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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Bailey, our first greyhound was extremely shy. The first year at Dewey she wouldn't even come downstairs and lay with the other greyhounds and we had adopted her 2 years previously. She came downstairs the following year and everyone was so pleased with her progress. However, we never had any expectations, we accepted her and worked with her to make her feel comfortable. Brooke is also shy and would have been extremely fearful if we hugged her on the first visit. Even now she won't allow men near her, and will go up to women if they don't go near her first. This is my perception of shy so I think your new girl is just a little "guarded". It sounds like you are a loving caring greyhound mom and will give her the best life ever Good Luck, Happy Birthday and I hope it all works out. I'm a firm believer that things always work out in the end...just be open to possibilities and opportunities.
  2. I noticed that too but she also mentioned 110 miles...my guess is Canadian, not British.
  3. so glad Bullitt is looking and feeling better !
  4. Oh no, I'm so sorry for your loss of Gracie. How heartbreaking it is to lose one, but to lose her so close to Havok...I wish I had some words of comfort.
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss of Hanna...you've just had way too many losses and I can't express how sad I am for you and Ken. rest well sweet Hanna
  6. Bill I'm so sorry for your loss of Rousty. He sounds like he was an angel here on earth too and introduced you to this wonderful world of greyhounds for whih many people are grateful. Gone far too soon but always loved and missed.
  7. She's beautiful...congratulations. And she comes with a playmate...what a lucky girl.
  8. Jan, I'm sorry for your loss of Zeke. I hope you are comforted knowing he is with Lady Bug and had the best years with you.
  9. Oh Deb, I'm so sorry for your loss of Arlo. Your tribute is beautiful.
  10. it's so nice to hear about a greyt vet visit...both of them look so cute.
  11. It's such a lovely tribute to Macho...my tears flow for you and my heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry.
  12. greytpups

    Jc's Havok

    I'm so sorry for your loss of Havok...although it was inevitable, it's still sad when the time comes to say good-bye.
  13. Wow, he's a really handsome and unique looking grey. Welcome from Ontario
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful Star.
  15. Poor guy, sending lots of prayers and white light to all of you with the hope that he'll be ok.
  16. It appears that you need to work with her in a few different areas, SA, resource guarding and trading up, plus I suspect that if you exhibit some fear around her, she may sense it and this may also exacerbate the aggression. Hopefully, the behaviourist will help, but honestly, I would have worked with a good one rather than obedience training giving the challenges you have. It's unlikely that tripping over her caused the aggression later, but hopefully, you can get this worked out soon. Did you contact the group or anyone else who has offered assistance? They may have some suggestions too. Good Luck!
  17. If i couldn't barely get my arm through the fence, I would be comfortable.
  18. Welcome, you're very smart adopting two at once...no sense waiting for the inevitable.
  19. Welcome to GT...check technical subforum for how to post pics because we love houndie pics.
  20. I remeber your story and following along with you, your doubts, your concerns and your joy. You are truly an inspiration and I hope to see many more pics of the handsome Lazer for a long time. Lazer, you teach us that every minute of every day is precious.
  21. The thundershirt has not worked for Bailey or Brooke. I keep mine though in case we have another grey in the future that may be able to benefit from it. Melatonin and another coat (I think it is suppose to help with static in the air) doesn't work either for Brooke.
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