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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. Christie - I'm so sorry Argos had to leave - too early...
  2. And you can check with Mo (TinyMityMo) for her Mr. Murphy stories! He's eaten a dozen dinner rolls, and I think one time he got a dozen donuts too!!
  3. Is that a curly brown WIG on him too???? Oh, Winslow, Winslow, Winslow... I think maybe someone from GW better come get you, Sweetie!!! heeheeheeheehee!!
  4. Hugs to you... I'm sorry I didn't get to meet him at Dewey...
  5. OOoooooooh!! If it's hippoboscids, do you think you might be able to collect some??? That'd be COOL!!! If you do, put them in alcohol in a little jar or pill box & I'll figure out how to get them from you...
  6. Sounds good so far... hopefully you can find things that help... and the acu probably would too... Maybe us MDers can do a mini-auction for Carrie-girl's acupuncture!!
  7. No advice since I haven't been there... just a hug...
  8. Congratulations on the chip!!! And that sphinx makes MY back hurt!! That's good!!
  9. Welcome from Maryland!! Thanks for sharing AND for caring!!! And we'll NEVER be tired of pix of your family so post away!!!
  10. Jimmy belonged to a friend - I've known him since he first came up from Florida, and even though he seemed very laid back and non-interactive away from home, he was an absolute doll at his home & I loved him dearly... Her other dog Seamus had been having some health problems so I would have expected to hear that he'd gone to the bridge, but no, it was Jimmy. She had to come back from Dewey early to take him to the vet & he died 3 or 4 days later. I haven't been over to visit since then - I need to go but I know I'll be a wreck and that won't really help my friend, I think... She says Seamus is very very sad so I really should go over soon.... Anyway, run free, Mr. Jimmy JJ Jones... I'll always remember you.... Auntie Jeannine
  11. Hey Jeff - Cody had pancreatitis twice and gastric problems her whole life... Don't give him any Greenies!! I gave Cody one ONCE & she got really really sick!!! My vet said they're very high in fat - had I known that, I'd never have given it to her...
  12. ozgirl2


    Oh, Robin - I'm so sorry... He's a beauty...
  13. If it's liver, can you put him on millk thistle? Prayers for Riley!!
  14. Jenny - I'm so so sorry to hear about George - he was (and will remain) an institution at Greyhound Welfare...
  15. Different families, but they're friends. And I've known both dogs since they got them...
  16. I found out from a friend that her grey Willow has gone to the bridge... I'd known Willow since she got her - a really funny quirky dog. Then I called a friend to make sure she'd heard about Willow & found out she lost her grey Misha about the same time... cancer. So... for my friends and their pups... Run free Willow & Misha...
  17. Hey, congratulations, Kari!!! He's gorgeous~!
  18. Bonnie - I'm so sorry Coby had to leave you.... hugs
  19. Cody swallowed a candle - WHOLE! - once while she was being babysat!! They gave her (and their dog since they didn't know which one ate it!) hydrogen peroxide... OUTSIDE... and they both barfed - it came out the same way it went in... WHOLE - it was Cody... If there was no bottom part, only wax, you could certainly make them vomit it up...
  20. Welcome home, Marigot! I hope I get to meet her at some point!! Just remember... you can take her to ANY meet & greets, not just for your group!! hint, hint, hint... My Cody had pieces missing off BOTH her ears! One had a big chunk missing & the other had healed badly & had a little curved area. And it DID give her character!!
  21. So?....... It's the 29th...... So where are the pictures & stories?!?!?!?!?
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