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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. Hi & welcome from Maryland! Hope you find the perfect pup for you on the 4th! Do you know about Dewey Beach's greyhound event? It's that following weekend (COlumbus Day weekend) down in Rehoboth & Dewey - LOTS of fun & TONS of greys there!!
  2. Oh, Carolyn.. I'm so so sorry Stella had to leave you. She's been a fixture on GT forever... we'll all miss her as well. Please stay on GT... Hugs
  3. ozgirl2


    I'm so sorry, Diane... Bye for now, Tootsie
  4. Cody did this a few times when she was having severe gastritis attacks... probably worth a vet visit if it doesn't stop soon. Is he drinking lots of water? Don't let him get dehydrated.
  5. I think this post was last night (can't get the time set on mine for my time zone so I always just guess!). Hopefully your pup is fine today... It's worth having some ammonia (or you can get some Sting-Eze instead) on hand for bee & wasp stings - works for humans too! But if you put it on a sting on the pup, make sure not to let them lick it!!
  6. Hey Michelle! You could use DMSO too!! 'Cept you'd have a nasty taste of old rotten fish in your mouth!! ( I think that's the taste you get...) I always wore gloves when I used it on Cody 'cause I was warned!!
  7. Welcome to GT, Lotta! Your English is great!! Annie looks a lot like my Cody girl when I got her at age 4...
  8. Me too! now if it were during a workday!!
  9. Welcome!! You're allowed to change your siggie and add that CUTE puppy but ONLY if Picante stays too!!!
  10. I'm so sorry... I went through a similar thing with Cody - tests never showed anything but she just wasted away.
  11. Oh, BJ & Cathie & Bill (& Jenn & Coach) - I'm so so sorry... My heart dropped when I saw her name here...
  12. Welcome to GT! My Cody was prone to gastritis & had pancreatitis twice! Poor baby... Watch anything fatty for your pup from now on.
  13. Nathan & Kori - I remember when Marty picked you - he was a great guy... Godspeed Marty... run like the wind at the bridge.
  14. My girl Cody had a pinched nerve much lower down, affecting her tail & back legs badly. She was on Prednisone for 18 months and I took her for acupuncture about every month or two for all that time too. I had her for 1.5 years more than I'd thought I would at the beginning!! So the pred (even though you're not supposed to hvae them on for that long) and acu is definitely worth trying - although the acu did cost me a small (or medium!) fortune over that time! Good luck! Hoping to hear good things!
  15. Oh, Sheila... I'm so so sorry... I loved Miss Aria.
  16. Sorry to hear about the fight, Xan... 'specially when Pogo was doing so well lately...
  17. ozgirl2

    My Boss

    I'm so sorry... .....my boss died very suddenly last December (2 weeks before Christmas) and it STILL hurts sometimes...
  18. Cody had intestinal problems all her life... NOT fun! I finally found out she was allergic to RICE!! (And soy & a few other things...) Fiber should help... Good luck!
  19. Hi - I'm in MD too! Welcome to GT - a crazy & addictive place!
  20. The bread is good - if you have any metamucil, mix that (just a bit!) with the bread...
  21. Well, since she never liked Cody, I think she's probably chasing Cody OFF of all the best beds! (She did that very effectively here...)
  22. Heather, I'm so so sorry Dempsey had to leave you... and please don't second-guess yourself (although I certainly did with both Cody & Ween) - it's natural to do it but you did what was best for Dempsey...
  23. Godspeed Dee - run like the wind to find Oscar...
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