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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. ozgirl2

    Radar Doyle

    I'm so so sorry, Bev & Marc... Radar & Wallace were 2 of my very favorites...
  2. ozgirl2

    Wallace Doyle

    Oh, Bev... I was afraid I'd see this here today... I'll miss Mr. Wallace - he was such a sweet boy... Hugs to you & Marc.
  3. And a big kiss from me too (Wallace is one of my favorites - I still have his pic magnet on my fridge!)...
  4. So glad her eyes are OK and your house is (mostly) cleaned... BUT... you know it's the RULEZ to take PIX of that kind of thing!! Beads everywhere!!!!!
  5. Yay, Ember!!! (PS... aren't PICTURES supposed to accompany any & ALL Ember threads?!??!?!?!??!!)
  6. Hi Vicki - welcome from Maryland! Happy Thanksgiving!
  7. I used 'em with Cody for years - good stuff! And a really nice company too!
  8. I'm so sorry, Cindy... I remember when I had THunder & you for SS a long time ago...
  9. ozgirl2


    I just found some of the cards in my jacket pocket too!
  10. ozgirl2


    I'm really hoping someone caught him & took him in... easier thinking that. And I will continue to look for him as I drive through those areas
  11. Hopin' for Happy... hopin' for Happy... hopin' for Happy!!
  12. Has the vet ever put your grey on steroids? My Cody had a bulgy disc (and we did do the very expensive MRI...) and was on prednisone for the rest of her life - helped tremendously along with the acupuncture (which we did monthly for the rest of her time). She lived 1.5 years after her back was hurt, died at 12 from something else.
  13. ozgirl2


    OOOOOOOH! Did they get the 'zoi??? ANd I think the Staghound's name is Iris, if I remember correctly...
  14. Welcome - she's gorgeous - and we need MORE PICTURES!! (It's in the rules...)
  15. ozgirl2


    They have TWO (at least last I heard... don' think it's 3 yet!!) The staghound (whose name I can't remember) and Bernie, the deerhound who was lent to them for the search - they're keeping her!
  16. ozgirl2


    Remembering Haggis - I think about him all the time, whenever I pass a spot where he was sighted.... (in reality, I still keep an eye out for him...)
  17. HI & welcome from Maryland too! I used to volunteer with GPA but everything sort of moved north! Say Hi to everyone from me though!
  18. If you want him taking in more water, couldn't you just mix some with his canned food? That's what I do with the cats to get more water into them...
  19. It helped Cody. she had many many bouts with gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, etc and I used Prozyme with her for years on her food. If they don't eat their food right away, it'll turn to absolute MUSH though! She did have firm poos once I got her on a food she wasn't allergic to AND used Prozyme... if you get it online, in the larger bottles, it's LOTS cheaper than from the vet!
  20. ozgirl2


    I'm so sorry... Run & find Pokey, sweetheart...
  21. Cody had a sensitive stomach & colitis/gastritis often during her life... have you tried any digestive enzymes on her food? I had to put it on all Cody's food - it sort of pre-digests it so it goes through easier... might help in your case, might not. I used Prozyme - if you order it online, it's MUCH cheaper than at the vet's! Also, acupuncture might help.
  22. I second the not giving him ANYTHING like peanut butter... if it's HGE, the fats in the PB could make him worse... Cody had a very sensitive stomach & she'd always get sick if she ate something too fatty... Hugs - and I hope he feels better really soon!
  23. I'm so so sorry Mac had to leave you...
  24. Congratulations - she's gorgeous!! Cody was my first dog ever, too! (My only dog so far...) And though we had some blips for the first few months, she was a great first-dog!! And don't be surprised if her ticking (the spots) comes out much more over time!
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