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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Black Jack. Way too many losses so close together. Please consider yourself hugged by a LOT of people!
  2. Oh, Kari, I just saw your post on Facebook, and came here to give you a cyber hug. I wish you could cry without making yourself feel too wretched physically. Sometimes tears are the only way to get that pain out. We know how deeply you loved your precious Sparks, and are sharing your sadness. This is a kind of simplified explanation of how artemisinin works---it is actually an herb, wormwood, which when consumed by cancer cells (which use lots of iron as it spreads in tumors) destroys the cells. It's composition is similar to the iron, and when the cancer cells let it in, it's like a time bomb. This is over simplified, of course, and I know it's not a miracle cure, but I always think it's worth a shot. It's been used for years as a treatment for malaria. Because it's herbal, apparently it doesn't have many negative side effects. I don't know much about it's effectiveness in humans, but I know Dr. Couto is doing a lot of resarch with it for treatment in Greyhounds. I remember where I got mine---Nutricology. It's been a while, but it wasn't that expensive to order online. Dude! You are inspirational! I always knew you were a very special hound. Keep up the great work, sweet boy.
  3. Just think of the thousands of smiles she and her wonderful Greys brought to so many people. So sad....she will be missed.
  4. How blessed you were to have made such a wonderful difference in the life of a very special ladyhound, just as she made a huge difference in your life as well. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tina.
  5. You've suffered such an enormous tragedy. We can understand your anguish and pain as you can't help but re-live that horrific accident. But please be gentle with your broken heart. Guilt is such a cruel emotion, and often the ones most devastated by it are guilty of nothing. You are hurting so deeply now because you love so deeply as well. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cake. Sharing your sadness, and keeping you in my prayers. Run free, Cake and Gussy, and watch over Lora.
  6. Oh, Sue....it's been a while since I've seen you and Precious and Dasher, but I know how much you love your boys. I'm so sorry you lost your beloved Precious.
  7. queenwinniesmom


    What a wonderful life she had with you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Katie.
  8. I'm just seeing this. Don't have any better advice than the knowledgeable info already offered, but I know how scary and upsetting it is to see your pet going through something so out of control. I've had 3 cats and 1 dog with seizures, from petite mal to grand mal, occasional to cluster requiring daily medication. And it was ALWAYS so stressful. Poor Steak. And damn that weather. Sending prayers that you can find some answers and he'll be okay.
  9. queenwinniesmom


    It's so clear that you and Brucie were meant to be together. You were each other's angels. I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  10. It's especially hard when they are your first. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Bailey. Pictures would be lovely when you can.
  11. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, Sherry.....I can't tell you how sorry I am. I always checked Harley's thread several times a day, hoping that there would be good news, sharing your sadness and frustration when the news was not good. But I was at work today when I saw the words we all dreaded. I just couldn't post, couldn't read your lovely tribute---I would have been crying too much. Over the last weeks, my heart broke for you as you tried to make sense of the roller coaster you were on, as you tried to hope for any sign of improvement, that he was going to be okay, that he would win his brave fight. We know how hard you tried, how hard Harley tried, but sometimes everything we do just isn't enough, and their fragile bodies can't hold their indomitable spirits. I know you pushed yourself to physical and emotional limits too, just wanting to keep him safe and free from pain. Your eloquent tribute shows how deeply he was loved, and captures the joy he felt and passed along so effortlessly. I remember how many years ago, when you first introduced him to all of us in "the Kingdom", and his joy was the first thing you talked about. He was jumping back then, our Court Jumper, I think just because the happiness he felt could not be contained. I know how much happiness he brought you over the years, and know that you were both blessed to have found each other. And then when you welcomed Chuck into your lives, I think that happiness was complete. Though your hearts must feel as if a jagged hole has been punched through them, I hope that in time, your precious memories will be a comfort. Sweetie, if ever a dog could watch over his Mom and Dad, and let you continue to feel his presence in your lives till you do meet again, that dog is Harley. I think you remember when I lost my angel Patsy, how hard she tried to stay with me, and how great a comfort all my wonderful friends were. I think Patsy and Harley were very much alike, two of the world's true innocents. I wrote these words for her, but they are for your precious boy as well. An angel's star is shining in the place where he is free from pain and fear and weariness, those fragile, earthbound things. And he would tell you not to cry. Your angel found his wings. Thinking of you, keeping you in my prayers, and sharing your sadness.
  12. Oh, Sherry....I just hate that you and Harley are going through this. Please know that you are both in our prayers---and will be till he pulls through!
  13. My heart just sinks every time I see that word. And it's been so often lately. Wishing you strength during this sad time, and sending prayers to you and Tiny for many more precious days together.
