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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Your tribute was incredibly moving. It's clear that Doc not only found the perfect forever home, he found his soul mates. When I read the dates in the title, I thought, well, he had a pretty good long life. But then I realized that his life only truly began when you welcomed him into your home and hearts. Working in an animal shelter, I've seen many animals who have suffered horrendous abuse, and their patience, love and trust never ceases to amaze and inspire me. Doc was such a perfect example of that indomitable spirit. It's heartbreaking that his spirit was stifled for so long, but you surrounded him with such unconditional love during your years together. Your gift to him, and his to you is yours to cherish forever. Thank-you for sharing him with us. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Doc.
  2. It's doubly hard when you lose them so quickly. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Trap.
  3. queenwinniesmom


    Ah, so sad, especially since you've had her since she was a tiny baby, and have watched her grow and blossom. I'm so sorry.
  4. Sometimes their fragile bodies cannot contain their brave spirits. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Lottie.
  5. You removed his pain for a good long time. Trust me, had you gone the other road, there would have been equal opportunity for second guessing. You do the best you can with the information you have and how well you know your dog and you move forward. The only other option is to stand still and that does nothing for him. These comments are exactly right, simply and beautifully said. I'm so sorry about James. I know how devastating it is to have your hopes raised, then dashed. We were so lucky with Winnie---3 1/2 years!---but not lucky with Patsy, who had lymphoma. We had to stop mid-chemo when her central nervous system was affected. This is what I say about cancer---it's a crapshoot. Sometimes we beat the monster, sometimes we give it a valiant fight, and sometimes everything we do is just not enough. You ARE doing the best thing for him---making him safe and happy, sure of your love, and finding joy in each day together. They live in the moment, you know, not aware of sadness to come. So yes, grieve for yourself, but try not to let him see you cry. Sending gentle hugs to you both. Chris, I'm so glad that Dude continues to do well. It would be great if you could find a place for him to swim. I remember how much Winslow loved it, and it really seemed to help. Hopefully, I'll get to see him in a little over a week. Would he mind if I made a fool out of myself over him? P.S. Chris knows this, but I'm coming to Portland on the 20th for a memorial service for my wonderful stepfather. It will be a real short trip, but I have Sunday free till my plane leaves at 10:20 P.M., so I'm hoping to get to meet the fearless Pirate in canine. Oh, and his Mom too.
  6. Charlie has so many fans and admirers who are pulling for him. Sending out good thoughts to join all the others, and hoping for positive updates/
  7. Ah, it sounds as if she was truly meant to be with you. I know it's extra hard when you don't have much time to prepare emotionally, but I hope you can take comfort in knowing she was doing what she loved, with the people she loved best, right till the very end. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Polly.
  8. I'm always interested in "tummy trouble" threads. It is so frustrating, and I'm going through some of the same stuff with Tess. Not the diarrhea and gas, but the throwing up. It's been off and on, and since early Friday morning, it's been on. She threw up a lot, and we got fluids to give her at home, but then she seemed okay. Last out about midnight, threw up again. This is different from Lydia's recent trouble---the ham sandwich episode seems to be resolved. Do you think the X-ray or ultrasound is the next step for Choo. I'll be sending lots of good thoughts out for you both. I'm a worrier too. Let us know how your little girl is doing.
  9. Thanks for the positive update. I hope to see a lot more of them. There will likely to be a few bumps in the road, but he has a really good chance with the chemo. Sending lots of healing thoughts to Zevon---and to you.
  10. She's doing very well. Thanks! She started her meds with no problem, and tonight we can start introducing a little of her regular dry food into her meals. I think she's turned a corner. And she says she never wants to go down that street again!
  11. The love you shared shines through in your beautiful pictures and tribute. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Stuey.
