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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. I'm so sorry Trillian had to leave you... and soooo young too... Run free, Trillian And hugs to you and your family
  2. Hi! And welcome to GT!! Your Blaze's great great grandfather (Rooster Cogburn) was my Cody's grandfather! Have fun on your learning-all-about-greyhounds journey!!
  3. Oh, believe me, Jack had a GREAT life there!! He was spoiled (as it should be!), got to run free in the fields (and you could SEE how happy he was then) and got to hang out with Renie (who was another great dog) and two of the coolest humans on the planet...
  4. ozgirl2


    I'm so sorry... it's so hard to lose them after spending so long with them...
  5. Maybe not every day, my friend... but slowly it will.... I'm so sad they had to leave you so close together...
  6. Judy & Andy... I was also hoping I wouldn't see this thread for another few years... I'm thinking of you both... if there's anything I can do (like host you for a long holiday), please let me know... Love, Jeannine
  7. I want to know what Diane is singing in this pic!! Looks like she's doing Motown back-up!! Sorry I didn't end up making the party! (Don't do well driving by myself late at night!) Looks like it was great fun!
  8. I just saw this... I'm so sorry, Kristin & Drew... She put up a good fight and we'll all miss her here on GT...
  9. YAYYAYYAYYAYYAY!!! Way to go, Darcy!! (I'm thinking of mailing myself to NJ so I can stow away in Tom's luggage! I want to come visit!!!!!)
  10. Have you started on a new bag of food or treats recently?
  11. MacGregor was beautiful! I love love love deerhounds... And it's a great name. I'm so sorry for your loss and hope that Will can fill part of the hole MacGregor has left in your hearts. And welcome to the crazy world of greyhounds! I've been lucky enough to meet GreyTalk's star deerhounds, Darcy and Duffy, in person - they're some of my very favorite dogs! (And now there's Ned too!) If you stay around GT for long, you're bound to hear about them - and the other infamous DoyleDogs
  12. Welcome from MD! I'll be down your way for meetings in Va Beach the end of this month
  13. I'm sending this link to a friend - they're looking for a dachsund!! Could we maybe set up a GUR to the east coast or does the group want to keep him local?
  14. ozgirl2


    How heartbreaking... I'm so sorry...
  15. Could we PLEASE PLEASE have a pic of the "Woe Is Me" Darcy?!?!?! Pretty please?!?!? And Tom - I'm VERY envious you get to visit the Doyle clan!! Please give Darcy the biggest hug ever from her auntie Jeannine!!! (And please hug Sprout too!!!) You can pat all the others from me too...
  16. She did look quite a bit like Renie (but then didn't they both look like LOTS of red brindles?) I think I've mentioned on here before that Azalea (Bowiebears) ACTS so much like Cody, similar traits, etc that it is kind of spooky! So I looked on GreyData, convinced that they were closely related & .... NOTHING in common!!
  17. Tell them to ask the vet about fat in the diet - that would set Cody off every time! And once I gave her a Greenie (ONE!) and that set her off! Vet said they're VERY high in fat... well, if I'd have known THAT, she wouldn't have gotten one!! Hope Hennessey continues to improve - it's a scary thing!
  18. Happy Bridge Anniversary, my Cody girl... (today's the actual day...)
  19. Hugs Christie... today is Cody's 4th bridge anniversary...
  20. ozgirl2

    She's Home

    Welcome home, Ember... I'm glad your vet did the pawprints & some fur... mine didn't and since Cody was my first dog ever, I didn't know to ask (and I should have asked LOOOONG before I needed to...) Tom - I'm celebrating (?) Cody's 4th anniversary at the bridge today - I'm sure she's shown Ember the ropes by now...
  21. Glad he was so good! Hope it helps him a lot.
  22. Yep, she was a HUGE smiler! (Scared the crap out of me the first time I met her... didn't know about the greyhound grin then & thought she was snarling at me!!)
  23. Glad it arrived safely, Tom. It's a fitting place for Ember. [i've done some mosaics from Sarah Snavely's tiles & I love them (more waiting for me to do but I'm slow with the mosaics!)]
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