from an old racing injury that didn't heal properly. He did have to have the 2 middle toes amputated, and we had weeks of problems that made us wonder if that foot would ever be okay. But after that, he did fine. We got him a Therapaw for when he walked more than usual, and that helped. Hopefully, you can get everything cleared up, especially with this newest problem. Hugs to Nadir and his worried Mom.
  6. Lorinda, that is GREAT news! Glad you found something that's working. Seeing him running with the other guys must make you feel wonderful. Keep it up, Lazer. We'll keep the Power Ranger suits on just in case.
  7. Oh, man, I got tears in my eyes reading your last post! First, tears for your sadness and frustration, then good tears when you said Ava jumped up and cuddled with you. They just KNOW, don't they? I'm so glad she's doing better. With your parents, the flooding, and all the medical stuff, it would be so much harder if you were worrying about her all the time. And I know you've been very worried. It sounds like you are doing everything for her that you are able, and being an RN, you have a good understanding. Sending prayers that she continues to improve. Oh, I HATE it when people drawing blood don't listen to me! I've had blood taken so many times---4 times in the last 3 months alone (trying to find out if I have lupus---I don't!). My veins are terrible at best, but I know exactly where to put the needle in. Yet some of them insist on putting it everywhere else. Yeah, easy for them to know best, they don't feel the pain of a needle going through the vein! Sorry for the hijack. But that is a BIG pet peeve. Hey, is it easier to find a good place if you drink a lot of water before they stick you? I found out it's much easier for me if I'm hydrated. The last time, after several unsuccessful pokes, I sat in the doctor's office drinking a huge glass of water. The next poke worked. And I'm SO sorry about all your wedding stuff. And your Mom and Dad. That is heartbreaking.
  8. I'm so sorry you've gotten this terrible news. Lymphoma (if it is that) often responds well to chemo. What is your sweet girl's name? How old is she? I'll keep her in my prayers.
  9. I'm so glad to read the positive update. It sounds like the whole family is moving forward. I was thinking of Sara off and on today, and would say a quick prayer for her when she crossed my mind. She's a strong, brave girl!
  10. Oh, my gosh, he was stunning! The dear little soul---such suffering, but such unconditional love. I'm glad he knew the love of 2 wonderful families this past year. I'm so sorry for Manny's loss.
  11. Sending prayers that Sara will do just fine---with the surgery, and with a quick, uneventful recovery. Gentle cyber hugs to your sweet girl. Try and get some rest before she gets home---you will need it. The first few weeks are the roughest as she acclimates to life on 3 legs, the anesthesia and pain meds leave her system, and you deal with the healing of the incision. Don't be surprised if it gets worse before it gets better. But it WILL get better! And keep us up to date.
  12. I somehow missed this thread too! I'm glad your beautiful boy is home, and hope he continues to improve every day. Yeah, I hate those cones, and they do too. At work, we see a lot of dogs and cats who need them after surgery. One of the dogs at the shelter is wearing this padded collar. It looks like those neck pillows for use on planes, but going all the way around. It seems to be working, and she's much more comfortable.
  13. I'm so sorry you and Sara are going through this. Amputation is a very difficult decision in any case, but to have no support and drama from those close to you makes it harder still. Please remember that any decision you make is because you love Sara and are doing the best you can to keep her safe, healthy, and free of pain. And for that reason, there is no wrong decision. I agree that you should proceed as soon as possible. A tumor that huge has got to be very painful, and has weakened the bone so much that it is in danger of breaking. Then you are making a life and death decision immediately. Perhaps your sister means well, but I would venture to say that she actually doesn't know that much about dogs. In the words of Dr. Couto, who knows A LOT about dogs, especially Greyhounds with osteo, "There is no stigma in the animal world against tripods. They have 3 legs, and a spare." Having lived with a tripod for 3 1/2 years after her amp, I can tell you that Winnie enjoyed her last 3 1/2 years of life very much. She did everything she did on 4 legs, except deciding arbitrarily where she did NOT want to go. She went up and down our 23 outside steps several times a day, every day, but chose not to ever go into the kitchen again! She was a quirky old girl, and knew that we would indulge her every whim. I wish I could say that I didn't look at her at times and wish my beautiful girl was whole again, but I couldn't. I tried to be as pragmatic as she was, but sometimes my emotions got in the way. My fault, not hers, and I'm not surprised that it would be hard for other people as well. Anyway, never second guess yourself. Do what you feel in your heart is right, for Sara and for you. I think your husband will realize that Sara's life will be as full and normal as possible. Please know that we are holding you all in our prayers. Let us know how she is doing. And you can vent here any time you want to!
  14. Oh, seeing her beautiful face and awesome ears in your siggie brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Kendra.
  15. You gave him a wonderful home, and let him blossom into the dog he was meant to be. And you knew him so well. Sometimes I think they can tell us it is time to let them go, as clearly as if they had spoken. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Diesel.
  16. Oh, Mary Pat, I know how much everyone was pulling for her. And you both sure did try so hard. What a lovely, brave, multi-faceted lady she was. The bed pictures (before and after) made me smile through tears. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Onyx.
  17. queenwinniesmom


    What a beautiful tribute for a very special boy. The love you shared shines through in every word. Having your hopes up and then dashed is doubly devastating, and we are sharing your sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Grover.
  18. I know how difficult it is to wrap your mind around such an awesome loss. It was just too fast, and that emptiness seems even greater. His presence was huge in your lives, as was the love you shared. Guinness sounds like a truly wonderful dog. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  19. You are so right---we don't get to have them nearly long enough. You packed a lot of love into your time together. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Trap.
  20. Too many losses in such a short time---no wonder your heart is breaking. I'm so sorry you lost your magnificent Boyd.
  21. Oh, Gil, how you loved her! Could she have found a better family to understand her, indulge her and love her unconditionally? Never! She will leave a huge empty space in your home and heart. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dimples.
  22. Oh, look how beautiful she looks! Lindsay, you're an angel for taking such good care of her.
  23. Just stopping in to see how Lucy is too. Hugs to the sweet girl. And Callie...you look SO beeeeeeeeyoutiful! I think you should celebrate for several weeks at least. Your pictures are wonderful, and make us smile. Yay for Dude! I know he will feel better without that drain (and so will his Mom).
  24. Hang in there, precious girl---spring is coming! We're glad Onyx is home.
  25. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Midnite. But you are right, she was doing what she loved, with the people who loved her most, until the very end.
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