  12. Thanks for all the good thoughts. She is my heart dog, and I can't bear the thought of anything happening to her. The sandwich was a slice of cooked ham from Easter dinner, and Velveeta (I know---not really cheese)! It was pretty salty, and probably fatty. I wasn't aware of the in-house test for pancreatitis. I will have to ask about that. She seems to be okay today. We'll see how it goes tonight when we introduce a small amount of ground beef and rice, per vet instructions, then starting the meds.
  13. To lose a heart dog so young, your pain must be overwhelming. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Athena.
  14. We got back from the vets this afternoon. Poor Lydia....first it was constant throwing up, then it was constant diarrhea. And it all started with a ham and cheese sandwich. Thanks Doug (DH). He should know better. If it hadn't been Lydia, it would have been Calvin. Last month, the 2 of them stole an entire loaf of bread. And other stuff too. Next time, pay attention! On Thursday afternoon while I was at work, and Doug was home, he left his food out, and Lydia counter surfed a ham and cheese sandwich. I didn't think this was good, but I was to find out how NOT GOOD it was the next day. We left for GIG about 8 A.M, and Lydia first threw up her breakfast, then twice more. We thought she was probably excited (she adores a road trip). But on the 4 hour trip, she threw up about 4 more times. A couple times in the hotel. A couple times at the vendors. We spent most of Friday night asking for advice, looking for something to help her stomach and keep her hydrated, and contemplating going home the next day. We gave her a Pepcid tablet, which seemed to help, and when she wasn't barfing anymore, gave her Pedialyte, which she loved. She had a normal stool, and was fine all night. The next day, we took it easy on the food, starting with low sodium chicken broth and yogurt. She seemed great on Saturday. She'd never acted sick, though, and was eager to go out and smooze, as usual. But then on Sunday, the diarrhea started. Constant diarrhea. Not in the car, thankfully, but many times after we got home. She got me up 4 times last night, and had 3 accidents in the house. We could get a vet appointment this afternoon, so instead of going back to work (which I didn't really want to do anyway), I took the day off. The vet confirmed what I thought---that ham could be very bad for some dogs, even dangerous if it caused hemmorageaic (sp?) gastroenteritis or pancreatitis. She wasn't at that point, but she got lots of sub cube fluids with an antibiotic. After a 24 hour fast, we'll start her on meds for the stomach and the diarrhea, and gradually start her back on food. Her temp and everything else is normal, she's not acting sick, and I HOPE that this will pass. If it doesn't, we'll need to do bloodwork to see if anything else is going on. I don't want to think of that right now---she has got to be fine. Good thoughts for my precious girl would sure be appreciated. And any experiences and advice would be great too. Thanks.
  15. Just checking in from GIG. I am SO glad she's better!
  16. We're leaving for GIG tomorrow (no laptop), but just wanted you to know we're thinking about you and Ruby, and hoping for positive news when we get back.
  17. We are all pulling for Merlin, and will keep sending out healing thoughts to you both. I'm so sorry you are going through this.
  18. queenwinniesmom


    She must have been as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. Her lovely spirit shines through so clearly. Her pictures took my breath away. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Rory.
  19. Reading what the communicator said made me cry. How she loved you! And how you loved her. Your heart and home must feel so incredibly empty now. But what a wonderful miracle that you found each other. She will surely be watching over you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Greta.
  20. Thank goodness! This is such encouraging news, Melissa. We will keep sending out good thoughts, and hope that she feels better and better.
  21. "Nothing seems right around here now"....This just broke my heart. Such a lovely big guy, who I'm sure was a comfort to you during this sad time. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Sparkle.
  22. It's clear from your lovely tribute that you and Freddy shared a very strong and special bond. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  23. Is it real corny to be sitting at my desk, sniffling and wiping happy tears away? Oh, Dude, we are THRILLED THRILLED THRILLED that your lungs are clear. There is no stopping you now, brave Pirate! P.S. Lydia is FRILLED FRILLED FRILLED!
  24. Just checking in to see how the ultrasound went. Poor guy. And his poor Mom! Kerry, we can feel your worry and frustration---and exhaustion. His many fans are worried too.
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