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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. How wonderful for Kebo. Poor guy has had enough medial treatments to last him a lifetime.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss of Bill...how heartbreaking.
  3. Boo is showing progress so I think it's only a matter of time.
  4. I am so sorry for the loss of Goblin...such a beautiful tribute to him.
  5. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your losses
  6. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss of snappy. He was way too young. Your tribute and pics are beautiful.
  7. I'm so sorry Kim, I know you both fought this battle with all your heart. Rest well sweet Nubers.
  8. That is so cool...4th place is excellent too! Congratulations on both 1st and 4th. Of course they are both 1st in your heart.
  9. I think you'll find dog parks a heated discussion simply because there are a lot of GTers with bad experiences and are just trying to help prevent other disasters. I've been to dog parks a few times without incident, however, I was right beside my pups at all times. I found way too many people left their dogs unsupervised and in my view, they had really badly behaved dogs. What's worse is they didn't even realize how badly behaved they were. I'm not blaming the dogs at all, but I suspect there were a lot of lazy people who just unleashed their dogs so they wouldn't run away, rather than actually train them. A guy who's dog (not a puppy) kept jumping up on Ben and Bailey and when I repeatedly got in between them since they weren't listening to Ben and Bailey's correction, got tired of it and yelled at the owner. He replied it's impossible to control dogs in a dog park, and I left knowing I couldn't fix stupid. If your dog is not listening to another dog correct it, you've got a training issue and it would be best for both of you to do some training. A read an artlcle from a dog behavourist who stated dog parks are frequented by out of controlled dogs so even some trainers don't recommend them.
  10. Congratulations! again...addictive, aren't they? Your life has certainly changed since your daughter adopted a grey
  11. I agree, you need to reprimand at the moment he does it, if not, he won't know what you are referring to. Dogs don't learn by being punished rather they learn by teaching them what behaviours you want from them. Dogs live in the moment so he probably associates the treat with going into the crate, something you asked him to do so he was rewarded.
  12. OMG i missed this but am very glad it's not as bad as you thought. I couldn't imagine anything happening to sweet little Jaynie after all she's been through and the best care she gets from you . Plus she is just the sweetest little girl (tied with Brooke )
  13. I am so sorry...you did everything you could to fight the battle that can't be won.
  14. Absolutely, that goes without saying...you got em!
  15. I know it's scary whenever they need an anesthetic, however, if the tooth hurts or is infected, her health with improve significantly once it's over. Focus on the positive and think about how much better she will feel because that's all you can control. Hope this helps a little bit.
  16. Do you have any idea why he's anxious when outside? Is he always anxious outside? Has something happened when he was outside to scare him? My first thought is that if he wants to be you, let him if it isn't a big deal. Ben will whine if we are outside because he wants to be with us, so for us it isn't a big deal to let him out because he just lays down in the grass. I was wondering if he's anxious outside if perhaps setting up an xpen while you're outside will help, but it depends on the cause of the anxiety.
  17. So far I've renamed all of dogs. they learn their new name pretty quick once I say it a few times with a cookie in my hand
  18. I'm so sorry for all f your losses, especially Butter. Your tribute is so beautiful, the last line brought me to tears. Please know we're thinking of you at this most difficult time.
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