  14. You and King will be in my prayers. Please update us when you can.
  15. In general, I think it helps everyone if they can stay at the hospital a little longer. Lucy is so young, so she may be ready to come home sooner, but it is a BIG adjustment. Winnie was at our wonderful vets for 5 days. They knew we had the step situation, and kept her longer. I think it's kinda scary to have them at home when they are still processing the anesthesia and heavy duty pain meds. It makes them act differently, and you probably won't get any sleep. And you'll NEED to get some sleep. I agree with Jen---I think Lucy will be able to get into the car. You'll be surprised at what she will be able to do. Winnie adored the car, and would jump in just fine. Her's was a right rear amp. We'll be thinking about you and Lucy, and sending out a ton of prayers, and white light. Kim, Callie's pictures brought tears to my eyes. Hugs to your sweet girl, and hugs to you too.
  16. It's clear that you love and understand your Bailey very well, and will do whatever you can to keep her safe and comfortable for as long as possible. I hope that you have many more precious days together. I'm so sorry she's gotten this horrible diagnosis.
  17. Hey, Sherry, I've been thinking about you and Harley so much, and keep sending him "telepafic" (as Lydia would say) thoughts to keep eating and getting better. Doug and I did work for a vet, so when we asked if we could do subcube fluids at home for several dogs and cats, they allowed it. I would certainly ask. If you are okay with just putting the needle in several places to put the fluids under the skin, they might let you do that. I guess in the vein would be absorbed better, but he probably would need to stay at the hospital for that. If they are aware that finances have to be a consideration at this point, hopefully you could do fluids yourself. Still praying for you, sweet boy!
  18. This is a horrible time. Trying to make a life changing decision so quickly just doubles the stress of this devastating diagnosis. I think once the decision is made and you have a plan, you have more focus. You do what you feel is right for your girl and don't second guess. I think Dr. Couto's team definitely needs to see X-rays ASAP. I just want to scream when I see so many hounds being diagnosed with osteo. And it is especially infuriating and heartbreaking in one so young. Please know that you and Lucy are in LOTS of prayers!
  19. How very tragic. My heart is breaking for you---wish there was something we could do to ease your pain.
  20. What a brave, sweet girl she was. The picture of her and her brother with their heads together is beyond beautiful. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Ladybug.
  21. Oh, damn. It really hurts so much to see it in print like that. Hugs to you and Sparks.
  22. Oh, Lee Ann, I know your poor heart is breaking. And having gone through something so similar, I can tell you that it's going to be extra difficult. I have posted about this before, but I lost my precious Nick at the emergency vet when I wasn't with him, and the grief was so overwhelming that it was an actual, physical pain. We were hopeful, like you, planning to take him to our own vet the next morning (we lost him to Addison's and cardiomyopathy). But instead, got that call at 3:00 in the morning that shattered our hopes. I'm sure your pain is so strong right now and it's hard to think of anything but her absence, but time is the only thing that eases that pain somewhat. You did do everything you possibly could for your girl, because you love her so much. And she knew that. I'll be praying that she sends you a sign to let you know that she's okay. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Gracie.
  23. Kent's sudden loss is so tragic. Your heart must be breaking, and we share your sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your big gorgeous boy.
  24. Chris, that swelling in the other leg was one thing that freaked me out during Winnie's recovery. I was about to take her to the vets, and found out on Circle Of Grey that the swelling is common and will go away. You can use warm compresses on it. That does help, and I think they like it. Of course, if it goes on for too long and he's clearly uncomfortable, that's different. I would start him on some fish oil at least. Good immune system booster, and it may help the joints a little too. I did give Winnie glucosamine as well. Have you looked into artemisinin? You can research it online---I think there is even a Yahoo Group---and with COG. If you decide to use it, just make sure it is from a reputable source. I used info I got from the cancer issue of Celebrating Greyhounds. It's been a while, so I forget the name of the company. There are several good sources. Dude is still in my prayers, every day. And Sparks will be too. Kari, I am so, so sorry. Jen, my heart is breaking for you. I know how it feels to think (or hope) you have things somewhat under control, and then have that grief sneak up behind you and just blindside you. If anything, I've learned that grief doesn't proceed in a linear fashion. And the more beautiful, happy memories you have just increases the chance that something small, or something meaningful, will bring all those feelings rushing back. But thank goodness for those memories. In time, they truly are a comfort, and one day, you'll realize that the memories bring more smiles than tears. My Nick used to be the only one who slept with me. And that bed was SO empty without him. But then Lydia decided that it was time for her to be there beside me. It wasn't the same for the longest time, but I started to think that maybe there was a reason that Lydia was there. She wasn't taking Nick's place in the most literal sense, but she was helping me. I needed her help, and I think she knew. Maybe Zuri knows too. When you're ready, he can help you too.
  25. Oh, how horrible for Gracie and for you. She has fought so hard, she just HAS to pull through this. So glad you clarified that she CAN survive with the intestine loss. Come on, Gracie, please get better. Sending many prayers.
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