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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. Welcome from across the Potomac in Maryland!! What group did Enza come from?
  2. I couldn't have said it better myself...
  3. I think Sophia is the first dog I loved but never met!!
  4. Welcome from New Carrollton! Where's Cub Hill? And what group did you use for your pups?
  5. Just a note - Cody always had GI problems. She was allergic to several things - soy and RICE!!! I found this one out when I was doing the boiled chicken & rice & she didn't get any better - she was hunching & screaming like your pup. Called vet - she said - it's the RICE - switch to chicken & pasta. That helped a lot!! So just be aware that some dogs are sensitive to rice (which is in almost EVERYTHING!)
  6. Welcome from Maryland! It'll be here before you know it!!
  7. Welcome from Maryland! Are you in England? (I don't think we have Dogs Today in the US...)
  8. People can get tick paralysis too...
  9. I'm so sorry, Andrea...
  10. So sorry this happened!! Hopefully they can save the tail. I'm always afraid I'll do this to my cats!
  11. Ooooooooh Nooooooo!!! He'll have an even bigger head now that he's a 'journalist' too!!! (I think he needs a hat with a press pass...)
  12. ozgirl2

    *kh Molly*

    Run with the wind, sweet Molly
  13. There's an acupuncturist at the specialty clinic in Springfield - can't remember the name of it though!! Cody had to go there to see a neurologist - and she got acu while there!! And they may know of a chiro for her... If I remember the name, I'll post it - it was a GREAT place!!! Sorry - I see you've found an acu... they are NOT cheap! Hope you get some answers soon!
  14. Welcome from Maryland! What great names! And cute too...
  15. The Greyhounds for Dummies book is great! And the author, Lee Livingood, often speaks at greyhound events, which I'm sure you'll attend once you've been sucked into the cult..... oh... I mean..... the greyhound scene!!
  16. Welcome from Maryland! Loved the intro - and can't wait for pix of your first (and most likely NOT last!) greyhound! PS - I'm currently dog-less - we're VERY outnumbered on this board! (And I'm also a MP nerd... I find I quote stuff & new people just go.... 'Huh?'
  17. Welcome from Maryland!! And I LOVE Wilson's name! That part of the movie still cracks me up... does Wilson have hair like the movie-Wilson??
  18. Hey BJ - Cody used to pull something whenever she ran! They can take awhile to heal up so don't worry much about Major!!! Maybe do some massage on the limping-leg... Cody always liked that (and really, who wouldn't?)
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